
Chapter 107 - The Paradise Council

The beings called the champions the top of the chain food in Leitol, for this, every time there was a fight between champions a lot of common people will die without reason. The peak of this struggle happen five hundred years ago when the dispute between two champions destroy one town called paradise town, all of their residents die and the land became infertile, after this, the royal family in addition with the four dragons,The four families in command of the north, south, east and west, made an agreement called the "Paradise Council" which estipulate that the champions were forbidden to participate in any internal war, at least, the head of the region agreed with it, if any champion wanted to take any kind of revenge against another one, they will only have one method, and it was to participle in the sky arena in Lavosta Town on the east, of course, not only the champions could fight between them, any person could came in here and make a duel against a champion, in case they win, they will receive the blessing of the god, Alberto was a good example of this.

"That\'s why, we went against the "Paradise council" so the Boltors are sending someone to deliver the respective punishment" Said Felio.

"I didn\'t know that, it seems that "Alfonso" didn\'t study the politics of Leitol quite enough" Though Alfonso.

"I see, if the Boltors are already pissed off with us, we won\'t have a bright future here, after all, they can crush us like a human crush an ant" Said Alfonso.

"That\'s right" Said Felio.

Alfonso analyzed this new information and put the pros and cons in the table.

"Well, it seems that we don\'t have much of a choice here, I didn\'t want to make enemies with the Pentagates thought, it seems that my plans must be accelerated, although the Pentagates wouldn\'t dare to attack me directly, this didn\'t mean that they won\'t attack me at all, I can only hope that the notice of me begin the perpetrator don\'t reach the ears of the Pentagates for at least a year" Thought Alfonso.

"Ahh, shit, my headache is coming back"

Alfonso rubbed his eyebrow.

"Ok, I make my decision, we will make the trade, however, you won\'t come with me ,Felio" Said Alfonso.

"W-why?" Asked Felio.

Of course, he wanted to go! he wanted to go and rescue her daughter the most.

"Because your sentiment will cloud your judgement, we have to approach this task with calm and serenity, I am afraid that, for the moment, you don\'t have any of those, don\'t misunderstand me, I am not saying that is a bad thing, in fact, It will be bad if you didn\'t have them, you understand what I am saying?" Said Alfonso.

Felio made a small sigh and nodded.

"So basically, what you are saying is that I make a stupid and rush decision right?" Said Felio.

"Exactly" Said Alfonso.

"I will respect your decision, Alfonso"

"I beg you"

Felio kneeled in front of Alfonso.

"Please bring back my daughter" Said Felio.


In the middle of a rocky route, three people were travelling by horse, what it seems weird thought, is that these horses were completely white and they were travelling at a really fast speed! Although it was a rocky route, this didn\'t slow down their peace.

The three members of this party were one young woman and two sturdy guys behind her.

"Miss Anastasia, we will be arriving at Arcadia inn two weeks at this speed" Said one of the men behind her.

"I got it, it really unfair though, if father lend me \'big white\' I will arrive in less than three days, ahh, father is really hateful" Said the young lady.

Anastasia Boltor was the third child of the head of the Boltor family, Elrick Boltor, as well as his only daughter, she had a long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was rearing a small light silver armor with a sword hanging on her waist.

"Miss Anastasia, this time, we have two missions, the first one is to discover the true behind the war between Arcadia and Tulip" Said the other man.

"I get it, I don\'t understand why father care about this small towns though, they don\'t provide anything useful to us, maybe Arcadia a little bit more than Tulip, but, at the very end, both towns are second class towns at the most, now if we were talking about Braxton or Ditilio, now that would be another issue, it would more interesting at the very least" Said Anastasia.

"If Ditilio was on the stake, then I am afraid that not to mention use, even your big brother won\'t be able to interfere, that\'s the Veritia family territory after all" Said one of the men.

"I know I am just saying, although big brother is powerful, I don\'t think that he can win against the Queen of winds, he wouldn\'t lose though" Said Anastasia.

"Well, that\'s true" Said the other men.

"Anyway the important business isn\'t that task, is the other one, right?" Said Anastasia.

"That\'s right, in fact, the other business is just a façade, the important task is to retrieve the youngest son of the Pentagate Family, Lucio Pentagate, who is currently a prisoner on Arcadia" Said one of the men.

"This task is extremely important, not only because we will have a card trap for the royal banquet in one year, but it will be a huge blow to the Pentagate family" Said the other man.

"I know, the one who capture him was… mmm? What was his name again?" Said Anastasia.

"Its Felio grego, the current lord of Arcadia as well as the son-in-law of the Veritia family" Said one men.

"Tsk, a Veritia son-in-law? I didn\'t think that those egotistic idiots will agree to something like these, this smells funny don\'t you think?" Said Anastasia.

The two men didn\'t answer.

"Anyway, this is also good, I heard that Lucio had quite the reputation" Said Anastasia while moving her right hand.

Suddenly, some sparks appeared in her hand forming a current that travelled to all her body.

Her blue eyes suddenly turned golden yellow!

"I heard that he is quite strong, let see if he can entertain me for some time" Said Anastasia with a small yet cold smile.

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