
Chapter 310 - 309 - Attack On The Elves(Part 4)

Chapter 310 - 309 - Attack On The Elves(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Hacte Routh


"Hahaha, this is truly masterful! Sometimes I impress myself, this is brilliant," I chuckled with a sense of triumph, as I took in my handiwork.

"Indeed, this is quite efficient," Said Druj with a nod.

He and I had come across a populated area, and as we did, an idea of pure genius came to me. I had him throw the Elves into a panic with a few well-placed Blessed Obliteration explosions, and I then used my Corruption Magic to turn several of them into monsters and then had them go attack the other Elves.

And now, all I need to is sit back and watch as my Elf flesh monsters do my bidding. I have long since lost count of how many Elves that I have killed so far after coming here, but there is no doubt that the number is quite high.

"It appears that nearly all the Elves in this area have been killed," I remarked, hopping down from the tree we were perched on with a sigh, "Most of my flesh monsters are reaching their limits, I suppose I ought to replace them."

I then walked over to the surviving Elves in this area, three of them, all appearing to be young children, fear and tears in their eyes as I approached them. They let out cries of terror as I reached down and grabbed their heads, before their cries turned to deep, grotesque growled, as they transformed into monsters loyal to me.

"A bit on the small side, but they will do for now, I can find more suitable replacements quite easily," I stated with a smirk, when suddenly, something struck my left side and sent me flying off to the right, skidding along the ground painfully.

Who dares-!? An Elf...I see, this one must have hidden while I was slaughtering the rest in this area. How foolish of him to emerge like this...

"You heartless monster, how could you!? They were only children!" He yelled furiously.

He seems quite old...this Elf is no threat to me.

"I care not, we intend to slay all of you Elves, and that would certainly include the young," I replied with a laugh, "You fool, had you remained hidden, you may have been spared for now. Instead, I shall now turn you into-...argh, what the-!?"

What is this, I cannot move! A paralysis spell?

"Now, you die!" Exclaimed the Elf, firing a piercing blast of wind at me.

"Tch, protect me!" I exclaimed, struggling to break free of the spell.

Before his attack could strike me, one of the Elf children that I had just turned into a flesh monster quickly sprang up in front of me, right as I broke free of the spell and leapt out of the way, the wind spear piercing through the chest of my flesh monster and bursting out through its back.

I then let out a growl of fury and shot towards the Elf at top speed, taking care to stay out of the line of his palms to avoid getting struck by another spell. I evaded as he fired out wind blasts at me, before closing in and slipping behind him. Before he could react, I swiftly grabbed the back of his neck and paralyzed him using Corruption Magic.

"Y-you...m-monster...," He growled spitefully, as I laughed gleefully.

"Hahahaha, how pitiful! Did you truly think that you were capable of challenging me with such paltry skills!?" I laughed, before adding with a sneer, "Now, I shall transform you, upon which you will do my bidding!"

He let out a scream of pain as I mutated his body, turning him into another flesh monster to replace the one that he had just wasted. Ah, there we go, it is done.

"Are you finished? We should keep going, Lady Belia is sure to be pleased the greater the number of Elves we slay," Spoke up Druj.

"I do not care about that, I simply plan to enjoy myself. And yes, I am finished, but I would have appreciated it had you assisted me when that Elf appeared," I remarked with a frown.

"You did not request my assistance, so I did not think to provide it," He replied curtly.

Tch, if not for his value with the combination of Light and Dark Magic, Blessed Obliteration, I would kill him right here and now for his insolence. I will not be disrespected.

"Let us be on our way, there are still many Elves left to be slaughtered," I stated, as I headed for the cover of the trees.

For now, I shall derive pleasure from continuing to spread terror throughout this forest of Elves...


Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


Sheesh, what\'s taking that Elf so long? Guess he can\'t use General Magic very well, or else he\'d likely have already teleported to Sant and reported what had happened. Though I\'d imagine that after he does reach Sant and report this, the response is going to be pretty quick.

After all, in my experience, the Elemental Sages are also skilled with casting regular spells, teleportation is no problem for them...well, with one exception this time, though. I\'m referring to the Wind Sage...that Elf is definitely a former human reincarnated with his past memories intact, that much is obvious just from the way he talks.

Also, when Kuro fought him and the Lightning Sage, the latter was the one that teleported them both away from him. But if they\'d planned to escape, they could have done so seperately. Of course, it\'s possible that they did so together because, say, they hadn\'t agreed upon a rendezvous point, but that\'s unlikely.

No, the more likely explanation is that the Wind Sage isn\'t very skilled when it comes to activating or casting General Magic spells. After all, it seemed like they were very close to getting killed by Kuro right before the Lightning Sage teleported them away.

Oh, and as for how I know about how that particular fight went, it\'s because I was able to partially spy on that battle by focusing my Observation Magic on the two Elemental Sages...that said, my Observation Magic kept going dark each time I got close to viewing Kuro though, and trying to resist that gave me an agonizingly painful headache.

Whatever this new method of constructing Chaos Magic spells is, it\'s working like a charm...I can\'t do a thing about it. Trying to break free of this spell feels like I\'m trying to unravel a heavily tangled ball of yarn while blindfolded and missing all four limbs...oh, and it\'s not actually a ball of yarn, it\'s a ball of needles...which is on fire.

So, yeah, I have no idea how I\'d even go about starting to break this spell. Diablo has really outdone himself here...there\'s no doubt that neither he nor Lazarus no longer have any loyalty to me...after all, it\'s not like I ever earned their loyalty, it was only because they were literally incapable of disobeying me.

But Lazarus broke free of my command when he lost his original body and his consciousness inhabited Kuro, and as for Diablo...he was always the hardest one of my monsters to control, since Demons don\'t have physical forms to begin with. And with every new host he acquired over the centuries, it felt like he was getting more and more rebellious and harder to control.

In fact, that affected my timing in setting up the Forbidden Zones...I decided to get it done before his loyalty was completely gone, and while he was still willing to obey me. And I think that was the right call...of all the monster kings, he was the only one to openly show his displeasure towards my Forbidden Zone plan.

Well, that\'s enough reminiscing for now, it looks like I have company, approaching the barrier that was enveloping the Elf village. And what do you know...it\'s all of the Elemental Sages, minus Azyl, of course. Now, then, I suppose I should go greet them...


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


Huh, interesting...Belia\'s left Silvland completely defenseless. A couple of days ago, I summoned all the monsters that I had surveiling the planet, and then had Az cast an invisibility and soundproof spell on them, making them the ideal, ultimate spying tools.

I then reversed the summoning and had them spread out...and right now, wow, was I grateful that I did! What an interesting turn of events this is...I can see Belia, through one of my Phoenixes, it looks like she\'s about to fight the two Elemental Sages I fought before, along with two others...I\'m guess they\'re the remaining two Elemental Sages.

And through my serpent monsters, I could see what was happening in the Elf forest...Belia\'s forces were attacking them relentlessly. Yeah, things are going well for her right now, aren\'t they? Guess this is just the kind of chaos she lives for.

But overlooking me is a big mistake...my method of surveillance doesn\'t hold a candle to her Observation Magic, but it\'s more than effective enough to make it a serious threat to my enemies.

And if Belia\'s going to fight the Elemental Sages, she can\'t afford to get distracted, which means that she won\'t be using Observation Magic during the fight, that would be suicide. I\'ll be taking advantage of that.

By the time she gets back with her troops...I\'ll have wiped Silvland off the map. In the tense deadlock situation that this world is currently in, ignoring me is a fatal mistake, given my powers and capabilities...and also because...I\'m the main charact-...


Author: Break the fourth wall and that won\'t be the case anymore.




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