avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 68: Exposed

Chapter 68: Exposed

With Ino sitting across from him, Wu was treated to the rather tantalizing sight of the two girls overlapping. The former’s wedge panties left nothing to the imagination, but Sakura’s perky butt, sculpted over years of leg and core exercises, was like an open invitation to have some fun.

After admiring the sight for several seconds, Wu interrupted the ‘friendly’ squabble, asking, “Have the two of you actually discussed your problems with Sasuke…? Don’t get me wrong, I’m more than willing, especially with a certain someone waggling her ass in front of my face. However, I want to confirm you’ve actually ‘tried’ solving your problems before I introduce you to pleasures you might not be able to walk back from. Just ask Hinata and Tsunade…”

Though she was a little surprised when Wu mentioned her name, Hinata quickly nodded her head, an uncharacteristically serious expression on her face as she revealed, “Wu-kun is a very…passionate lover…”

Pushing Sakura off of her, Ino rolled to a seated position, her pupilless blue eyes practically glowing as she rubbed her hands together and said, “Oh, heck yeah! I’ve been waiting all evening for this. Tell us everything. I want ‘all’ the juicy details…!”

After developing the habit with Naruto, Hinata looked to Wu to see what he had to say. In response, he just chuckled before responding, “Just do as you please. I certainly don’t mind hearing my women brag about how capable I am…”

Realizing that she would be bragging quite a big, Hinata’s cheeks flushed. Before she could provide her account, however, Sakura interjected to ask, “Weren’t we talking about Sasuke-kun?” before narrowing her eyes at Wu and adding, “And I wasn’t ‘waggling’ my butt in front of you. I was trying to prevent Ino-chan from saying something she shouldn’t…”

“And why shouldn’t I…?” questioned Ino. “You heard Wu-kun. Even after all this, he’s still worried about us and our relationship with Sasuke. Who else can we trust with things like this…?”


Unable to refute Ino’s words, Sakura slumped her shoulders, a pensive look on her face. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Wu. In fact, he was often the first person she went to when she needed to sort something out and didn’t know who else to ask for advice. It’s just…shouldn’t there be a limit to how much they trust a boy who isn’t their boyfriend?

Unfortunately for Sakura, she immediately received her answer in the form of memories related to the previous King’s Game. Once things had developed beyond a certain point, she didn’t hesitate to do things she hadn’t even considered doing with Sasuke. Sasuke was a very reserved person, and Sakura knew there was a high probability that would transfer to the bedroom. Wu was nearly the polar opposite…he was wild, untamed, and ostensibly free of inhibitions. Sakura didn’t want to admit it, but there were things she did with Wu that she could ‘never’ do with Sasuke…

Interrupting Sakura’s trance-like state, Wu once again demonstrated just how ‘considerate’ he could be, remarking, “Sakura’s right. We were talking about Sasuke, and I’d like an answer to my question. Have the two of you actually relayed your concerns to Sasuke? Or are you still trying to protect him…?”

Realizing she wouldn’t be able to avoid the subject, Ino plopped onto her butt and groaned, “We ‘did’ try talking to him, and that’s the whole reason ‘we’re’ so frustrated. Sasuke-kun thinks that things like love and romance are a distraction. As I see it, he’s only looking at us in terms of the ‘value’ we’ll have once he avenges his Clan. I thought everything would just kind of ‘work out’ so long as we were together, but I’m not sure I can wait for ten, maybe even twenty years to start doing things other girls are doing right now…”

Directing her gaze to Hinata, Ino’s usually smiling face revealed a hint of melancholy as she added, “I’m envious of you, Hinata-chan…after I heard the news regarding your marriage, I couldn’t help wishing it had been me in your position. I know things must have been difficult for you these past few months, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Wu-kun has been doing his best to make you feel loved in Naruto’s stead…”

With even Tenten feeling a little sorry for Ino, it was no surprise that Hinata was on the verge of tearing up. Fortunately, she was seated next to Wu, so he was able to ‘prove’ Ino’s assertion by pulling the blunette into his embrace and gently caressing her back.

Adopting an even sadder smile, Ino muttered, “See what I mean, Sakura-chan? Can you even imagine Sasuke-kun hugging us like that…I think he would try, but it would be very awkward for him…”

Unable to refute Ino’s words, Sakura returned to sulking with her head down. The most ‘intimate’ thing Sasuke had ever done was poke her in the forehead with a smirk on his face. They ‘had’ kissed a couple of times, but it never lasted long and never got any less awkward. Sasuke just wasn’t a very expressive, much less romantic person. The only time he allowed his emotions to show through, even a little, was when he was fighting…

While continuing to pat Hinata’s back, Wu observed the states of Sakura, Tenten, and Ino. The latter two met his gaze, so he offered them wry yet gentle smiles as he remarked, “This isn’t exactly how I imagined my first sleepover with a bunch of pretty girls would go…”

Understanding that Wu was making a joke, a faint laugh emanated from Ino’s throat as she combed back her bangs and teased, “Don’t you think it’s a little presumptuous to think we would let you stay with us? We may just kick you outside once we’ve had our fun…”

Adopting a teasing tone of his own, Wu retorted, “So long as I get to have fun along with you, I wouldn’t mind sleeping out in the hall…”

With the conversation between the duo lightening the mood considerably, Hinata eventually calmed down enough to raise her face from Wu’s chest but didn’t leave his side. Sakura also raised her head but seeing the duo holding one another caused a sad smile similar to Ino’s to develop across her face.

Feeling as though it had been a while since she said something, Tenten suggested, “Why not just break up with Sasuke-kun and date Wu-kun for a while? You said it yourself. Sasuke’s goal might take ten or even twenty years to complete. If he isn’t looking for a serious relationship until then, I think you’ll be doing more harm than good by staying together…”

Though she almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth, the ‘King’s Game’ had opened Tenten’s eyes to a great many things. She had been against the very premise of the game at the start, but less than ten minutes in, she found herself pulled along into the group’s pace. Near the very end, she had even found herself suckling Ino’s nipples while the latter hugged her head…it was a ‘very’ dangerous game…

Reacting much faster than her pink-haired counterpart, Ino replied, “I’m honestly not against it. What we have with Sasuke right now doesn’t feel like an actual relationship. We primarily just train together, and whenever we try having a discussion, it’s ‘very’ obvious he doesn’t actually want to be there. Sakura and I have had to turn to each other just to experience ‘some’ form of companionship…”

Having accepted that Ino was going to reveal all of their secrets, Sakura’s face flushed as she meekly appended, “Don’t get the wrong idea…it’s not that I like girls or anything. It’s just…”

Since Sakura apparently couldn’t find the words, Ino helped her, stating, “It’s frustrating. We’re both healthy, beautiful young girls. We work hard to ensure we look our best, but it feels like we’re just wasting our time. We’re at the age where we’re supposed to be experimenting, trying to figure out who we are. Sasuke has no interest in that…the only consistent thought in his mind is getting revenge against his brother…everything else can ‘wait’ until he had completed that objective…”

Once again unable to refute what Ino was saying, Sakura exhaled a faint yet profoundly exasperated sigh. Until Sasuke completed his objective, it really was like their relationship, their very lives were on hold. If he ‘never’ managed to track down his brother, wouldn’t that mean they would go the rest of their lives simply ‘waiting’ for him to acknowledge them? And what awaited them when he did? A life of staying at home, raising his children? Is ‘that’ what she was training so hard to attain…?

Liberating Sakura from her thoughts, Ino gave her hand a gentle squeeze, a similarly gentle smile on her face as she said, “Let’s do it, Sakura…we’re young, beautiful, and have bright futures ahead of us. Are we really going to throw all that away for a future we don’t even know for sure exists? Our career isn’t exactly fraught ‘without’ danger…”

Feeling a little frustrated, Sakura furrowed her brows and asked, “Why do you keep including me in everything you’re saying? I…”

With Sakura’s words trailing off, Ino seized the initiative to smile and tease, “I wouldn’t eat you out until you peed on my face if I didn’t care about you, Sakura. If we’re going to do this, I’d like us to do it together. Just as we always have…”

Though she blushed furiously when Ino referenced the little ‘accident’ she had the first time they tried comforting one another, Sakura managed to suppress her desire to scream. Ino’s heartfelt words had struck a chord deep inside of her, and, though she had never really considered it before, Sakura realized she would be pretty lonely if their paths diverged. If they hadn’t had each other or Wu’s persistence ‘guidance,’ they likely wouldn’t have been able to make a relationship with Sasuke work.

Shifting her gaze to Wu, Sakura could feel her chest and throat tighten as she found him smiling at her with a gentle, concerned look on his face. He could be crass at times, but Sakura couldn’t recall a single incident where Wu had been dishonest or dismissive with them. It may have seemed that way at times, but it only took a moment of introspection to understand he simply wanted what was best for them. He persistently pushed them to be the best version of themselves and, most importantly, practiced what he preached…

Though she couldn’t believe what she was about to say, especially after what had happened to Sasuke in the Forest of Death, Sakura maintained eye contact with Wu as she calmly admitted, “I would like to experience what it’s like to feel loved…”

Exhibiting an expression of surprise and mild incredulity, Wu asked, “Right now?” before smiling wryly. He expected Sakura to blush and immediately refuse his offer. Instead, she maintained a scarily calm look as she softly replied, “Ino and I need to talk to Sasuke-Kun first. Then, if it’s okay with Hinata and Tenten…I would like to experience being held tenderly…maybe more…a lot more…”

As if she had just won the lottery, Ino abruptly jumped up on the bed, shouting, “Booyah! Now we’re talking…!” with a massive grin. One of the only reasons she hadn’t left Sasuke yet was because she didn’t want to leave Sakura alone with him. Not because she was jealous of what they might do when she was gone, but because she knew absolutely nothing would happen. Sakura deserved better than that, even if she could be a nerdy little bitch.

After waiting for Ino’s outburst to settle, Hinata took the initiative to say, “I don’t mind.” with a sincere smile. Tenten had a comparably conflicted look on her face, but after listening to what the two girls had to say, most of the anger she had harbored toward them had dried up. Now, she was more worried that she would be the ‘last’ girl Wu got intimate with despite being the first he ‘willfully’ chose. Every other girl seemed to simply throw themselves at him, so she was starting to feel as though her position was in jeopardy…



(A/N: Though only the future knows its secrets, there are only two girls in Wu’s ‘planned’ harem that have yet to appear. Let me know what you guys think about these developments. I tried to make them reasonable, but I’m not exactly a professional when it comes to understanding the hearts and minds of women xD…)

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