avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 78: The Reward for Loyalty

Chapter 78: The Reward for Loyalty

With one last stop to make before he returned home, Wu made his way over to the Inuzuka Clan Compound for the first time in nearly half a year. It had been a similar amount of time since he saw Kaia, so he was looking forward to seeing how much his little follower had grown. However, as she had been the most frequent recipient of his Natural Energy infusions, Wu anticipated that her appearance wouldn’t have changed all that much.

After bypassing the sentries that usually kept outsiders from venturing into the compound, Wu found himself outside a decently sized house with a large kennel attached to it like a barn. The Inuzuka had developed a few techniques to prolong the lives of their Ninken, but they were still dogs. It might be possible for them to live upwards of fifteen to twenty years, but they could only be ‘active’ as Ninken for less than half that. Thus, while a few of the more sentimental Inuzuka obstinately kept their first Ninken for as long as possible, it was inevitable that they would need a replacement.

Ignoring the almost overwhelming aroma, Wu walked up to the house that served as both a residence and veterinary clinic. Before he could reach the front door, however, a very familiar girl burst out with a toothy grin on her face, shouting, “Wu-ani…!” before pouncing on him like a loyal puppy welcoming its master home.

As he was pretty used to Kaia sniffing him, Wu allowed the spirited girl to do as she pleased, ruffling her unkempt brown hair as he asked, “Did you miss me…?” in a teasing tone.

Without releasing her hold on Wu, Kaia kept her face pressed to his chest as she nodded her head with tremendous vigor. She had been saddened every time he failed to show up to their Team evaluations, but now that he was here, Kaia didn’t care about the past. All was forgiven.

Surprising the shorter brunette, Wu reciprocated Kaia’s embrace, his tone softening as he asserted, “I missed you as well, Kaia. Sorry for coming so late. I’ve been…busy.”

Not expecting Wu to admit he missed her as well, Kaia felt more than a little overwhelmed. Her already red face became completely crimson, but it was only partly due to his words. The rest was the result of the aroma coming from his body. She could smell the pheromones of Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and someone she didn’t recognize. More importantly, she could smell that Wu was, at the very least, moderately aroused as he held her rapidly heating body.

Though she didn’t want to be presumptuous, Kaia looked up at Wu and whispered, “Aniki…” in a heated tone. At the same time, she pressed her hips against his as hard as she could, eager to show that she was just as, if not considerably more aroused.

Before Wu could decide how he would deal with the overexcited pup, one of the people he least wanted to see emerged from the clinic, Kaia’s mom, Inuzuka Nao.

Standing at 183cm tall, Nao was much taller than most other women in the village, much less other Inuzuka. She had their characteristic fang markings on her face, similar red markings around her eyes, and brown hair that neatly framed her face and formed starburst pigtails behind her head. However, her most notable features were her massive tits and the sultry look she almost always possessed, sending shivers down the spine of nearly everyone she set her predatory eyes on.

Sniffing the air, the smile that rarely left Nao’s face became markedly more prominent as she mused, “Well, if it isn’t Wu-kun.” before asking her usual, “Have you finally come to breed my daughter? It would be best if you hurried and got it done. If she links up with one of the Ninken, she’ll have difficulty finding a proper mate in the future.”

“Kaa-chan! What are you saying…!?”

Though she had secretly thought about it, more than she cared to admit, Kaia couldn’t believe her mother was mentioning such a ‘taboo’ in front of Wu. She was already considered weird, even among her group of friends. Wu didn’t seem to mind her peculiarities, but she didn’t want him to think she was a freak who bred with the dogs she helped to rear.

Ignoring her daughter’s outburst, Nao maintained eye contact with Wu as she appended, “Kaia is greatly sought after due to her strength, strength you helped her to develop. If you don’t claim her soon, she may be paired with Kiba-kun. It doesn’t matter to me, but I know she would be annoyed to be paired with someone weaker than her.”

With Kaia teary-eyed, baring her teeth, and growling threateningly, Nao narrowed her eyes in amusement before turning around and retreating into the clinic. She really wanted to tease her daughter further, but she had patients to attend to, and her workload had increased now that Wu had finally visited her daughter. She knew Kaia wouldn’t be able to focus on her work while her precious ‘Aniki’ was around, so Nao just left the two to their own devices, hoping they would just mate and move on with their lives.

Exhaling an angry snort, Kaia turned to Wu, intending to defend herself but stopped when he casually inquired, “Do you really want to mate with me?”

Though the somewhat rusty cogs in her brain momentarily ground to a halt, Kaia recovered uncharacteristically quickly, affirming, “More than anything…!” with an almost threatening look on her face. Not a day went by where she didn’t imagine herself as a bitch in heat, her face pinned to the ground as Wu took her from behind. Their time apart had only made her desires stronger, so much so that she had drawn a rudimentary image of Wu on a previously new, now patched-together body pillow. Even the thought of breeding with him was enough to drive her crazy…

With Kaia gripping the back of his shirt hard enough to tear the fabric with her increasingly pointed nails, Wu’s expression hardened as he said, “Sit.” in a firm tone.

Without any hesitation, Kaia released her hold on Wu’s body and plopped into a rigid squat. The look on her face made it appear as though she was about to maul him, but she remained seated and narrowed her eyes when he gave her a pat on the head.

Since he didn’t see any reason to continue spurring Kaia’s affections, Wu stated, “We can mate, but I’m not going to ‘breed’ you until we’re around twenty years old. If that’s okay with you, run up to your room and-”

Without waiting for Wu to finish, Kaia took off like a dog chasing a frisbee, not even bothering to rise onto her hind legs as she bolted into her house and ran up the stairs. She was as comfortable on four legs as she was on two, so it was no problem for her to vault up the stairs and basically crash into her bedroom.

Smiling wryly, Wu ignored the sultry and teasing look given to him by Nao as he followed after Kaia. He heard a loud thump on the way, so he wasn’t too surprised to find the overly excited Inuzuka sporting a bloody nose as she fumbled to remove or otherwise tear off her clothes.

Interrupting the frenzied girl’s struggles, Wu instructed, “Calm down and come over here. Let me see your face.”

Though her pants were halfway off, prevented from coming all the way off due to her boots and leg wrappings, Kaia obediently waddled over to Wu and allowed him to treat her bloodied nose. Her frustration was increasing by the second, but she, at least for the time being, cared more about Wu’s orders than fulfilling her desires.

After mending Kaia’s nose, Wu gave her another pat on the head as he said, “Take off your shoes, your leg wrappings, and ‘then’ your trousers. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere…”

Calming down a bit, Kaia did as Wu had instructed, removing each piece of her outfit until she was left in nothing but an orange t-shirt. She was a little self-conscious about the size of her bust, or lack thereof, so she was planning to keep it on unless Wu told her to remove it. Fortunately, he just gave a curt nod, rubbing her head one final time as he instructed, “Get on the bed…”

Not needing to be told twice, Kaia hurried over to her bed before crawling onto it and dropping onto her face so that she could spread herself open and ‘present’ herself properly. The Inuzuka Clan had many, many mating rituals, but this was the most common for a weaker female expressing her submission to a stronger male.

After marveling at the quantity of love juice flowing from Kaia’s visibly pulsing insides, Wu shed his clothing and made his way over to the edge of the bed. Kaia practically pried herself open as he approached, so Wu skipped the usual foreplay and gave his devoted underling the thing she had been craving even during their days in the Academy…



Around the same time that Wu was giving Kaia her just desserts, Naruto was gently rapping on the door to Karin’s room. The primary residence of the Uzumaki Clan was a lot more modern than the estates owned by the other Clans, so, rather than sliding bamboo, it had heavy wooden doors that swung on hinges and, more importantly, could be locked.

Controlling his usually loud voice to sound as gentle as possible, Naruto called out, “Karin? Are you in there? It’s me, Naruto…”

Instead of simply returning Naruto’s call, Karin surprised him by opening the door to her room, a strained yet sincere smile on her face as she said, “H-Hey, Naruto…” before stepping aside and asking, “W-W-Want to come inside…?”

Resisting the urge to enter Karin’s room immediately, Naruto’s expression softened as he replied, “Only if it’s okay with you. You don’t have to force yourself for my sake, Karin. This is a safe place. I-”

Before Naruto could finish speaking, Karin shook her head with a bit too much vigor, her hands held up and balled into fists as she insisted, “I’m not forcing myself! I…I just really need to talk to you…!”

Without waiting for Naruto’s response, Karin surprised him further by dragging him into her room and slamming the door behind them. Then, with a visibly reddened face, she ‘glared’ at him and said, “We need to talk…”

Feeling a little taken aback by Karin’s intensity, Naruto’s smile visibly cramped as he rubbed the back of his head and asked, “What do you want to talk about? Is there something you-”

Grabbing Naruto’s arms with a strength belied by her tiny frame, Karin continued ‘glaring’ at her much taller savior as she said, “I need you to bite me.”

Not expecting such a ‘request,’ Naruto’s eyes widened in shock before he became slightly angry, shouting, “I could never do such a thing! I’m not like those-”

Interrupting Naruto’s outburst, Karin shouted much louder, asserting, “You don’t understand! I ‘need’ you to bite me! If I don’t discharge my excess Chakra, it’s going to drive me crazy…!”

As her body had ‘adapted’ to having her Chakra frequently and often forcefully imbibed, Karin’s body generated and attempted to store more than it could naturally hold. The excess Chakra would accumulate in her cells, causing her entire body to feel indescribably itchy. She could bite herself to experience a fleeting relief, but the itchy feeling would quickly return unless someone else extracted it.

With a desperate look on her face and tears building in the corners of her eyes, Karin exposed her arms to reveal the numerous bite marks she had already left, pleading, “Please…” in a sobbing tone. The look on her face was enough to make Naruto feel as though his heart was wrenching, so, even though he didn’t want to be anything like the monsters that had kept and tormented Karin, he eventually replied, “Okay…” before accepting the relieved-looking redhead’s left arm, gently biting down as the ruddiness of her face deepened to rival her hair…



(A/N: The Inuzuka Clan is wild…)

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