
Chapter 60 - A Secret Base

The next day Sam went to the hospital in the morning to check on the children. Keira was the first to wake up, she woke up screaming. After seeing one of her friend\'s face skin being peeled off and the other friend\'s ear being cut out, it was not an easy deal for a child to recover from such trauma. She cried nonstop for a long time before going to sleep again tired.

Yue yan and Genma were better, they cried for some time but were much better than Keira. There was a visible difference in the children\'s attitude. Yue yan who was a happy-go-lucky girl had a strong resolve in her eyes now, Genma also appeared to be more mature than before.

After seeing that the kids were ok, Sam went out of the village and into the forest. He travelled more than 100 km to reach a mountain range which extended for a long distance . After going further into the mountain range he stopped to cast the sand storm technique and the one with the earth technique to hide his presence. Then he further used the earth skip technique to pass by a certain mountain real quick.

This mountain appeared real similar to any other mountain in the mountain range, but he had found it the hard way that a certain colony of wild beasts lived in this mountain range called the Metal piercer bees. These bees were only the size of a new born babies fist and considering the other humongous monster they were nothing.

But their sheer number was in millions. Each bee would only sting once a day and had to recuperate, but each sting could pierce through a 5 meter thick steel wall, hence the name metal piercer. This was only the strength of the low worker level bees. No other wild beast or spirit beast even dared to linger in the surroundings of this particular mountain.

After passing by the dangerous mountain he came to another mountain a little further away from the bee mountain. This was also an ordinary mountain, from the outer appearance. After making sure that there was no one around, he climbed the slope and reached a big stone that was protruding out.

He used his power to control earth,  to move the earth on one of the sides of the stone.  Which revealed an entrance, after entering into the cave he closed it from the inside then he pressed a button which lit the entire cave.

All the time he left for hunting from the village he was not exactly just hunting but creating more contingency plans, to deal with any unforeseen circumstances . This base that he created was one such contingency plan, if he had to stay low or need a distraction to escape from the enemy.

He had brought each and everything here piece by piece. After resting for some time he took out the special Sky watch and turned it on. Which asked him to scan the passcode which was inside the piece of paper. Navigating through the Sky watch was easy, but what caught his attention was the additional sky network that he could connect to, this was something like the darknet. He quickly started browsing through different nodes that were available.


Sam had always felt weird about this place that he was in . He didn\'t understand why there were even villages in this dangerous place, why didn\'t the people leave this place to a safer place like the cities. There didn\'t seem to be any traditional or cultural reasons holding them back, and many of them wanted to live in a safer environment. But they never acted on their wishes.

He had also tried to ask these questions to the local people and most of them showed a fearful expression and avoided him. Since he didn\'t want any trouble he stopped asking.

But when he bought his first Sky watch, he started searching the  sky network for answers. The planet Ayangdad encountered a major change more than two hundred years ago. The then ruling Tyrant king and his royal family was overthrown by the people\'s rebellion and further led to the formation of the current Alliance government.

The followers of the king and those who stood with him, were captured and sentenced to severe punishment . The king committed suicide, while the family members and relatives of those who stood on Kings side was send to the outskirts of The great forest as punishment.

They  could only leave the villages after spending more than a hundred years in this place and doing certain labour.  After spending a hundred years in the wilderness they will treasure their life and would only want to leave peacefully after that. This was to quell any rebellious thoughts that could arise in the future.

The information sounded a little weird, but this was all that he got after searching for a long time.

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