
Chapter 178 - One Seven Eight

Dror showed a smile and nodded before speaking.

"Thanks for the understanding instructor Harlan.."

Then he turned into a serious expression and emitted an overwhelming aura.

"The task that you have to do is of utmost importance to our mission and once you have joined the mission. I don\'t want you to question my orders and authority… This is the time for you, if you have even the slightest hesitation I would say that you speak  out now and I will arrange for you to stay away from this mission without anyone\'s knowledge…. I will make sure that the Jainver clan will not be affected in any manner….  Once you are on the battle ground, if you defy my orders I won\'t hesitate to execute you under the military law…. Do you understand…." 

As he reached the last sentence the whole room was filled with Dror\'s magnificent aura that made everyone inside the room feel like their life and death were under his complete control, Dror had also induced his immense beastly killing intent that he had cultivated through the endless battle inside the Red and Black smoke .

Even the Young war god Xeander couldn\'t help from feeling heavy pressure along with the old veteran instructor Harlan, both of them thought the same thing in their mind.

" So this is the true nature and strength of the man known as the barbarian god, his gaze shows once he is serious he won\'t even flinch.

He meant exactly what he said, if anyone was to disobey he wouldn\'t hesitate to execute the person no matter who the person is.."

Xeander could only sigh and show an awkward smile, he knew that the Major was not warning the beast tamers but also him, he could only slightly curse the person who had complained about him to this barbarian  and Xeander was absolutely right in his thoughts, It was exactly because the the commander of the Earth base warned Dror about Xeander becoming impulsive that Dror gave this warning.

Even the strong people who were training outside the office could faintly feel the pressure all of a sudden which appeared out of nowhere, the more sensitive ones couldn\'t stop but curiously took a glance towards the Major\'s office room.

But Old Zhao\'s yell and reprimand brought everyone back into order.

Even Old Zhao and the other True warriors who were close by could only  gulp a little and think the same thing " The major is being serious for some reason.."

While inside the room other than the two true warriors, the rest of the beast tamers were sweating.

But Dror retracted his aura as the whole situation returned to normal.

He continued to discuss the related matters with the beast tamers.

While far away in the capital of the alliance government.

The grey eyed Gabe, the head of the intelligence department was sitting in front of the president Lauren who was skimming through a file.

There was a large sized picture of a middle aged man who was wearing a cap, a sun-glass, flowered shirt and shorts along with a travellers bag.

He appeared to be a normal traveller on a vacation.

  Of course this was the picture of Dror in his disguise as an adventure seeking traveller.

The president changed his attention from the files to the cuboid ancient machinery which was sitting on his table, the machinery had another smaller modern equipment attached to it on one of the sides.

After observing and scrutinizing everything, the President closed his eyes and then opened it again.

" So what you are saying is that this lone person is the main culprit behind the incident that had sent the whole planet into turmoil… A traveller named Han Seaman.."

The intelligence head Gabe who had kept his silence all this while had an embarrassed look on his face as he replayed.

" President the person is most probably a spy of the rebel\'s, he should have gotten support from them all the way.. It\'s just that we were not able to identify any other of his accomplices .

We can only confirm with the data that we have acquired, that he is the only person who was present at almost all the locations a few days before the incident took place…. I am confident that he is one of the core members of the Raven.

We have already checked the identity thoroughly, it\'s fake, he is an agent of Raven in disguise.."

Then with a little hesitation and after a slight pause he continued 

" But what confuses me more is that, this mission has been kept a top secret among the rebel forces, Their was not even a tiniest leak of it even to the most of the higher ups of the rebel forces… according to our intel most of the higher ups of the rebel forces were also surprised and doubtful about the whole incident…. But the King\'s council and the Raven have been keeping silent, neither denying or accepting anything…. 

It\'s very much possible that they are planning something big, we need to be extra careful.. I have already alerted all my agents and all other agencies and departments to be alert about any news even if it seems unremarkable…

Rest assured sir this time we will not miss anything, even if it is a leaf that moves due to the wind, we will get hold of that information..  "

President still maintained an unpleasant expression and spoke in a stern manner " All what you said is good, but you haven\'t captured the culprit yet… I have already told you I want tangible results.

I want this person caught at any cost, no matter what methods or resources that you want to use … I want him, I want him alive… Do you understand.."

Gabe intended to say something but he gulped it down as he saw the president\'s cold eyes and nodded agreeing with everything that the president spoke before taking his leave.


Similarly inside the newly discovered body enhancing serum manufacturing facility, Lady Raven was going through all kinds of files in one of the offices and a person in a special black light body armor suit with his face hidden behind a mask was standing before her, without the slightest movement.

The lady went through all the files before her, scrutinizing it two times making sure she didn\'t miss anything, before looking at the modern ninja-like dressed man.

" Noland, you verified the whole information through other sources right…."

The Man in the modern ninja dress replied in an emotionless tone.

" Yes, Lady, we have kept to the protocol.."

After pondering a little more the Lady muttered to herself, 

" So it was really the Ancient machinery from the past that created that apparition… but the modern equipment that was attached to it raises too many questions… I will have to go to the Earth base, that young man and his company … they were the ones who were conducting research on the communication equipment…."

Then her eyes became more focused as she turned to the agent standing before her and spoke.

" Noland, I want you to look into the movements of the young dragon Major Dror for the last three months and be discreet…"

Noland nodded 

" yes my Lady.."

" You can leave then…"

lady Raven gestured for the person to take his leave and then started pondering again 

" If that guy has really something to do with this whole incident, then what is his motive.. what will he gain… I will have to confront him myself, to get the answers.. the war challenge is closing in, I will have to meet with him before they depart… maybe it is better to notify them, before confronting him.."


While in the Lomba mansion, the head of the Lomba family was looking at the 15 people standing before him and the young man leading them.

All of them were in the True warrior realm and the young man leading them was the young master of the Lomba clan Maxwell Lomba.

Manual Lomba nodded at the 15 people in satisfaction, Claudius was also among the 15 True warriors.

Manual looked at them with a serious expression " The family had paid a huge price for us to gain this opportunity, now listen to me carefully this very important task for the Lomba family, all of you will follow Maxwell\'s command without a single hesitation as if it is my own.

The battle ship has already been prepared and all of you will depart early.."

As he spoke the last words the aura of someone in supreme warrior had already enveloped the 15 people putting a heavy pressure on them, as if the person would not tolerate even the tiniest disagreement with his words,

Then he looked at his son and spoke 

"You will meet with Leonard and his men at planet Grey… your uncle has already spoken with them, they will follow your command… you know what to do next.. then Good luck to all of you, you can depart now…"

Maxwell nodded at his father " yes father.."

while the rest gave a salute with respect before retreating.

" As you command the leader…"


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