
Chapter 229: A Mysterious Old Woman

Chapter 229: A Mysterious Old Woman

Translator: Flying Lines

Edited by Lord Immortal

When Qi Yunxiao woke up from his absent-minded state, he found that Lin Xun was no longer there. Instead, there were many people looking at him with hope.

Qi Yunxiao felt as uncomfortable as a debtor facing his creditors

“Childe, what do you think about this?”

The attendant of Qi Yunxiao asked him in a low voice.

“What else can we do? Capture this fellow first!”

Qi Yunxiao pointed impatiently at Hu Debiao lying on the ground. Although Lin Xun had left, Qi Yunxiao didn’t have the courage to leave under the eyes of the people.

The attendant seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and laughed, “It’s easier to deal with a Black Python Gang than to face Lin.”

Qi Yunxiao was stunned. Although he felt uncomfortable, he had to admit that a Black Python Gang did not pose a greater threat to them than Lin Xun did.

Thinking of this, Qi Yunxiao waved his hand and commanded, “Take the unconscious woman with you and send her home when she wakes up.”

The attendant nodded and carried Hu Debiao in one hand and the unconscious woman in the other.

As they were planning to leave, someone suddenly shouted, “Master Qi, when will the Azure-light Pavilion launch an offensive against the Black Python Gang?”

Qi Yunxiao was annoyed and coldly stated, “If the Black Python Gang can live through this evening, I will immediately commit suicide for my neglect of duty!”

As he left the area, there was a burst of cheers behind him. They all praised Qi Yunxiao’s courage and called him worthy of being the young master of Azure-light Pavilion.

Listening to their compliments, Qi Yunxiao’s face changed with some uncertainty. He ground his teeth bitterly, but eventually regained his composure.

It took him a long time to murmur, “Are they really cheering me from the bottom of their hearts?”

The attendant was stunned and nodded immediately, “Of course, young master, once you take action, you will help them eradicate an evil force. How can’t they be grateful for your work?”

Qi Yunxiao relaxed a bit. He became thoughtful: “I didn’t expect it feels so good to help others...”

The attendant looked astonished.

Qi Yunxiao, however, seemed to have lost his temper and said proudly, “But since I promised them, the Black Python Gang...”

The attendant immediately followed and said murderously, “You can rest assured Master, leave it to me and I’ll complete this task!”

Qi Yunxiao laughed satisfactorily and appeared to have forgotten the anger and grievance that Lin Xun caused just now.

The attendant knew very well that his young master was still inexperienced compared to Lin Xun. Qi wasn’t short of intelligence or talent, but he lacked experience in worldly affairs.

But this was also normal, young master was only fourteen years old, the age at which temperament was the most changeable.


When Lin Xun returned home, he found that Chu Feng had arrived one step earlier and brought all the spiritual materials he had demanded for his saber.

Seeing Lin Xun, Chu Feng laughed and chatted with him for a bit before saying his goodbye.

“Chu Feng is a wonderful man.”

Shue Jin, who was drinking by himself, commented.

Lin Xun laughed and said, “There are many smart people in the world, but there is a shortage of people like Chu Feng who are smart and are willing to render help to others.”

Shue Jin agreed happily, “The more he pays, the more he wants. Watch out, dude.”

“I know that,” Lin Xun said and entered the room.

Chu Feng brought hundreds of kinds of spiritual materials, some were used to cast the saber, while others were used to refine spiritual ink.

In the past, Lin Xun would purchase finished spiritual ink and sabers when he needed to refine a spiritual weapon and just carve the spiritual tattoo patterns on them with his own hand.

But this time, Lin Xun wanted to tailor a saber for himself. So the required ink and materials of the saber needed to be prepared personally by him.

Most importantly, Lin Xun wanted to make a saber different from all kinds of weapons sold on the market.

In other words, he intended to design a new weapon for himself following his own mind.

This was a very challenging thing. There were many spiritual tattooists in the world who knew how to make spiritual weapons, but few of them could design a spiritual weapon by themselves using their own knowledge of the spiritual tattoos.

This was like creating a new kind of spiritual weapon. It was full of unknowns since there was no prior example to follow at all. Everything depended on him to try and explore, which also increased the risk of failure.

Generally speaking, only those at the level of Spiritual Tattoo Master had such ingenuity.

Although Lin Xun was doing this for the first time, he had seen many strange spiritual tattoo designs with Master Lu since he was a child, so he had no fear of doing this kind of thing.

Sitting in his room, Lin Xun first sorted and arranged all the spiritual materials, then took out a pen and paper to conceive and design.

The composition of the ink, quality of the materials, spiritual tattoo patterns that the saber needs... were listed out by Lin Xun for study.

This design was based on his own self-cultivation and combat style, and would meet his own needs!

The room was quiet, Lin Xun sat straight at his desk, looking focused and earnest. The pen in his hand drew on the paper and made a rustling sound.

Spiritual tattoos were a kind of magical force.

When an ordinary weapon was inscribed with spiritual tattoos, it could be transformed into a spiritual weapon with an incredible power, just like turning stone into gold.

Spiritual tattoos were also involved in every aspect of cultivation, such as medicine-making, weapon-refining, beasts-domesticating, puppets, and spiritual plants.

Throughout the empire, changes brought by the power of spiritual tattoos could be witnessed everywhere. For example, the “Spiritual Screen” with the function of disseminating information, the “Spiritual Tattoo Shuttle” with the function of transportation, and the “Spiritual Battleship” with the function of both attacking and defending.

It could be said that the spiritual tattoos not only occupied an extremely important position in the cultivation system, but also affected all aspects of the world!

So Spiritual Tattooist naturally became a special existence.

Lin Xun’s knowledge of spiritual tattoos was all inherited from Master Lu. Lin looked like a Junior Spiritual Tattooist nowadays, but the knowledge in his mind was far beyond that of a normal Junior Spiritual Tattooist.

Otherwise, he couldn’t have been able to help Old Mo improve the structure of the spiritual stove of the Ziying Battleship in the Bloodthirsty Camp, nor could he make powerful tools like Meteors Crossbow.

Even the power of the spiritual weapons which he refined for others in the Commune of Spiritual Tattooists, was superior to the power of those on the market.

Lin Xun knew very well that the knowledge of spiritual tattoos imparted by Master Lu yielded him numerous spiritual tattoos attainments.

But the key to making spiritual weapon successfully over and over again and giving it a remarkable superiority was the Gate to Heaven in the sea of his consciousness!

He had already made many spiritual tools, therefore he was very familiar with the moment when the spiritual weapon was about to be successfully completed and the Gate to Heaven would release an undetectable fluctuation.

It was this fluctuation that kept his every refinement from failing, and the power of the spiritual tool produced was obviously superior to that of others on the market!

Lin didn’t know the reason, but he knew that this strange fluctuation from the Gate to Heaven was a magical and mysterious power. He guessed that he might be able to control this power after he passed all the tests in Heaven-Accessing Place.


Many days passed unconsciously.

Lin Xun had already finalized all the concepts of making his weapon and dealt with all kinds of spiritual materials needed one by one. Now, he was just starting to take on his predetermined plan.

In the past few days, Lin Xun’s wounds had all healed. He had not only completely recovered, but also progressed in his cultivation.

This was the direct benefit of the battle. After the tempering of blood and fire, it allowed practitioners to charge ahead on the road of cultivation.

At the same time, Chirps woke up two days ago. It seemed that nothing had changed in Chirps. But Lin knew that the talent of Chirps was incredible. No one could foresee what Chirps would be like in the future.

Just as Lin Xun was getting ready to make spiritual ink, Chu Feng suddenly barged in.

He looked grave and worried. As soon as he saw Lin Xun, he said directly, “Brother, we have a big problem this time!”

Lin Xun stared at him and asked, “What’s the matter?”

He bitterly replied, “Last night, someone visited me and asked for Master Xun to go with her.”

“And Who’s that?” Lin Xun asked.

Chu Feng looked even more helpless, “An old woman with incredible strength. The most important thing is that her origin seemed very powerful from my observations. If I dare not agree, she’ll kill me instantly!”

Lin Xun was shocked momentarily. An old woman did not respect Chu Feng, head of the Commune of Spiritual Tattooists. How strong must her background be!

At this time, Shue Jin, who had been sleeping in the corner of the yard, suddenly opened his eyes and gave a silent sneer. Then he shook his head and went back to sleep.

Lin Xun didn’t notice the scene. He frowned and asked, “Did you promise anything to her?”

Chu Feng hastily shook his head, “How dare I, but I have only three days’ time to consider. If I don’t agree then, I’m afraid that...”

Lin Xun understood his meaning. He could not help but frown and ponder. If he went with the old woman, it was tantamount to revealing his identity, and this was not what he wanted.

The most important thing was that it will be too dangerous if the old woman had any other thoughts on him.

Chu Feng seemed to know Lin Xun’s worry and said, “I assure you that the purpose of the old woman is very simple. She will only ask you to repair a spiritual tool without any other thoughts.”

After thinking about it deeply, Lin finally took a deep breath and said, “Okay, three days later, I’ll go and see that unreasonable old woman with you!

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