
Chapter 137 - Becoming a Bodyguard in You From the Star…(Part 3)

Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Becoming a Bodyguard in You From the Star…(Part 3)

I noticed that Minho was still staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Well…I’m just a bit worried as to whether you can actually pull this off or not. You don’t really look like you have a lot of muscle on you.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Alright. We don’t have much time so we need to get started.”


“Now let’s start with a kick. Try to kick my hand hard. It might be a little difficult, but let’s see what you can do.”

Minho held out his left arm and held his hand up high.


I was slightly conflicted. If I had to go through all these tests, then it would be a while before we actually did anything.

“Do you have security cameras here?”

“No, we don’t,” Minho answered in response.

“Oh, really?”

I smiled. Then, I lifted my leg and gave Minho a kick straight to the chest.



Minho flew backwards as his hands clutched his chest.


At that sound, everyone in the gym turned to stare at us. Anyways, they all looked confused, as well as very curious. Sun-dong, who had been watching us the whole time, looked at me with his jaw dropped in shock. I stared at Sun-dong. Then, with a smirk, I gave him a roundkick to the thigh.



Sun-dong collapsed on the spot before I gave a loud cry.

“Come on!”

I gave the shout everything I got. It seemed to rile everyone up. And then, all of a sudden, they were all coming at me.


25 against 1.

Pow! Wham! Slam! Kick! Pow!

This was not the sound of me getting beat up, but rather the sound of me beating up everybody else.

Boom! Crash! Crash! Boom! Read more chapters at L isnovel

And this was the sound of everyone hitting the walls as I sent them flying.


One man tried to get me with a drop kick, but I grabbed his foot as it came down. Then, I heaved him up and threw him to the ground.




I did a high kick that sent three more flying and a sidekick that got five. It continued like that for thirty minutes. Tobe honest, it took another five to finally wrap everything up.

“Well, that was fun,” I said, dusting myself off. It’s been a while since I’ve had a fight that stimulating. All the stuntmen just stared at me. They were all on the floor, unable to move.

“How weak.”

I walked across the gym floor to Sun-dong.

“Hey you.”


He didn’t reply. Did he pass out? I tentatively picked up my foot and gave him a slight push. His eyes burst open.


“Hey, you!”

I looked down at him. I could detect a hint of fear in the look he gave me.

“So? Am I in?”

The man answered with an immediate nod. And from that moment on, the members of the Action School had no reason to look down on me anymore.


“If you could jump down from here…”

That was Sun-dong giving me instructions, though he sounded a lot more polite now.

“I just have to jump down, right?”

“Oh, no…we need to get you some wires.”

“Do I have to wear wires?”


Sun-dong looked at me like I was crazy.

“Okay, fine. Get me the wires.”


Another guy came up to me and started fitting me in the wires. They felt rather restrictive. If it were up to me, I would’ve just jumped down without them…but I didn’t want to be called an alien again.

Soon, all the wires were in place. Someone on the other side of the gym pulled as I flew up to the ceiling. All of a sudden, they all smirked. They probably thought I’d freak out or something, but I didn’t. In fact, I thought it was rather low.

“Can you get me up higher?”


The other students all stared at me in wonder. But just then, Sun-dong actually complimented me!

“Great job, Sian!” he shouted, clapping his hands. Then again, it didn’t sound very sincere, to be honest.

“Now try the routine that you learned,” Sun-dong shouted, and so I did. With precision and grace. I was as good as I would’ve been on land, and it didn’t look awkward at all. Everyone’s jaw dropped and it looked as though they forgot how to speak.

Soon, I finished the routine and everyone began to applaud.

“That’s good enough, don’t you think?” I asked Sun-dong. Sun-dong gave me a firm nod.

“Yes, that’s enough. We’re done here! Just do exactly as you did when you film!”

“Well…should we try one more time before I go? I don’t think the wires were controlled properly.”

I gestured to Minho. The very first one to feel my strength. The thing is, he had actually done very well, but I wanted to mess with him a bit.

At my words, Sun-dong immediately started to shout at Minho.

“Hey, you! Do your job properly! You can’t even do that?”

“I’m sorry,” Minho said, bowing his head in remorse.

“So I don’t have to try it again?”

“No, absolutely not! You were perfect!” Sun-dong said loudly.

“Alright, I’ll leave then. See you at the shoot~”

“Alright then!” Sun-dong said, as did everyone else.

I came out of the gym, followed by Sun-dong.

“You don’t have to escort me out.”

“Yes, I do.”


“But, um…Miss Sian…” Sun-dong said, sounding very cautious.


“If you decide to act in another drama…please don’t forget about us!”

With that, Sun-dong held out a business card. Did he think that I was going to become some top star or something? He’s already sucking up to me.

“Oh…um, sure. If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Of course! Thank you!”

Sun-dong gave me a low bow, which I accepted with as much grace as I could.

“Well then, see you!”

“Bye, Miss Sian! Get home safely!”

I climbed into the van and headed back to the dorms. On the way, I ordered enough pizza for 75 people and had it delivered to the gym. I paid for it myself as well. You know, I really am an awesome guy.


Back at the dorms, I was lazing around when the doorbell rang. Everyone looked up to stare at the door. Hainan finally got up to open it.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me. Mr. Park! May I come in?”

“Oh!” Hainan opened the door as Jinwoo came into view. What is he doing here?

“Hi, guys~” Jinwoo said, waving like some primary student. It didn’t suit him at all.

“Hello,” we all said.

“Well then.”

The man walked into the living room as he gave each of us an indulging fatherly smile. Then again, as soon as he saw me, that smile turned into a look of confusion.



“Sian, what are you doing here?”

“Practice ended.”

“Already?!” Jinwoo exclaimed in shock.

I nodded.

“It’s only been three hours.”


It’s true. It took me 30 minutes to beat all 25 fighters, then another two hours and 30 minutes for me to master everything. So, what’s the issue?

“Oh, I see. You only introduced yourself,” Jinwoo said, a look of understanding coming over him.

“No. We finished rehearsals and everything,” I said, playing with my toes. What? They were really pretty.


“We finished everything.”

Was he deaf?

“Everything? In other words, you don’t have to go back anymore?” Jinwoo asked me, staring at me in disbelief.

“Yep. I just have to wait for filming day.”

“What the…”

To say Jinwoo was shocked would be an understatement, but then, he immediately got over it. At this point, he really should be used to this. After all, this isn’t the first time I’ve shocked him. I’ve probably given him more heart attacks than he needs.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, going back to my toes. I noticed Jinwoo staring, so I stretched my toes out, silently asking if he wanted to play with them as well. Jinwoo quickly turned away.

“The thing is, you guys were booked for another variety show. I just wanted to let you know since I was passing by. But I must say, your place is messier than I thought it would be.”


At Jinwoo’s words, everyone giggled. It was true. The dorms were filthy. There were those who made the mess and those who cleaned. Anyways, the one who usually did the cleaning was me. Unfortunately, I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to pick up after everyone like I used to.

“Let’s try to keep things clean guys.”

“Yes, Mr. Park~” everyone answered.

But wait, am I saying we don’t fight over this stuff? No, we don’t, because everyone is messy so we all understand each other. I’m the only one who even bothers to clean up around here. After all, I am the oldest in spirit. It’s my responsibility. But sometimes, I find myself face to face with their underwear. That’s rather embarrassing. Especially if there are personal stains on them. And it’s not occasionally, either. This happens almost every day. In response, I begged the girls to at least put their underwear in the wash, but they don’t listen to me.

“Which show is it?” I asked.

“It’s a show called ‘Do You Know the Brothers?’ Have you heard of it?”

“Of course,” everyone answered. ‘Do You Know the Brothers?’ is a show where there are 6 men who roast the visiting guests.

“They want you guys on the show. Also, it’s about time you guys went on it anyways.”

“Who wanted us especially?”

“Si-dong Kang,” Jinwoo said with a big smile. Then, he added, “Apparently, he pushed hard for you guys. He mentioned that he’s friends with you, Sian.”

“Yeah, a bit.”

Yeah, I’d say we’re friends. We met on Idol Dream and even competed in the Food Leagues together. He really liked me.

“He says to be careful. He’s coming after you,” Jinwoo said with another smile.

“Oh, really?” I said with a smile of my own. How should I respond to that? If I use my strength, would that look funny? Well, I’m sure he’ll know what he’s doing. He’s the veteran after all.

“What is it?” Jia asked, looking excited. To be honest, aside from me, the girls haven’t been on a lot of variety shows. And this is the first time all of us will appear on a show. Oh yeah, there was the Idol Olympics, but that’s not really a variety show. More of a competition, to be exact. Well anyways, it wasn’t just Jia who looked eager. Everyone else did as well.

“Filming is next Monday.”

“Sounds fun!”

Everyone seemed rather excited. Seeing them all happy made me feel happy as well.

“When are you filming your scene, Sian?”

“Oh, that’s on Sunday. You guys should all come and watch, since you’re free and all.”

“Sure,” Jinwoo replied.

“Okay!” all the members shouted. With that, it was settled. Sunday, we’d be together. And on Monday, we’d all guest on a show together. I really loved it when we were all together – it made me so happy.

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