
Chapter 846 - Control I

“Divinity, so much divinity. One, two, three strands... Merlin, there’s now fewer than ninety-eight strands of divinity!”

The black cat Didimoss saw that there were ninety-eight strands of divinity, and his eyes contained a desiring glint. Usually, even one strand of Lord God-level divinity was an impressive find but there were ninety-eight strands here.

Merlin was shaken to his core. Ninety-eight strands of Lord God-level divinity – if those from the God Alliance saw this, they would be shocked to the extreme.

With so much divinity, if it was used by an ordinary Lord God, they could even approach the level of the Thirty-six Emperors. A Lord God with decent talent might even be on par with the Thirty-six Emperors.

After all, although this Lord God-level divinity had many uses, it was the greatest aid for gods, especially Lord Gods, who could absorb this divinity, obtaining some enlightenment regarding the divinity owner’s understanding of the natural order.

Furthermore, among these strands of divinity, some were exceptionally large, emanating a godly might that was different from the rest. Those must be Lord Gods who were even stronger than the average ultimate existences or a being that was second only to the Thirty-six Emperors.

“Vestigial Tribe, it must be the Vestigial Tribe. Only the Vestigial Tribe could slay ninety-eight Lord Gods!”

Merlin slowly approached this pool of divinity. There were ninety-eight strands of divinity, each strand giving off a different force. This meant that each strand represented one Lord God.

Only the Vestigial Tribe would have the formidable capability to kill ninety-eight Lord Gods. To be more accurate, there should have been more than ninety-eight. Previously, the Atlan civilization had already handed over some Lord God-level divinity to entice the God Alliance.

“What’s the reason the Vestigial Tribe had extracted so much divinity?”

Merlin noticed there were some words on the side of the pond. It was the language of the Vestigial Tribe. Merlin used the Matrix to scan and translate. The meaning was straightforward – it was the Vestigial Tribe’s explanation of the Lord God-level divinity.

It was vaguely mentioned that the energy contained in the Lord God-level divinity was immense but to the Vestigial Tribe, they would not use this divinity as a power source. Although Lord God-level divinity had many uses, being functional to any intelligent tribe, what the Vestigial Tribe focused on was the link between this divinity and the natural order.

The Vestigial Tribe had swept over the Void Zone, indirectly challenging the Void Zone’s natural order. Gods were born directly from the natural order, so there was nothing better than Lord God-level divinity if one wished to study the natural order.

Therefore, for the Vestigial Tribe, this divinity was merely used for research. The Atlan civilization, thanks to the enormous Dimension Core supplying endless energy, would not use the divinity purely for energy purposes as well. Currently, they were incapable of challenging the natural order. What they studied was the gods’ tremendous power.

Although the Atlans claimed themselves to be descendants of the Vestigial Tribe, they knew that to reach the level of the Vestigial Tribe was too difficult. Thus, they would not let go of any opportunity to increase their strength. This Lord God-level divinity was naturally the best research subject.

Due to the divinity’s high value, these strands were still preserved after such a long time.

“Merlin, can I swallow the divinity?”

The black cat Didimoss wore an expression of unparalleled longing.

This divinity was incomparably precious. Even Merlin wished to possess them. His Illusory World was now on the right track, only needing the passage of time to be thoroughly perfected in the future, reaching a stage of high accomplishment.

Even so, if he had Lord God-level divinity, Merlin could even speed up the progress of the Illusory World, shortening the time it would take to become accomplished.

After weighing all this, Merlin asked in a low voice, “Didimoss, is there any purpose of you swallowing this divinity? Or is it mere gluttony?”

Merlin knew that the black cat Didimoss’ natural ability did not mean that anything he devoured would bring him benefit. Sometimes, the black cat Didimoss would swallow some things simply because he wished to eat.

Didimoss saw that Merlin looked so solemn, and carefully eyed the ninety-eight strands of Lord God-level divinity. Following that, he spoke with a serious expression, “I just have a feeling that after swallowing all this divinity, I would be able to evolve... However, that’s just a feeling.”


Merlin’s eyes gleamed. At the moment, the black cat Didimoss was infinitely close to an ultimate existence. Due to his unique natural ability, if there were enough things for him to devour constantly, he could even be comparable to an ultimate existence.

Nonetheless, at the black cat Didimoss’ current stage, it was unlikely he would continue to break through. Once he did, the power of the Void Zone’s natural order would force him into a dead end.

Only after being baptized and rising over this dead end, a mystical existence which had reversed the natural order like the black cat Didimoss could truly display their might, far exceeding any ordinary ultimate existence.

In truth, the Flare Emperor, who stood at the peak of millions of contenders in the Void Zone along with the Thirty-six Emperors, was a great example. Just like the black cat Didimoss, he was a lifeform which had reversed the natural order but ultimately became one of the powerful Thirty-six Emperors.

Of course, other than the Flare Emperor, other lifeforms which had reversed the natural order were largely unable to resist the dead end, vanishing in the Void Zone. Since the black cat Didimoss felt that this Lord God-level divinity would help him, he might be able to evolve.

However, at the same time, Didimoss would face the dead end!

“Didimoss, you’d better think carefully. If you evolve, you’d likely face the dead end.”

Merlin said softly. He did not wish for the black cat Didimoss to face the dead end just like that. It was too risky.

The black cat Didimoss suddenly looked around at the Atlan Dimension, saying with a smile, “Can’t this Atlan Dimension cut off the power of the natural order? If I’m facing a dead end, I’ll keep hiding in the Atlan Dimension without going out. Then, the natural order won’t get to me. I’ll wait until I’m older when I feel like I can face the dead end calmly. Only then will I leave the Atlan Dimension and return to the Void Zone to face the dead end.”

Didimoss’ intelligence was not that different from ordinary people, so he might have already considered this ever since he entered the Atlan Dimension.

Merlin suddenly saw the light. Didimoss’ plan was not bad indeed. The Atlan Dimension was created by the Vestigial Tribe in the past, able to cut off the Void Zone’s natural order. It was a natural hiding place for the black cat Didimoss.

Even if the dead end had arrived, that was nothing. At worst, Didimoss could hide in the Atlan Dimension. Now that Merlin had the power of the Golden Ray Armor, he no longer needed the black cat Didimoss to help the Spell Caster civilization.

“Didimoss, since you want to swallow all this divinity, of course, I’ll fulfill your wish. However, it’s not now. Even if you wish to stay in the Atlan Dimension, you’ll have to wait until I completely control the Atlan Dimension. This dimension isn’t as simple as a mere hiding place for you.”

Merlin had made the decision long ago. This gigantic dimension, even without a Dimension Core, must not be given up so easily. Just based on how ultimate existences could not detect the natural order after entering, this would be an important base for the Spell Caster civilization in the future.

Therefore, he must control the Atlan Dimension!

Merlin was not confident in controlling the Atlan Dimension before this because of the hopeship, countless warships, fortress cannons, and so on. Now that Merlin had used the Golden Ray Armor to absorb the Dimension Core, the Atlan Dimension had in truth, lost its splendor.

The Atlan civilization without its power source could not even compare to those foreign civilizations in the Void Zone overseen by a mere Honored Legend. Merlin did not even need to waste much effort to control a weak civilization like that. Without energy, the Atlans could only wait for their doom.

“Let’s look at the void-level warship.”

Of course, Merlin did not forget about the void-level warship. After keeping the ninety-eight strands of divinity in his Spatial Ring, he came to the void-level warship which was being manufactured in the hall.

At the moment, there was merely a shell of the void-level warship. The installations within were still far from complete. Still, there were volcano-like holes that somewhat shocked Merlin.

“These are the main cannons of the void-level warship?”

Earlier when Merlin was attacked by the void-level cannons, it had been these three main cannons of the void-level warship. Merlin could not understand these incomparably complicated cannons.

Soon, Merlin looked for the Atlans who were manufacturing the void-level warships in the hall, asking doubtfully, “Now you’re creating three void-level warships. Were there any problems?”

“We ran out of energy and couldn’t continue building.”

“If there’s enough energy?”

“If there’s enough energy, there’s no need to operate. An automatic program controls the manufacturing of the void-level warships, so you’d only need to wait patiently. In roughly a few years, it’ll assemble three void-level warships.”

“Three years...”

Merlin nodded. The void-level warship was a fearsome weapon, able to kill ultimate existences. It was not of much use to the present Merlin but would be very useful to the Spell Caster civilization.

Moreover, Merlin had promised to help the Avian Tribe and Roman to obtain the void-level warship. He must not break his promise.

“How many more void-level warships can be produced?”

“Only three. There aren’t enough materials, most of which is transported from the Void Zone by the army. Only after a long time of accumulation, we had just about enough to manufacture three void-level warships.”

Only then did Merlin learned that those warships that came in and out were transporting materials for creating the void-level warships. Merlin had even received news that the Atlan civilization had searched through the Rock Tribe’s dimensions multiple times but their objective was unknown.

Merlin had suddenly realized that the Atlans were looking for materials for manufacturing the void-level warships. However, these materials were also rare in the Void Zone. Otherwise, with so many dimensions of the Rock Tribe, the materials would not be merely sufficient for three void-level warships.

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