
Chapter 337 - Taking Back What's Mine (5)

At that time, inside the boss room...

Arnold knew what that place was. He had been to such a dungeon before. The American warriors used to refer to these dungeons as the Lair of death. It wasn\'t nicknamed as such because it was difficult to clear the dungeon. Rather it was called so because of the monster residing within the place, the Archliches, who were also known as the magicians of death.


"That Bai Tao guy was worried about this?" Arnold smiled.

He was smiling because he was used to handling Archliches even before he unlocked his potential and now it was nothing more than a joke for him to take care of these monsters.

The Archlich wasn\'t someone who would pose a threat to him, not in a million years. Though it was someone whom Arnold had been wanting to turn into his summon for a long time. The Archlich had a lot of strategic importance as it could resurrect low to mid-grade monsters that can serve as cannon fodder and workers in his army. 

Also, since Arnold had been thinking to do some base building in his domain, the appearance of the Archlich was welcomed with open arms by him. After all, it saved the time he\'d have to waste while looking for one before resurrecting him.

So far Arnold had refrained from resurrecting Liches because their level was generally around rank A which was quite low in his mind, and it was a pain to get them levelled up. This was the reason why Arnold tend to resurrect only those monsters who were already high level rather than training them from scratch.

But that had been the case when he didn\'t have Devon\'s knowledge. Thanks to his newly attained knowledge, Arnold could now freely tame any monster as his summon without having to worry about the levels. 

But even then, Arnold wasn\'t going to resurrect anything that was below cosmic grade. At least not until he was forced to or someone with a unique ability showed up. Luckily, the boss of the dungeon wasn\'t as lower-ranked as its counterparts and had a unique ability not many people knew about. 

"I\'ve heard about Elven Lich monsters, but it\'s my first time seeing one by myself. No wonder it\'s has a higher level than other Liches."


CLASS: Undead Beast

NAME: Elf Archlich

LEVEL: 149


ROLE: Mage/ Necromancer/ summoner


• 1st tier Reanimation (Active skill)

• Blood Blade (Active skill)

• Horde of Hades (Active skill)

• Undead Tremor (Active skill)

• Rejuvenation (Passive skill)

• Domain of Death (Passive skill)

<Expand to view 7 more>

HP: 20,000/20,000







EVADE (EVD) : 60


Damage Resistances: Elemental Attacks (20% damage reduction), Acidic attack (10% damage reduction), Slashing (10% damage reduction).

Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, frozen, Close attacks, Necromancy spells. 

Weak Against: Blunt attacks, Light affinity, Holy magic.

THREAT LEVEL: Negligible

REMARK: Liches are said to be insane magicians who in their thirst for knowledge and eternal life embraced death as a means to prolong their natural life span. Only those who only thought about themselves and no worldly matters were able to complete the ritual to become an Archlich. The process of becoming a lich is a well-guarded secret. But one of the final steps on the ritual was known to mankind. As whoever became a lich had one thing in common... all of their blood relatives are found dead soon after their ascension.

Thus it is said that the final step to becoming a Lich requires one to sacrifice anyone related to the wannabe Lich by blood.

The ritual only became successful once the being had sacrificed everyone even minutely related to them, and consuming their blood. Once they were successful in doing so, they shed their skin and turn into a gaunt and skeletal being with withered flesh plastered tight across its bones. They are usually seen garbed in clothes from their past life.


There were about half a dozen types of liches. Each one had its own speciality. For example, Orc Archliches had higher defence stats than the rest. The Goblin Lich was more agile. The Ogre lich had insane strength, while Humanoid lich, which was also the most common form of a lich, had the highest stamina.

The dwarven lich took pride in the accuracy of its spells and finally, Elven Lich which was the rarest form of a lich, had superior intelligence and mana control. This was also the reason that the Elf Archliches were the deadliest and can summon an endless horde of undead to defend themselves.

"Looks like even the Archlich has low defence and HP... Well, I can fix that later with a little help from the Defender Frost giants."

One of the most important benefits Arnold now had over his summons was the ability to use his private dungeon and groom them into whatever he wanted them to be. For example, if one of his summons had a low defence, he could simply put them against the Defender Frost Giants and for every kill, their defence stat would steadily increase over time.

That\'s why he was over the moon when he first got to know about what his private dungeon had to offer him. If things kept moving as they were, then maybe, just maybe, Arnold could even defeat the gods. But that was something he\'ll have to think about later.

"First gotta take care of this dungeon and take back what was supposed to be mine," Arnold mumbled before heading inside the chamber.

Arnold walked into the chamber and was soon greeted by the corpses of the ones he had thrown inside the room. he felt no remorse whatsoever for what he did. He just did what he felt was the right thing to do at that moment. Or you could say that since he couldn\'t take care of Zing, he took his frustration out on the bandits.

"This is just the beginning... By the time I leave China, there will be many more like them."

He saw the special vials the bandits were carrying and stored them in his inventory, wondering why they didn\'t use the acid on the lich...

Back when he started throwing them into the chamber, he didn\'t know who the dungeon boss was. But he was sure no matter who the boss was, those idiots won\'t be able to defend the monster without their equipment. And even if they somehow miraculously managed to defeat the boss and come out alive, he would silence them forever.

As Arnold continued walking through the field littered with endless corpses, the Archlich left whatever it was doing and turned to face his new enemy. Despite the fact that Arnold was intentionally leaking his aura, the lich did not react and waited patiently for Arnold to make his move first. 

Arnold, however, knew exactly what the Lich was waiting for him to do. From what he knew, the Elven Lich were unlike any other lich. While the others depended on their undead soldiers to subdue their prey, the Elven Liches had a hidden dagger with their sleeves. A dagger in the shape of inumerable traps laid across the boss room. 

Even at that moment, Arnold was sure that he was surrounded by a plethora of traps. Even though the traps should not be able to injure him, thanks to his defence stat, Arnold didn\'t want to take the chance. So he did what he does best, and shot the Lich in its head.

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