
Chapter 157 - Madam

Chapter 157 - Madam

After\'s Kaden arrival, the doctor came in for a final evaluation. Seeing as she could walk on her own and could even run in place, he deemed her well enough to be discharged today or tomorrow. Unable to cope with the boredom of the hospital, Lina decided to go home.

"Come to my house," Kaden said. It wasn\'t a suggestion. It was a demand.

Kaden gripped her wrist, keeping her grounded by the door. His people were bringing the flowers downstairs to be donated to the other wards or the front desks, as there were far too many in her room.

"I have to pack," Lina responded. "And I don\'t know if we should move in—"

"For a woman who kissed me and professed her love, you sure are shy," Kaden deadpanned.

Lina\'s face burned. She glared at him, hoping it\'d suppress the blush. It obviously didn\'t. His taut lips spread into a smirk. She\'d love to wipe that arrogance off his stupid, handsome face.

"Come live with me," Kaden insisted.

Lina pressed her lips together. She didn\'t like his wording.

"Please," Kaden added.

Kaden slid his arm behind her. He tugged her close and she remained unbudging. He let out a soft laugh. She was purposely not giving into him. He could always kidnap her. But then she\'d hate him. And he couldn\'t have that.

"Let\'s live together, dove," Kaden said in a gentle tone. "I\'ll be the best house husband. I\'ll cook for you, clean for you, and—"

"Don\'t you have a company to run?" Lina retorted.

"Not when you\'re around."

Lina rolled her eyes at his word. She turned her head to hide the slight smile.

"I\'d need to pack," Lina stated. "I\'m going to head home—"

"No need, I\'ve already called people to head to your house prior to arriving here," Kaden said.


"They have your luggage ready," Kaden noted.

Lina couldn\'t believe this man\'s haughtiness. He already knew she\'d agree to move in with him before they even talked about it! She couldn\'t imagine how her parents and Milo reacted. Speaking of which, her head snapped up to him.

"My phone!" Lina gasped. "Where is it?"

Kaden\'s brows drew together. He tried to remember where it was. Then, he approached the nightstand and pulled open the drawers. Sure enough, the flat device was there.

"It\'s dead," Lina realized when he handed it to her.

Lina nervously bit her bottom lip. She\'d need to buy a charger later.

"I need your phone," Lina told him.

Kaden paused. He glanced around the hospital room.

"Good suggestion, we\'d have to find that too," Kaden said.

Lina blinked. Right. This man and his impatience. He had thrown his phone across the room earlier. She watched as he approached the couch and coffee table area of the large hospital room. He bent down and picked up a cracked phone screen.

"Great…" Lina muttered.

Both of their phones weren\'t working. Lina didn\'t feel comfortable borrowing one of his people\'s phones. It felt like a violation of the employer and employee relationship.

"Sebastian is waiting downstairs. I\'ll have my phone replaced and a charger brought to you," Kaden promised her.

Then, Kaden grabbed her hand. "Now, let\'s go to our house and screw like newlyweds."

- - - - -

Lina had been to Kaden\'s house before. Even so, she couldn\'t help but swoon at the beautiful architecture. The mansion was enormous and spread across a large acre of land. The outside had all of the charms of a western house, with enormous windows, antique columns, lavish pathways wrapping around a water fountain, and neatly trimmed trees.

When the car rolled up to the front entrance, an entire row of servants were outside and ready to greet him. They neatly tucked their hands in front of their body and bowed.

"Welcome home, Young Master!" they loudly said.

Kaden gave a small nod of acknowledgment. He pulled her into the house, not stopping for anyone.

When she walked into his estate, Lina couldn\'t help but laugh under her breath. The interior was exactly like his presence. Dark. Ominous. Black with grey was the main color scheme, with occasional splashes of white.

"It\'s depressing in here," Lina mused.

"We\'ll repaint it if you wish," Kaden promised. "White walls?"

"Preferably not too white," Lina told him. "I\'m scared of the dark so the black interior makes things worse…"

"You\'re scared of the dark?" Kaden inquired.

Kaden\'s lips twisted into a smile. Is that so? He didn\'t remember hearing about that in his other lifetimes. He learned something new about her each day, despite knowing her across three lifetimes and three reincarnations.

"If you use it against me, I can\'t promise you won\'t end up with a black eye and bruised lip. It\'s just a reflex," Lina informed him.

Lina glanced at the large suitcases found by the sides of the grand staircase. She couldn\'t believe how outstandingly beautiful this place was. The windows were wide and let in natural sunlight.

"Use it against you?" Kaden repeated. "I\'d never."

Lina snorted. "And pigs can fly."

"You know, I heard this saying that if you throw a pig in the air, it can," Kaden said.

Lina simply shook her head. She began to approach her suitcases, but suddenly, a loud ringing filled the air. Every pair of eyes shifted to the house phone by the foyer.

"Woah, you sure are old," Lina muttered.

Lina didn\'t know a single person who still had a house phone in this day and age.

"You don\'t say?" Kaden scoffed.

Kaden grabbed the house phone and picked up. Immediately, he scowled. This bastard was as obsessive as a dumped lover! How did he even manage to get a hold of the house phone\'s number?

"I\'ll send my best men to aid you, so stop calling me already," Kaden harshly said. "Something crawled in my ass and died? What does that even mean?"

Ah, this grandpa.

Lina smiled to herself. She found it amusing that he didn\'t know today\'s slang.

"Hazel?" Kaden repeated, his voice lowering. "I can\'t visit her right now. You just arrived in Ritan. Settle down a bit."


Lina blinked. Wasn\'t the child in Wraith? She stared in Kaden\'s direction. His stance was rigid. Suddenly, she saw his expression change. His features darkened. His body tensed.

"What?" Kaden hissed.

Lina stood by the staircase, a hand absentmindedly on her luggage. She meant to carry it upstairs and give him some privacy, but was curious.

"Fine," Kaden spat out. "It better be real this time."

Lina\'s lips parted. Real?

"I\'ll be there soon, stop whining," Kaden said.

Then, Kaden slammed the phone down and he let out a harsh breath, running a hand through his hair.

"What happened?" Lina asked.

Kaden turned around. He deeply frowned. He didn\'t want to go. She looked like a lost puppy by his staircase. He couldn\'t let her explore this place by herself.

"Wait for me to get back, dove," Kaden told her.

Kaden crossed the distance between them. He grabbed her hand and rested a hand on her hip. He drew her close. Instantly, touching her brought a sense of serenity from within.

"Where are you going?" Lina questioned, not that she minded.

Lina knew he abruptly left the office. But that didn\'t seem like one of his employees.

"Hazel\'s father is claiming his private investigator found out the mastermind that kidnapped and tortured his wife," Kaden said.


"Stay put," Kaden informed her. "If you need anything, you tell one of the servants and they\'ll get it for you."

"My lord?"

Kaden turned around at the sound. Perfect.

"Lina," Kaden stated. "Meet the head butler, Theodore."

Lina presented him with an amiable smile. "Nice to meet you."

"Theodore, this is Lina, my wife. You\'ll treat her with the same respect given to me," Kaden stated.

Theodore was stunned by her behavior and status. He had lived for a long time, but not many young people were this respectful. Not to mention, this was the Young Master\'s wife? And not fiance?

That was astonishing.

Theodore elegantly bowed his head.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine, Madam," Theodore responded.

Lina realized he was just like every other old butler. His voice was deep like mahogany, his face filled with as many wrinkles as there were tree barks. Despite that, she felt a sense of kindness from him.

"Aid in her unpacking. Also, find someone to get her a phone charger. I\'ll return soon," Kaden stated.

Kaden turned to his wife. Then, he kissed her on the forehead. She was frozen in his arms, her eyes widening.

"I\'ll be back, dove of mine," Kaden muttered.

Then, he was gone as quick as he came.

Lina hoped the butler didn\'t see that. She was startled by the sudden affection. Her face grew a bit pink. When she turned to the butler, he was already near her suitcase.

Lina was surprised. Then, she saw his eyes. They were a reddish brown. A vampire. Perhaps a quarter, given his age? Half-Blooded vampires, with a human parent, often aged slower than humans and could live to be up to 200 years old. Quarter vampires, with a parent who was a Half-Blood, aged like any regular human.

"It\'s alright, I can unpack myself," Lina told the butler.

"Oh, there is no need—"

"Truly," Lina insisted. "I\'m a bit hungry, though…"

Immediately, the butler nodded his head. "I\'ll have lunch served right away. In the meantime, please follow me to the elevators."

This house had elevators? As in, more than one?

Lina wryly nodded. She grabbed the handles of two suitcases and he lifted the remaining two. Then, she followed him to the elevator and then the master bedroom.

"Here we are, Madam," the butler stated.

"Thank you," Lina gratefully said, remaining standing by the door.

Theodore bowed his head to leave. "Shall you need anything, you\'ll be able to find a button to press right next to the doors."

"Alright," Lina responded.

Then, Theodore was gone. He left in human speed, most likely to not startle Lina. It was always easy to distinguish who was human and who wasn\'t. Vampires nowadays always had a slight hue of red in their eyes.

Lina turned to the doors of the master bedroom, said nothing, and then pulled her suitcases. She began to roll it down the hallways in search of a guest bedroom. When she finally found one, she went back to get the remaining suitcase. Next, she began to unpack in the guest bedroom.

It was where Lina thought she should be staying within.

"Luckily he didn\'t help unpack," Lina groaned.

Lina held up her underwear in disbelief. These were the lace and scandalous ones her mother got her a while back. She dug through the underwear and nearly cried under her breath. Where were her granny panties? The comfortable ones?

They were Kaden\'s people alright. Her intimate wear was either lacey or cute, but not comfortable.

"It\'ll be fine," Lina told herself.. It wasn\'t like Kaden was going to be seeing her in any of this anyway. Right?

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