
Chapter 31 Soul Bond

Damn! There\'s no reaction from her! Instead, a slight smile forms on her face. And she seems to be staring at me, right into my eyeballs.


Looking at her, her eyes begin to turn moist like she has been holding back her tears for a long time.

Damn! Did I touch her where I\'m supposed not to touch? crying must be the pattern of her anger just like when Savina laughs sheepishly anytime she\'s mad...

I try to remove my hands around her waist, but my hand did not budge.

"Vincent~ After all these years, you impregnated me and never returned. I have waited for 70 years! But I have finally seen you!" She cries loudly and hugs me like she is trying to suffocate me.

Fuck!... Is this woman mad or something like that?! Where do I even know her... I should have known that she is a madwoman. No sane woman would instantly start clinging to a man so easily..... Shit! I have to get out of here.

"Ahem...Evelyn, I think you\'ve got the wrong person. I\'m just a 17-year-old boy." I tell her with an awkward expression on my face while I try to free myself from her. However, my muscles didn\'t budge, no matter how I flex them.

She looks at me with her teary eyes and begins to sniff my clothes.

Shit! Now, this clearly shows that she is a madwoman... She\'s sniffing me like a werewolf!

"Please let go of me, Evelyn, my uncle is waiting for me, I\'m going to come back, I promise." I lie through my teeth and clench my jaws, hoping that the madwoman changes her mind.

"You are not going anywhere! Not, until you know everything!" She roars in anger and her face begins to show red...

Fuck... What did I do to this madwoman!

Suddenly, she waves her hand in the air, and a teleportation ring appears in her hand, it\'s just like my master\'s own.

Before I can even protest, she tosses the ring into the air, and a huge white portal appears. 

She grabs my hand and drags me into the portal...

To be honest, she is somewhat strong because I can\'t even move my hands under her grip.

The soothing sensation of the portal overwhelms me as we hop inside. But damn..... I\'m not after the sensation, I just want to move away from this crazy woman...

I struggle to free myself from her but she keeps crushing my chest with her huge melons.


We land inside a medium-size room, painted white with rows of lights illuminating it. The room is somewhat furnished but all the items inside are old items that are no longer useful. By the side of the room, lays a huge bed...


She wants us to do it now? This woman is crazy... 

I curse and yank her hand away from mine.

Contrary to my expectations, she releases me with her eyes that are full of sadness, then she begins to walk toward a picture that was hanging on the wall. The picture looks blurry to me because it has been covered with a thick layer of dust.

She dismantles the picture from the wall and begins to walk toward me with it in her hands. At the same time, I begin to take a few steps backward because I don\'t know what this madwoman is up to again. 

Suddenly she stops a few inches from my face and uses her clothes to wipe off the dust on the picture frame. 

"Do you care to explain this?" She says, almost shoving the picture into my face.

I glance at the picture in front of me with my mouth opened agape.....

The person in the picture I-Is me,  to be precise an older version of me, and the person by my side is...Evelyn!

Fuck! I have to be dreaming...

I fling the picture to the side of the room causing it to shatter and I can see Evelyn\'s eyes turning moist like she is about to break down any moment.

"This is pure madness! I may look like the person in that picture, but we aren\'t the same person. As you said, you have waited for 70 years and if I\'m to guess your age, you are about 100 years old. You have got the wrong person." I say and I begin to look for the exit of the room.

Suddenly, Evelyn wraps her hands around me from behind and begins to sob...

For some unknown reason, I feel a sharp pain in my heart. I did not know this woman but it hurts me to see her cry.

I turn around and look into her eyes...

Suddenly, she plants her lips on mine and begins to suck my mouth.

Fuck... I\'m not going to allow a woman to dominate me.

In the heat of the moment, I did not consider what transpired between us, only one thing was etched in my mind; Lust!

I wrap my hands around her plump ass and give it a squish...

Dayum~ my fingers sink into her soft and huge ass.

While we wrestle with our mouths, my hands slowly move toward the zip of her skimpy skirt, and I begin to pull it down.

However, Evelyn catches my hand after unzipping her skirt halfway down with her blue pantie slowly showing...

She shakes her head and removes my hand while staring into my eyes, with her chest heaving fast.

"Vincent, you can\'t do anything with me, not until you acknowledge me as your wife. I won\'t get angry with you for breaking the only picture of me and you because I have clearly understood what happened to you." She says and begins to walk towards the broken picture.

Then she continues talking;

"I should have explained to you properly instead of acting on instinct. I\'m sorry.

70 years ago, you and I got married, and we loved each other so much that we could barely be separated. Our love grew to the extent that we made a forbidden covenant, the \'Soul Bond.

With this soul bond, if any one of us dies, we would reincarnate and get back together in one way or another till our souls cease to exist."

"Why the Soulbond might sound cool, it isn\'t. It might take decades if not centuries for us to get back together. Pending the time before we reunite, we can never have any other love interest. In fact, if we force ourselves to have sex, we are going to die and reincarnate again, it\'s like an endless cycle. 

I\'m saying this because after we got married, the day I got pregnant, you went out and never came back. Only after a few days....they did bring back your corpse.  

I was devastated, I just got pregnant, I couldn\'t even tell you. I paused the growth of my pregnancy and waited for you for several decades....b-but you didn\'t show up.

After 65 years of waiting, I couldn\'t take it anymore. I was lonely, devastated, and mentally broken. Fortunately, our baby is still intact in my belly. I let her begin to grow and I conceived. Now she\'s five years old and has always been curious about her father...

Luckily, here you are. I sensed your soul signature and made you hit your foot on a stone causing you to stumble. It took me all my mental strength not to pounce on you in public and kiss you all over.

Now, Vincent Oswald, are you ready to take responsibility for me and your daughter Ciara? Although, I noticed that our soul bond got broken somehow, something which is almost impossible. However, I do not care about how that happened, you are mine, and you will always be mine." She says and begins to walk towards me with lust on her face.

A lust that has been hidden for almost a century...

Fuck! All this shit doesn\'t seem to make sense.....

Maybe it makes sense, after all, I died after seeing a pussy for the first time and reincarnated into this world with the same name and the same looks...

This can\'t be a coincidence, right? Does that mean I have lived in this world once before reincarnating to Earth?...

Shit! Nothing makes sense here...

[Everything makes sense Vincent, Mimi didn\'t tell you, you are formerly bounded by a Soulbond, and Evelyn isn\'t lying, she\'s telling the truth. You breaking up with Hilda was Mimi and Hilda\'s plan all along. If you had engaged with Hilda and had sex with her, you would have been dead and reincarnated again, resulting in you living another round of misery, and accumulating more bad karma. 

However, after reaching the age of 17, the system\'s third tier broke the \'Soulbond and caused you to lose Hilda. If only Mimi had carried out her plan in a smart way, tch tch...]

Hearing the strange girl\'s voice, different emotions began to surge through me.

Have I wronged Hilda? I must find her as soon as possible to know the depth of this whole thing.....

At the same time, I can see Evelyn slowly removing her dress...

"Darling, do you know that this was the same bed where you dis-virgin me the previous day? Now make me feel like a woman, once again".....

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