avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: I, Your Father, am a Lynchpin

After pretending to struggle for around half an hour, Wu captured Momo, permitting her to ride on his shoulders as he made his way over to where Tsunade, Kushina, Kushinada, and Sasako generally spent their afternoon. Shizune was also present, but she behaved as a servant, standing off to the side and serving tea when asked.

Upon entering the room, the expression on Wu’s face brightened as he softly mused, “I have uncovered the holy hand…”

Though Sasako was concealing her pregnancy with a very advanced Transformation Jutsu, Wu could still see her pregnant belly without issue. The sight of so many women carrying his children always tickled his heart in a way he couldn’t truly describe, but there were two things he knew for certain. Seeing such powerful women carrying his offspring made him feel happy and excited.

Without rising from their positions, Kushina’s and Kushinada’s expressions brightened similar to Wu’s, while Tsunade adopted a somewhat wry smile. The only person whose expression didn’t change was Sasako, her face as calm and serene as the surface of a pond as she exchanged glances with her daughter and gave a slight nod.

Revealing the reason for Tsunade’s reaction, Kushina remarked, “We were just talking about you. Welcome back, Wu.”

Making his way over to take a seat, Wu allowed Momo to sit in his lap as he playfully inquired, “Praising me behind my back?”

Without concealing anything, Kushina replied, “In a way, but not exactly. You’re technically helping to restore or revitalize ten different Clans. We were discussing how that would affect the politics of the village and the Land of Fire as a whole.”

Speaking his honest thoughts, Wu remarked, “Ah…sounds tedious and uninteresting…”

Adopting a wry smile of her own, Kushina said, “That’s what I was saying. With how ‘prolific’ you are, it might be easier to create a village of our own rather than trying to integrate within the system of an existing nation. We already have the land and resources.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu replied, “I’ll leave decisions like that to you girls. Either that, or we can discuss it at the next conference. It is a matter that affects everyone, after all.”

While Kushina nodded in approval, Sasako pointed out, “Creating a village of our own isn’t an inherently bad idea. The problems arise when we begin searching for suitable partners for your children. We could permit them to intermarry with their half-siblings, ensuring the purity of your lineage, but that could create various issues, both politically and sociologically.”

As it was ‘very’ common for lineages carrying a Kekkei Genkai to engage in some form of incest, the Uchiha and Hyuga being prime examples, Wu wasn’t surprised by Sasako’s words. At the same time, he genuinely didn’t care, stating, “Our children will be able to marry whoever they please. I’m not a bloodline purist or someone who fears allowing his genes to spread to other nations. That kind of mentality eventually leads to internal strife and decline, so our kids will be allowed to travel freely and love whoever they please. I don’t mind creating branches for the Uchiha, Uzumaki, and all the other Clans, but I’m not going to ‘force’ our kids to remain a part of them.”

Exhaling an exasperated sigh, Tsunade remarked, “I knew you were going to say something like that. You do realize that kind of defeats the purpose of helping to restore Clans, right…?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Wu replied, “People can’t choose the families they are born into, so they shouldn’t be bound to them if disagreements or conflicts arise. We simply need to make our Clans something our kids ‘want’ to belong to, and there won’t be any issues. I would hate to create an environment where our children believed they needed to ‘flee’ to find happiness…”

Looking down at Momo, Wu’s expression softened when the monkey girl looked up at him with her large golden eyes. She was able to follow their discussion but didn’t understand the broader context of what was being said. All she knew for certain was that Wu was worried about her and that he wanted her to be happy, compelling her to smile as she stated, “Momo won’t run away.”

Patting the auburn-haired girl on the head, Wu was about to say, “That’s my girl…” but was interrupted by Tsunade asking, “What brought you over here today? You usually spend the weekends philandering about around Konoha. Shouldn’t you be on a date right now…?”

Shaking his head, Wu revealed, “Sakura, Ino, and Tenten are away on missions, and Hinata has been going over to the Hyuga Clan Compound to teach them some of the techniques she has developed. If even a few of them can master the ability to fly, it will drastically increase the military strength of Konoha.”

Though she nodded in approval, Tsunade pointed out, “That’s good and all, but it doesn’t really answer my question. You clearly have Sarada with you, so the two of you should go out rather than spending all your time cooped up in the bedroom. You can also visit Mei or Koyuki. I’m sure they would appreciate a surprise visit.”

Realizing the Tsunade wanted to discuss the future direction of their Clan without him, Wu’s smile turned wry. He may not care about politics or the ‘direction’ of the Senju Clan, but it was a little discomforting to be seen as ‘in the way.’ Even if it was true…

Fortunately for Wu, Kushina, Kushinada, and, to a lesser extent, Sasako were all on his side. In response to Tsunade’s words, Kushina remarked, “They’re not the only ones pleasantly surprised by Wu’s visit. As for what we were discussing, we can always talk about it later. Wu was right when he said we should bring it up at the conference, so let’s go ahead and put a pin in this, shall we…?”

Nodding in response, Kushinada replied, “Sounds good. I wasn’t really comfortable discussing things like this without Wu anyways. Besides, I also agree with our kids being able to love whoever they want. Most of us have first-hand experience dealing with the ‘expectations’ of others, so I don’t want to force my future sons or daughters to make decisions in the interest of the Clan. Love should be more organic and natural…you know, the kind of thing that just happens…”

With Kushinada directing her final few words at Wu, the latter couldn’t help smiling. He knew that the only reason she loved him was because of his massive cock, natural energy, and functionally unlimited stamina, but those were fundamental aspects of his being. If fucking her was all it took to keep the nine-tailed vixen happy, he was more than qualified to remain her ‘keeper.’

Realizing she was at a disadvantage with the two sex-crazed Uzumaki present, Tsunade exhaled a tired sigh before replying, “Fine. Let’s wrap things up here for now. We’ll discuss it again in the days leading up to the conference. Also, it’s not like I was attempting to go behind Wu’s back or anything…I just didn’t think he would be interested in such a discussion…”

Deciding to save Tsunade some face, Wu replied, “Well, you’re not wrong. I wouldn’t have come over to disturb you if I had known you were having such a serious chat. For that, I do apologize…”

Waving her hand in a dismissive manner, Tsunade asserted, “This is your home, and we’re your wives. You have every right to stop in and see what we’re up to. Just keep in mind that we time meetings like this when you’re ‘busy’ for a reason.”

Nodding in approval, Wu replied, “I’ll keep that in mind.” before rising to his feet and adding, “I’m going to spend some time with Momo before returning to Konoha. We should get together later for a different kind of ‘discussion’…”

As it had been around a week since she last invited Wu to her bedroom, Tsunade returned a nod of her own, answering, “Sure. Just make sure to bring a bottle of sake. We can drink it together while watching a movie or something…”

Though she knew very well that they wouldn’t be watching a movie, the presence of Momo required them to speak in code. The part about the sake was legitimate, but watching a movie generally meant filming a sex tape. Koyuki had gifted Wu a camcorder for his birthday, intending for him to use it to record Momo’s growth and other important events. He did so, but it was far from the only use he got out of the fascinating device…

With his eyes igniting against his will, Wu’s voice deepened as he replied, “I’m looking forward to it…” in the most sincere and smoldering tone he could manage…



Despite her bravado and her assurance that she would be okay, Kurenai was going to town on her breasts and pussy as she recalled the scene of Wu ‘breeding’ her. He had even reminded her to make sure she used the Contraception Jutsu before fucking her so thoroughly that she could still feel the ‘echoes’ of his pounding after half a day had passed.

Startling Kurenai back to awareness, the buzzer indicating that someone was at her door abruptly sounded. She initially ignored it, but the person buzzed a few more times, causing her to feel a little frustrated as she rose from her bed, wrapped her body in a lilac robe, and made her way over to the intercom.

Toggling on the camera that allowed her to see outside, Kurenai’s body tensed when the familiar figure of Asuma, holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate, came into view. She hadn’t expected him back for a few more days, so she panicked a bit, wiping herself down with a clean towel, rolling up her futon, and spraying on some perfume before making her way to the door just as her on-and-off-again lover was about to turn away.

Hearing the door open, Asuma turned around with a confident yet relieved smile. When he saw the ruddy complexion of Kurenai’s face and the way she was dressed, however, he adopted a wolfish grin and asked, “Did you miss me that much~?” in a cheeky tone.

Furrowing her brows, Kurenai inhaled a deep breath before crossing her arms and saying, “You have some nerve to come back after breaking up with me only a week ago. I take it Ino carried you through the mission…?”

Instead of refuting the claim, Asuma remarked, “That girl has become a monster in her own right after training at the Senju Clan Compound. Our mission was an A-Rank assassination assignment, but it felt more like a C-Rank with how smoothly everything went. It looks like my father’s gamble was right on the money. The next era is undoubtedly Wu’s to dictate…”

As if they had already made up, Asuma stepped toward Kurenai and set the flowers in her hands. He then leaned in for a kiss, only to be surprised when Kurenai turned her face to the side, stating, “I still haven’t forgiven you…”

Adopting an awkward smile, Asuma’s tone softened as he said, “Come on, Kurenai…you know I only break up with you because I’m superstitious. If I ended up losing my life on an A or S-Rank mission, I wouldn’t want you feeling guilty about moving on…”

Though she was well aware of Asuma’s ‘logic,’ Kurenai was frustrated by the notion that he believed he could simply break up with her and return at his leisure. She was already thirty-one years old, so she wouldn’t keep waiting for him forever. If he didn’t propose to her soon…he may lose the chance completely…

Exhaling a sigh, Kurenai gave the bouquet in her hands a sniff before saying, “Give me a few minutes to set these in water and wash up. Since you just came back from an A-Rank Mission, you can make it up to me by taking me to a fancy restaurant. I’ll decide whether or not I’m willing to forgive you after the fact…”

To emphasize her ‘anger’ and to prevent Asuma from noticing the aroma of sex lingering in her room, Kurenai closed the door before he could step inside. He was a little surprised by her actions, but instead of knocking or calling out to her, he just exhaled an amused chuckle before pulling out a thin cigarette and lighting it up. What Kurenai didn’t know was that he had every intention of proposing to her in the ‘very’ near future…



(A/N: This is the most mega of oofs…)

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