
Volume 6, 4 - The Promise That Day

Volume 6, Chapter 4 - The Promise That Day

It was over ten years ago.

Louise, who was at her brothers side as he grew weaker day by day, spoke to Leon.

“Leon, are you cold?”

“It’s okay, si— cough, cough. ”

Seeing Leon coughing, Louise quickly clasped his hand.

The doctor didn’t know why Leon was getting weaker and weaker. Originally, the sacred tree—the coat of arms should have protected him!

The emblems of the six great noble families should have repelled any disease! But it didn’t!

“Leon, get a grip.”

Louise’s emblem emitted a warm glow and tried to heal Leon, but it was ineffective.

However, Leon smiled and mouthed his thanks. “Thank, you sister. I’m fine.”

Louise knew it was a gentle lie from Leon.

“You’ll be fine. You’re going to be fine. Me, mom and dad are working hard for you.”

They contacted numerous doctors.

They even bought some secret foreign medicines. Still, Leon never recovered.

Louise took Leon’s hand in hers.

“Leon, what will you do when you’re well?” “Umm… oh yeah! The New Years’ Festival!” While coughing, he told her his wish.

“New Years’ Festival?”

“I was told that I couldn’t attend because it was too dangerous, the last time I tried.”

Louise and Leon couldn’t participate because they were too young. “Hmm. Well, why don’t you go in the cave with me?”

Leon laughed and refused. “W-Why?!”

“Sis, I-I have a fiance, so I’ll be going in with her. I haven’t met her yet. My number one is her. It would be rude to go in with you instead of her.” Seeing Leon smiling, Louise burst into tears.

“You idiot!”

“Wait, don’t cry. Yeah, that’s right. I’ll go in the cave with you! I’m sure they’ll let me go in twice.”

“You womanizer!”

Leon rubs Louise back to comfort her.

“I’m sorry. I’ll definitely get better and attend the New Years’ Festival. Then I’ll go in the cave with you.”

“It’s absolute. I won’t forgive you if you lie.”


Seeing her brother’s weak smile, Louise became sad.

As soon as New Year’s began, a New Years’ party was to be held. “It’s not what I imagined.”

“What were you imagining?”

“Well… it’s called New Years’ Festival, so a New Year’s vigil?”

When we arrived at the New Years’ Festival, we found an amusement park.

Well-dressed adults were smiling and taking kids around the park. The kids were playing on the rides, clearly enjoying themselves.

It looked like the amusement parks in foreign drama.

I had imagined a festival lined with food stalls, but it was different. \' --Master, please be careful!

“You, do you think I\'m going to get lost?”

I thought it was either sarcasm or sarcasm, as usual, when Luxion told me to be careful, but I was wrong.

Someone was staring at us.

I\'m not sure if it\'s a good idea for me to do so, however.

It was Lelia, but I was surprised to see another presence that I was more interested in than Lelia, although she was very well dressed.

“Hey, what\'s the meaning of this? There\'s a duplicate of you with her.” “Unknown. It’s probably from the second otome game, it has a presence

similar to me. It\'s surprising to see my kind in this era.” The blue Luxion noticed us.

As Leila approached, she brushed her side ponytail away with her side ponytail away with her left hand and turned it to her back.

Her confident demeanor was very different to the one before winter break.

“It’s been a while.” “Happy New Years.”

When I tried to greet her in the usual Japanese New Years’ way, she blushed, as if she thought I was teasing her.

“Are you trying to make fun of me?”

“I’m not making fun of you. I exchanged Japanese greetings with Marie today. I almost cried. It’s nice to be able to say ‘Happy New Years’ after such a long time.”

As I laughed, a disgruntled Lelia turned to the blue guy. “Say hello, Ideal.”


The blue one? The one in front of me—no, in front of Luxion.

“It’s nice to meet you, please call me Ideal. It’s a surprise to see you. (he’s referring to Luxion) I’ve heard of you before, but it’s a miracle to

meet Luxion in this day and age. Let’s continue to be friends in the future, shall we?”

It was a very friendly AI.

However, Luxion\'s reaction was cold.

“It\'s a supply ship, is it? It looks like you\'ve been alerted to us for quite some time? Yet, my intelligence gathering has not noticed you at all.”

“Supply ship?”

I look at Lelia. She has her arms crossed and looks somewhat triumphant.

“Ideal is a supply ship. Luxion is a transport ship, but Ideal is a military transport ship. Isn\'t it great?”

A military transport ship.

Great, but I don\'t know how great it is. “What\'s so great about Ideal, Luxion?”

“It\'s a great warship against newcomers. If you compare the performance to my main body, there will be a number of points of victory.”

That\'s great.

Was it because of this guy\'s performance that Luxion hadn\'t noticed it before? But Luxion was suspicious of it.

“What\'s wrong?”

Ideal was approaching me.

“You must be Luxion’s master, Mr. Leon. Thank you for your continued support of Luxion.”

“You know about us?”

I glanced at Lelia, though she didn’t return it. “Ideal, that’s enough of your greetings.” “Copy that.”

Ideal obediently followed Lelia’s instructions, unlike another AI I know. I looked at said AI and he noticed.

He seems to have understood what I want to say.

“If you have something to say, why don’t you put it in words, Master?” “Why don’t you follow Ideal and respect me a little?”

“I will try my best.”

Why do you hate respecting me so much? These AI are too stubborn. Lelia looked at us and laughed a little foolishly.

“You guys really don’t get along, do you? You’re not even recognized as his master.”


“Well, Ideal isn’t as stubborn. He has flaws, but if I point them out he will try his best to fix them.”

I looked at Ideal, he nodded.

“Thanks to Lelia-sama, I’ve been released from my standby. That much is natural.”

I envy the relationship between them. I shoot Luxion a glance.

“Aren’t you gonna thank me, too?”

“For how long have I wiped master’s back? I’m the one owed a thanks.” This guy, I have a feeling he’s really going to betray me one day.

No, he’d already betrayed me.

Lelia looks at the clock in the hall and starts walking away.

“I’m busy today, so I’ll take my leave. Let’s meet again. We have to talk about the future. Ideal, let’s go.” “Yes, Master.”

After I left Lelia and Ideal, I headed to the meeting place with Louise. Louise was more dressed up than usual.

I\'m wearing a coat over my suit, and Louise wraps her arms around me. There\'s something that bothers me.

“There are a lot of small children here.”

Yes. I heard that Louise and Leon could not attend because they were too young. And yet, there were many children in the hall.

“—Father made it possible for the children to attend too.” “Mr. Alberg?”

“I told you I\'m not the only one who felt sad. Okay, we\'re getting started. Come on over here and join us.”

She pulled me by the arm to a even more decorated stage.

Sacred tools were also set up, and this was the only place where the atmosphere was different from the others.

The heads of the six great noble families had gathered to thank the Holy Tree, pray, and declare their vows.

A large number of other nobles have also gathered there.

In the midst of all of this, Louise pointed to a cave with a eye-catching gate.

“That’s the cave, with the stone monument. That’s where you got to take your vows. We’ll both go in there. It’s made of tree roots.”

The fact it was made of tree roots didn’t bother me, this was a fantasy world. But was it right for me to go in there with her?

“Are you sure you want me to go with you? Even if we look alike, I’m—”

I’m not the real Leon Jr.

That’s what I was trying to say, but Louise squeezed my arm very hard.

“It’s quite rude of you to run away now. Or did you feel bad for your fiance’s? I’m sorry if it’s that, but good friends can go in too.”

I put myself in Louise’s shoes. If I went into the cave alone, it would be like hell.

I would definitely not attend, and just run away.

If you don’t have a partner, this is not a gathering you want to attend. “Well… I’ve never been in the cave before.”


“You know, I made a promise. I promised my brother I’d go in with him. That’s why I haven’t gone in with somebody, until today.”

Would it be right for me to be her first time?

As I was thinking that, the hostess announced that the ritual was over and that it was time to go into the cave to pray.

The place became noisy.

A young man was standing nearby and told a woman that he had been in love with her for a long time.

Jessica—I\'ve always been in love with you. Come into the cave with me.

—Jessica - I\'ve been in love with you for a long time, come with me to the cave and I will pray to the Sacred Tree for our future together.

A man on his knees holding a woman\'s hand.

He has a lot of courage to confess in a place like this. But the world is not that easy—.

“I\'m glad. Jack, I\'ve been waiting to hear those words for a long time.”

—What? She accepted!

Everyone around me is applauding the new couple.

I was caught up in it, too, and gave them a crackling, unwilling applause. Then, confessions of love began everywhere.

“Ms. Louise, what is this?”

“It\'s rather normal to confess at times like this. It\'s quite popular.”

She looked at me smiling, but being a foreigner, I couldn\'t understand it.

What a surprise! Contrary to the kingdom, the women and the men in this country are very kind. I can\'t help but remember when I confessed my love to some Kingdom women and they said to me, “Come back after looking in the mirror.”

“The Republic is so nice.” “Really?”

I thought about telling Louise the details of the kingdom\'s situation, but it would damper the mood. If you look at the cave, there is a line of people waiting in line.

“It looks like we won\'t be able to get in for a while.” “Yeah. Then you want to go have some fun?”

She took me by the arm and headed to where the amusement park was located.

Louise was dressed as an adult woman in a dress but was smiling innocently like a child.

After inviting Leon to the mobile amusement park, Louise made her way through the crowd.

Arm in arm with Leon, they looked like first-time lovers. A bewildered Leon was led around by a fluttering Louise. “Let’s go to that one.”

When Louise pointed to the stall, Leon looked surprised. “A food stall?”

“I don\'t usually go to food stalls, but at a place like this you have to experience everything.”

I’m sure it’ll be fun, even if Leon Jr. isn’t here, was what Louise was thinking.

"Is Leon is uncomfortable in these places?

She was worried about Leon, who was confused.

She was also sorry for making him go along with his selfishness. Leon has a fiancé and it would be distressing if she suspected him of cheating on her.

He might’ve explained the situation to his fiance’s, but even if a woman might understand in theory, her heart would always think differently.

Leon was slow in that area, so Louise was even more worried.

“No, I\'m confused by the atmosphere, which isn\'t present in the kingdom, it\'s fun. And being taken by a beautiful woman~ What a great time to be a man."

“Leon, you should learn a little more about women\'s mindset. You\'ll get stabbed by your fiance’s.”

Laughing at Louise\'s words, Leon had the attitude that it didn\'t matter to him.

He was worried about Louise.

Should I solve her problems before returning to the Kingdom?

Being attached to a person who looks like her brother—Leon couldn’t leave her alone.

Lelia was waiting for her turn to enter the cave.

She was a great noble, but the couples who had successfully confessed would be given priority.

Next to enter are the officials of the six great nobles.

It is not natural that couples are given priority over the six noble families, but in the world of otome games, it is understandable.

The romantic events take precedence in an otome game.

It was time for Lelia to enter the cave, but there are so many people that she cannot find Emile.

“Ideal, can\'t you find Emile?”

“Apparently he\'s talking and can\'t come over here.” “You\'re leaving your fiancé alone at a time like this! It\'s almost the end of our time to get in!”

The prayers of the lovers were over, and now the people involved with the six noble families were entering. That time was also running out.

“It sounds like an important person. It\'s a serious discussion and I’d feel bad interrupting it.”

“Artificial intelligence has feelings? Ha! That\'s good.” “Could it be someone in the family business?”

Lelia knew that Emile was serious, so she decided to wait for a while. Suddenly, her arm was grabbed by someone in the crowd.


The other party was—Serge in his suit. “Lelia, come with me.”

Lelia was flustered as her arms were forcefully pulled back. \' Wait a minute! Where are you taking me?!\'

Serge pulled her towards the cave.

An announcement was made in the hall. “Next!”

The time for the officials of the six great nobles was coming to an end, and we were in a hurry. Me and Louise lost track of time and that’s why we’re in this situation.

“I\'m sorry. Can we still go in?”, Louise asked the attendant, who looked a little confused.

"It\'s all right, but actually…” “Then we\'ll go in. I\'m sorry.”

It was brighter inside than expected.

It reminds me of the lanterns I saw at the fair. “It\'s pretty bright.”

“Yeah, you\'re right,” Louise let out a sigh, “I\'m tired.”

Louise was out of breath from running as fast as she could. Louise put her hand on her chest.

“I would have regretted it for a long time if I hadn\'t made it in time.”

“Don\'t worry, if you don\'t make it in time, you can use your power as a great noble to get in anyway.”

“That’s true, but I don\'t like that.”

The walls and ceiling felt like wooden roots.

If you touch them, there was a lumpy feeling, like something damp.

Moss grew and small tree branches grew in places. Louise leaned closer to me.

“I wanted to come here with my brother, who was feeling better," she said.

“I promised him that I would. But Leon didn\'t make it past that year.” Let\'s try to be a proper stand-in this time.

“Then you\'ve made good on your promise.”

“—But, you know, I’ve broken a lot of promises. There are several others. Leon, are you a liar?” “No, I\'m not.”

Louise\'s expression softened.

“I\'m sure I\'ll be able to help you in your time of need, as payment.” she said.

She said that since she was supposed to get the guardian\'s crest. I’m sure she would be a great guardian.

She\'s a great kid.

“Now that I think about it, I was a very lucky child. He even proposed to me, and gave me a ring made of paper.” She smiled, but her expression quickly turned sad and forlorn.

“A ring for your sister? I would never be able to do that.”

“Speaking of which, Leon, you said you had an older sister, don\'t you? Didn\'t you say she set a bomb or something? You\'re kidding me, right?” “It\'s true. They tried to kill me.’

It was because of a cold-hearted, scumbag named Jilk, though! But she’s still a bad sister.

“Wow. You’ve got a horrible family. How about joining ours?” “Haha, that’s a great suggestion.”

“No, really. We really thought about adopting you— my parents, and me.”

“I’m in no position to be adopted, and even if you succeed, it’ll take a lot of trouble.”

“Besides, my parents are kind, and so is my brother.” Though my sister is troubling.

Huh? My family would be pretty good if it weren’t for my sisters. “Oh, you’re good friends with everyone but your sister.”

“What are you trying?!”

Lelia was planning to go in with Emile, originally, but Serge forced her to accompany him.

When Serge let go of her hand, Lelia fell down, next to the wall. Ideal, who was at her side, reprimanded Serge for his action. “I’m not impressed. I didn’t expect you to force a woman.”

“Everyone saw you and I at the entrance! What am I supposed to tell Emile?!”

Serge, who had been silent until now, turned serious.

He placed his hand on the wall next to Lelia and brought his face close.

“Why do you care about the guy talking with strangers rather than with you?”

How does he know what Emile is doing?

Lelia narrowed her eyes. “No way, you—”

“I just asked someone to pull him away from you. But Emile could have declined talking to him. It was up to him.”

Hearing that, Lelia lowered her head.

Really, Emile, you don\'t understand a women\'s mind. I thought you were a serious one, but I didn\'t expect you to be so boring.

Lelia was reminded of the person she was engaged to in her previous life. That person, unlike Emile, was fun to be with.

But—they still broke up.

Reflecting on that, she chose the serious Emile as her lover in this life. But not much changed.

Still, Lelia had no intention of betraying Emile. \' —Serge, stop it.”

Why is that? I love you more than him.” “You can say as many words as you like—?” “Ooh, that\'s bold.”

Ideal was carefree and impressed, but Lelia was panicked. That\'s because Serge had kissed her.

Lelia\'s mouth was blocked by Serge\'s mouth.

She tried to resist, but she couldn\'t escape from Serge’s grip, who very strong.

However, that resistance wasn\'t serious either.

For several minutes, Lelia and Serge remained as they were.

When Serge finally released her, Lelia turned over when he finally let her go.

Her mind was reeling from Serge\'s passionate behavior, something Emile had never had before.

Serge whispers his love to Lelia\'s reddened ear.

“I\'m serious. I really want you. I was really surprised when I found out that you were engaged to Emile. I was so frustrated that my eyes went completely dark.”

The tone of his voice didn\'t seem like a joke, and Serge was not going to let go until he heard Lelia\'s answer.

“Lelia—I want a family with you. A real family.” “Family?”

Perhaps sensing the air, Ideal was silent. He didn\'t interrupt them.

“Serge, I\'m not! I\'m sorry. I can\'t do it.”

When Lelia replied, Serge narrowed his eyes and looked sad. “I see. I\'m sorry.”

Amidst the awkward air, Ideal turns towards the entrance. “Oops, I shouldn\'t have forced myself to interrupt you.

Some people have caught up to us.” The person there—was Louise.

She came running up to them.

“What the hell are you guys thinking!” The person behind her looked surprised. “Serge?”

Just as Lelia\'s side is crowded by Louise.

“Lelia, did you come here on your own volition?” “No! It\'s—”

Serge forced me to come to him.

As Lelia was about to say that—Serge punched the wall. Both Lelia and Louise turned their gazes to Serge.

Serge, trembling with anger, stared at Louise. “What do you mean, Louise! Who is that guy!”

As Louise stepped back from Serge, the man who approached interrupted them. Ideal greets him in a disciplined manner.

“That was a very quick reunion.”

“—Who’s this guy?”

I encountered a capture target, a boy, and it was strange. The hostility he showed towards me was tremendous.

Hate? Hate? Why?

It\'s true that I rampaged through the Republic, but I should have done nothing to this guy personally.

And why would he hate me so much?

Serge stares at me with a wrinkled brow, blood flowing from his fist that punched the wall. It seems he was so angry he didn’t even feel the pain.

“Huh? We\'ve never met before, right?”

Lelia was puzzled as she looked around for help.

However, it seems that Louise-san knew what was going on.

“This is our first meeting. I\'m sure you\'re not the only one who\'s interested in this.”

“Who are you?”

With the way he was about to hit me, I knew I was about to get in trouble again.

Are the capture targets all this troublesome?

When someone comes out of a fight, all I can think of is

“Nice to meet you. I\'m Leon Fou Bartford. I\'m from the Holfort Kingdom—”

While I was greeting him, he hit me out of nowhere. I was blown backwards and fell on my ass.

Louise runs up to me and hugs me up.

“Leon-kun! Serge, do you have any idea what you\'ve done! He is a foreign nobleman. He\'s a foreign nobleman, and if you lay your hands on him—”

Lelia seems to be confused by the suddenness of the event. “Wha, why? Serge, what\'s going on?”

When Lelia called out to him, Serge turned his gaze to Louise. “Leon? What, have you found a replacement for me?”

“—I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, but you should apologize to him. You have no idea what you\'re doing.”

“It doesn\'t matter! He\'s got your brother\'s name and your brother\'s face.” “I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, nor do I care.”

Louise is just trying to fulfill her promise to Leon Jr. When I try to complain, Luxion approaches me.

“It\'s another nuisance. The Master seems to love attracting trouble.” “I didn’t like getting hit by him, you know?”

“Oh, I see. So, do you want to get rid of it (Serge)?”

I was waiting for the usual radical comment, but this time Ideal answered.

“I\'m don’t think that’s a good idea, Luxion.” “You attacked us first, didn\'t you?”

“It’s not very nice to eliminate everything we disagree with.” “It\'s more decent than I expected.”

I\'m not sure if the artificial intelligence I got is just an outlier, but this AI seems nice.

“For now, let\'s just finish the prayer and go outside. You there! Remember this when we get outside.” I\'m a man of vengeance.

And I\'m gonna make him pay.

“Why don’t we finish this right here?”

Serge was about to reach for his hand, but Lelia stopped him with a hug.

“Serge, wait! This guy is really dangerous. I\'ll explain later, but for now, let\'s go outside.”

“Sh*t! Lelia, let\'s get to the back of the room!”

Louise took out a handkerchief and held his bleeding nose. “I\'m sorry. I didn\'t know you were here. I\'m so sorry” she said, looking at Louise, who was depressed, and she lost all sense of blame.

“Shall we finish our prayers first? You\'re going to make good on your promise, right?”


Following Serge and Lelia\'s back, we headed for the stone monument at the back.


It\'s smaller than I thought it would be.

When I heard about the stone monument that the holy tree protects, I imagined a large one, but the actual one was small. However, the holy tree is rooted to protect the monument alone.

“So, should I pray to this?”

Mr. Louise nods and shows me how to do it.

“Hold my hand. —Yes, and close your eyes and pray.

It\'s said that if your prayers and wishes reach the Holy Tree, it will answer them.”

An exasperated Serge laughed at Louise\'s words.

“What a childish superstition. If your wishes were truly granted, your brother would not have died.”

At Serge\'s words, Louise hugged herself. It\'s not a good idea, Lelia stopped him.

“Serge, let\'s get this over with and get back.”

Well, I don\'t care what I have to do, because I got what I wanted.

I say a few words to Serge as he tries to pray. “You\'re an asshole”


I close my eyes to silently say a prayer. Then—I felt the ground shake.

When I hurriedly opened my eyes, I saw that Louise was emitting a light. “Eh? Ah, that?”

She doesn\'t understand what\'s happening either.

And the emblem on the back of Louis-Se\'s hand is shining. “Luxion, what’s happening!”


Lelia was also checking with Ideal to see what was happening. “Ideal, what\'s going on?”

“We are currently investigating. I\'m not sure if it\'s a good idea. No, it speaks to me in my head.”

“Look at the treetops! It\'s in bloom!”

“It seems that the tree is delivering a message.” “The plant?”

“It would be better if you didn\'t think of the Holy Tree as just a plant.

I\'ve got more than that, I\'ve been able to analyze it.\' said Luxion, playing back the voice of the holy tree clearly.

It was too horrible to be true.

“Sacrifice your daughter to the flowers blooming in the treetops.” \' Sacrifice?\'

Quickly, I looked at Louise, who had just shone a light. Her knees collapsed and she hugged himself.


I pull her up and make her stand, and I immediately tell everyone here in a strong tone of voice.

“Considering the situation in the Republic and what just happened! I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Okay, don\'t tell anyone when we leave.” Lelia cringed, as if she hadn\'t expected it. “But—”

“It\'s okay. I\'ll take care of it. So don\'t ever tell anyone.”

I was about to hug Louise and go outside when I saw something dazzling. “I heard voices.”

“You\'ll be fine. I won\'t let them sacrifice you. As long as you don\'t say anything, no one will ever know.”

“No, no. No, no. —No, no, no. —I heard Leon. I hear Leon.” “—What?”

A trembling Louise said and spilled her tears.

Louise, supported by Leon, heard a voice. It was a familiar voice.

Her brother Leon\'s voice. But that voice was suffering. “Painful… Sis… Help…”

Louise covered her ears, but the voice echoed directly into her head. From the crest on the back of her right hand, she could hear Leon\'s voice. He really looked like he was in pain.

“I\'m scared. . . sister—and me. —I miss you. I—I\'m all alone in the holy tree.\' Louise cried.

“I\'m sorry. I\'m sorry, Leon. I\'ll will be able to help you. So—just bear with it a little longer.”

She couldn\'t stop crying as she imagined her little brother trapped in the Holy Tree.

“Sis! I\'m inside!”

My brother, who couldn\'t help himself—is calling me.

For Louise, it was worth the sacrifice. While tears were spilling from her eyes, Ideal speaks to her.

“Are you okay? Do you hear something?” “I hear my brother’s voice.”

“What does he sound like.”

“He’s in pain. I need to help him.” “Even at the expense of yourself?”

At the words of Ideal, Leon realizes what Louise is thinking. “What are you trying to do?!”

“Hmm. I don’t have enough information. You should hurry out.” Leon pulls Louise by her hand.

“Louise, please don’t say anything when you go outside, alright?”

He may be trying to protect her, but Louise didn’t want herself protected.

You\'re worried about me. But—I\'m sorry. I\'m going to stand by my brother. It\'s the least I can do to make amends.

While everyone was hurrying out. Only Ideal remained at the back of the cave, looking at the stone monument.

He floated around it for a while, until he heard Lelia calling out in the distance.

“Ideal, where are you?!”

Then it began to move slowly.

When he caught up with Lelia and the others, he regained his normal condition.

“Excuse me, Maam. I\'m sorry I\'m late.” “What the hell were you doing?”

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