
Chapter Ch110.2 - Waking Up

Chapter Ch110.2 - Waking Up

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

After dinner, Wu Jin hurried back to the student dormitory before nightfall

A pot of replenishing soup was placed there in the middle of Zoe’s bedroom. The four people from White Moonlight gathered together and surrounded the stove as they started to discuss their plans for the upcoming elimination match.

“The women’s league.” Zoe projected the data they’d been given by the company’s research team, “As the saying goes, when men and women are well matched, the work is no longer tiring. In the next elimination match, the initial entry teams are likely to be paired together with the women’s league.”

Zoe tapped the Versailles invitation letter from the program team that was lying there on the table, then pointed to the blank column where the contestant names should be, “We need to select partners before the start of the competition.”

Wu Jin and Wen Lin both nodded. Caesar took advantage of Zoe’s inattention to stuff a piece of tripe into his mouth.

Zoe: “After checking the data, there are 170 members in the women’s survival show and 180 people in the Crosson Show. That means that there are at least 10 players who won’t even be able to touch a female trainee’s hands.”

Caesar stole another piece of fat intestine.

Zoe: “According to the principle of ‘ladies first’, it should be the Hyacinths who pick us, not the other way around. Based on the company’s analysis of the data––”

The screen changed with a swish, and Wu Jin stared at it in a daze.

A dense profile picture connection chart took up most of the screen, and the four people from White Moonlight as well as the big boss, Wei Yan, and Thin Fire were all on the list.

“Team probability map.” Zoe explained. “The primary analysis is based on the popularity of the contestants, the partner preferences listed in the female trainees’ entertainment profiles, and their faces. Needless to say, Little Witch just needs to wait to be picked. Caesar––”

Zoe frowned. “Caesar.”

Caesar, who’d just been in the middle of snatching up another piece of intestine, was caught in the act. He was so scared that he immediately stuffed the food into Wu Jin’s mouth.

Wu Jin choked, “––Ah, wuwuwu!”

Zoe: “There are 24 female players who like ‘lively and simple little wolfhound’ types. From today on, you will be packaging yourself in this direction.”

Caesar: “What are you talking about??”

“You don’t have to post blog posts. The account is no longer in your hands in any case.” Zoe glanced gently towards his own support, “Ah Lin will continue to go the gentle route.” Then, he snapped his fingers, “Enough. Now, let’s take a look at our opponents––”

“First, Wei Shi.”

Wu Jin almost started hiccuping.

Zoe: “Contestant Wei picked up a lot of fans during the previous competition. He’s now called ‘My King’ and ‘Wind God’ among the female fans––it was because of those two Pterosaurs. Contestant Wei even caught and took our Little Witch up to the skies and eliminated him during the previous match!”

Wu Jin nodded along.

Zoe warned, “If your partner ends up being interested in Contestant Wei during the competition, please change partners immediately to avoid being cheated on.”

Wu Jin: “......”

Zoe: “Next, Wei Yan.” He looked at the information that had been sent over. “The Hyacinth Show has 12 female trainees from the Empire, and most of them are members of Wei Yan’s fan support group.”

Wen Lin mouthed at Wu Jin: Exporting domestic sales. Taking the Federation’s survival show players, with Thin Water as an example, when he went to the Empire, he was known as ‘Star’ Thin. There were many such other ‘gilded’ Empire trainees in the Hyacinth Show.

Zoe pointed the cursor at Wei Yan, “In the Empire, genetically modified humans, or human-shaped weapons are their national idols.”

“Alright, next one. Thin Fire.”


After the meal ended, Wu Jin went back to his bedroom and rolled around on the bed.

There was rain outside the window. The champagne rose was half withered, yet Wu Jin was still carefully looking after it.

Caesar’s bedroom was next door, and he had a window open as he laughed loudly, “Why is there a fool with a heart-shaped candle beneath me!”

Soon, Caesar began to quarrel with the student who’d placed the candle downstairs. The student’s voice was very familiar, and he spoke in a series of strung together sentences.

Wu Jin glanced at the terminal again, but there was no news from the big boss, so he rolled himself up in the quilt and fell asleep.

In his dream, he was rolled up in the warm quilts in the R-Code Base. Wu Jin’s quilt was so hot that he really wanted to kick the big boss and have him change the bedding in the middle of the night––

Wu Jin abruptly woke up in the rain.

Darkness swept in like the tide, and something in his memory seemed to suddenly be torn open by the darkness. The grey brown iron door overlayed his vision, and he was unclear if it was a figure or a ghost. Wu Jin covered his head and fumbled to turn on the light––

The light switched on.

He stepped out of bed and opened the door to the balcony slightly before letting out a sigh of relief and rolling back into bed to continue sleeping.

Wu Jin woke up very early the next day, yet his spirit felt refreshed.

The big boss would only wake up one day later, so Researcher Song gave him another prescription slip with ‘separation therapy’. Wu Jin puffed up his small, round face to argue over this message, since separation therapy seemed to be of no use, but ultimately didn’t reject the prescription and simultaneously harvested the little nurses’ love and pity.

“He just wants to see Lord Wei, ahhhh!”

“What kind of love is there in this world, I want to cry...”

Researcher Song was confused by all this noise, “You guys should go and ask Doctor Zhou. Don’t ask me––wait a minute, what’s that noise outside?”

A few seconds later, Researcher Song suddenly stood up and said, “Go outside, get the equipment. Brother Wei might be waking up!”

At the Floating City training base, Wu Jin could only go out and continue his training. The half-burned love candles placed downstairs yesterday had toppled over due to the rainstorm last night.

“......” Wu Jin agreed with Caesar on this; it did seem a little silly. However, he soon met with a student who was holding another batch of candles and had come to fix up the mess.

Wu Jin discovered that every candle was a luxury waterproof candle with indoor fragrances. Not only had this rich person bought 99 candles all at once, they were even putting indoor candles outside... Wu Jin suddenly paused and stilled.

The back figure of this rich person seemed very familiar.

This rich person strode with big steps, and his head was held high. He seemed to be around 20 years old...

Wu Jin: “Ming Yao?”

Ming Yao turned back with a swish, and his chin dropped down in surprise, “Little-little-little-little Witch??!!!”

Ten minutes later, Wu Jin still hadn’t had time to explain that logically, Little Witch wasn’t really that ‘little little little’, but Ming Yao had already dragged him back into his dorm, chattering on indignantly about the entire series of events from beginning to end.

“It’s our captain’s birthday today––”

“What? You don’t even know when our captain’s birthday is? Little Witch, that’s not right. Don’t you follow Azure Edge’s upcoming stars data sheets? There’s a whole section of advertising for our team captain’s birthday! Forget it, I’m telling you it now, and you’re not allowed to forget it next time––what, you’re asking me when my birthday is? That’s not important!”

Wu Jin: “... I’ll... remember it now... stop shaking me....”

Ming Yao stopped shaking Wu Jin and slapped the table, “And then, on the captain’s birthday today, he didn’t even receive a phone call from his girlfriend!” After slapping the table, Ming Yao began to stomp around in angry circles, “Even I, an ordinary member of the team, know to show love to the team captain for his birthday, but she didn’t even say anything! Not only that, she’s even going out with her male friends on a beach holiday! The kind of beach with quark-level, artificial white sand!”

Wu Jin: “Why are you so clear on this...”

Ming Yao was furious, “That’s not the point. Am I not allowed to follow her alt Star Blog account? Is it not fine for me to have picked out this tidbit from 200 lottery forwarded messages? The question is, what should my captain do?!”

Wu Jin comforted him, “Of course he’ll choose to forgive her...”

Ming Yao narrowed his eyes, “Hm?”

“!!!” Wu Jin hurriedly changed his tone, “Break up, next question!”

Ming Yao nodded, “That’s more like it! Alright, I booked a table at a bar for the captain’s birthday tonight, and Red and Caesar are going; you should go too.”

Wu Jin paused, “Wait-wait a minute!” With his current vision, he would be just like a little blind person if he went out at night.

Ming Yao was dissatisfied and reached out for Wu Jin’s small curls, “Are we brothers or not? You need to support your brother! I’ll mess up your curls if you don’t agree!”

“......” Wu Jin quickly puffed out his cheeks and dodged. His mind stilled for a brief moment. Last night’s torrential rain, the dark night and the crack in the door were memories that poured in one after another. He tried hard not to think of the gray brown door engraved in his memory, and the psychiatrist’s advice resurfaced.

It was difficult to recover from psychological trauma alone. Little Witch might as well come into contact with more people and participate in social activities.

Just when Ming Yao had rolled up his sleeves and prepared to make his move, Wu Jin hurriedly shouted for him to stop, “Alright, alright, I’ll go!”

Ming Yao harrumphed and released his sleeves. He grumbled, “Petty! It’s clearly so nice to touch, why won’t you let me touch it!”

The sun drifted through the sky.

The day passed by quickly. Wu Jin hurriedly ran over to Ming Yao’s training room while the sky was still bright as he would definitely never act alone in the dark in his current state.

Ming Yao tsked and sighed, “Why are you being so clingy?”

Wu Jin: ...Who have I offended recently?

As they neared the appointed time, Ming Yao acted more and more like an ant on a frying pan, “Let’s first head to the bar. There’s an early morning surprise at midnight. Little Witch, remember, we have to create an atmosphere. When we come back, I’ll pull open the curtains so that the captain can see the candles, then, we’ll sing a happy birthday song––”

Wu Jin: “I’ll remember it for you!”

Ming Yao bounced up with a swish, “Little Witch, I’m so nervous!”

Wu Jin: “......”

Ming Yao suggested, “How about we both go onto the survival show Star Blog and cheer for the captain?”

Wu Jin “What? How come you’re speaking with such a strange tone?”

Ming Yao immediately pulled out his terminal. His screen was full of ‘Your little darling Zuo Botang has been tagged by the Jingyi official Star Blog’, ‘Your little darling Zuo Botang has sent a Star Blog message’. He quickly went through his daily routine of pushing up various hot topics, upvoting #Sniper rookies, #Jingyi’s hope, #Jingyi Double-C, and other such tags before letting out a long breath, “Alright. I’ll switch to the alt accounts at night.”

While he was at it, he downvoted the Scarf CP that was currently just as popular as the Jingyi Double-C.

Wu Jin choked, “... What does this have to do with us?!”

Ming Yao: “I grew up with the captain, so we’re childhood friends who grew up together! The Scarf CP can’t match up!”

Wu Jin quickly argued, “Brother Wei and I... we also knew each other when we were young!”

Ming Yao spoke seriously, “We’ve been sleeping in the same bed since we were young!”

Wu Jin argued seriously, “Do you think it’s not the same for Scarf?!”

Ming Yao smiled brilliantly, “I can eliminate myself for the sake of the captain. I’ll dedicate myself to the case, as long as he can advance!”

Wu Jin: “I can...”

Ming Yao suddenly leapt out like an arrow released from the string, “Cap––tain––”

Wu Jin glanced at the helpless expression on Zuo Botang’s face in the distance and suddenly felt depressed.

He missed the big boss.

Two high-end suspension cars stopped at the entrance to the base, and Ming Yao followed closely behind Zuo Botang to get on, Wu Jin glanced over and then stepped directly towards the back car with Caesar and Red.

When getting in the car, Wu Jin’s heart beat accelerated.

“What’s the matter, Little Witch?” Red turned to look at him.

Wu Jin shook his head repeatedly, then picked up his terminal to ask Ming Yao: Where are we going!

Ming Yao: A bar, it’s called Sharp Blue!

Wu Jin: Wait a minute, this name looks like––

Ming Yao: Don’t worry about it. The environment is definitely good. It’s the most expensive bar on the street!

Wu Jin made an ‘oh’ sound and set aside the terminal. He stared out the window.

Floating City military base.

At practically the same time, a man’s long, rough fingers were tapping against the solid wood table.

“The equipment was tampered with in the past week.” Mao Dongqing reported, “The surveillance camera was artificially modified from 2:00 to 4:00 AM three days ago, and a recording from last week was put in instead.”

“Keep checking.” The man said, “See what information in the lab has been tampered with.”

Mao Dongqing nodded.

“Verify the entry and exit records for Floating City, focusing on those with Imperial passport chips.”

“Also, where is he.”

Mao Dongqing made a call, “I’ll ask.”

Wei Shi pulled on his coat, “Get me two mind calming agents.”

At the door, Researcher Song looked at Wei Shi in shock, “Brother Wei, you’re still experiencing a period of emotional instability...”

Wei Shi looked at him expressionlessly, his eyelids slightly raised and making it so that people didn’t even dare breathe. Researcher Song took a step back.

“... Ah, okay.” Researcher Song capitulated, “Remember to take your medicine on time.”

Wei Shi injected himself with one of the agents and left the other alone.

He glanced at Mao Dongqing.

Mao Dongqing spoke up in the silence, “Found him.”

“He’s-in District C6’s Sharp Blue.”

Wei Shi’s eyes darkened. He picked up the car key, pushed open the door and left.

Juurensha: Yessss, once again with the double-C sniper CP!

xiin: Wei Shi’s off to pick up his little rabbit~

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