
Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – The Malice Is Taking Shape

[Well then, a battle to determined the top position at Morito will be started. Are the both parties ready?]

[Yes] (Sarona)

[Yeah] (Gazuna)

An Elf walked between Sarona and Gazuna to ask final confirmation before the battle began. According to Yuyuna and Ruruna apparently that person is the village chief. Indeed, he has a dignified aura around him.

[Good, you will be fighting inside the barrier, also other people will be forbid to enter. Neither of you can go out until the winner is decided] (Village chief)

[Just like you proposed the loser has to leave the village, I don’t have any intention to take your life](Sarona)

[Oh, it’s not like I want to take your life. That’s right I just want crushed your spirit , so give me the best show] (Gazuna)

[I see. . .] (Sarona)

After saying that much, they respectively took out a weapon. Sarona-san used her gem-decorated knife and Gazuna apparently will use a long sword. The two readied their weapon, once again the village chief confirmed these two before coming back to the spectator seats.

[Okay, then with this a condition has been determined- - - - -

Everyone here shall become the witness] (Vilaage chief)

Village chief casted a magic, a semi-circular shape with slightly bluish light, a transparent barrier has covered the arena.

. . . . *kon kon*

. It’s hard, but likely would break if I knocked it seriously. But I won’t do it though.


[Begin.....!!!] (Village chief)

Gazuna was moving along with the village chief signal to start the duel. He launched a thrust to utilizing the reach difference between the long sword and knife. A sharp thrust, Sarona-san changed its track effortsly with her knife. To break his balance, Sarona-san launched multiplied feint attack to Gazuna’s face, using the rotation of her body She unleashed a round-kick that landed in Gazuna’s abdomen, but the person who showed anguished expression was Sarona-san.

[Damn, this impact. . . iron? But, under the robe was ordinary clothes. Then is this because of the robe?] (Sarona)

[As expected Sarona! That’s quite insightful of you. That’s right, this robe could exhibits the hardness of iron when your channeling magic power. I got this thing from a certain peddler recently! Be it knife orTaijutsu, it won’t work against me anymore!! Now, what to do Sarona-chaaaan] (Gazuna)

(TL : In case you didn’t know about Taijutsu, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taijutsu)

Ah, that’s quite something he had, no wonder he wants to brag.

[I see. . . ] (Sarona)

Sarona-san only give a short response. She sheathed the knife on her waist and narrowed her eyes. At that moment, with explosive movement she close the distance with Gazuna and with full power stepped on his tip toe which isn’t covered by robe. That must have hurt~

This time, still floating expression of anguish, Sarona-san grabbed his robe and launched a headbutt. That also looked painful~

Nevertheless the attack didn’t end there. Gazuna fell on his back after receiving a leg-sweep, Sarona-san beat his face eagerly while riding on him.

Forgive me Sarona-san, but right now I was afraid of you. I mean, she did it with an expressionless face. For going to that extent. . . is this because he called her with “-chan”? Yuyuna and Ruruna also seems to be slightly scared. I have to becareful as well, yeah. . . yeah. . .

Oh she is done, Sarona-san slowly stood and took some dinstance after somehow satisfied with beating-up Gazuna.

[It’s no use. You can try any kind of measure to face me but it will be meaningless. If you can’t understand that much, you must be an idiot?] (Sarona)

Oh Sarona-san gave a harsh remark, but I think he won’t answer your question or rather I don’t think he can speak right now.

Or so I thought- - -

[kukuku. . . as expected of Sarona, the strongest Morito. When angered there is no mercy at all, how fearsome, trully] (Gazuna)

Gazuna stood up while throwing a joke, his face that got beaten little by little back to normal, floating twisted smile. He was likely doing something, I wonder what he’s still hiding up his sleeve?

[The bruise is being healed. . . I see, it’s vague but I feel some magic emitting from the robe. . . automatic recovery magic is it?] (Sarona)

[That’s right Sarona, no matter how much you attacked me is useless. Why don’t you give up already?] (Gazuna)

[What nonsense. Is that where your confidence come from? Such things only enough to buy you some time] (Sarona)

[. . . . . fufufu, ah that’s right! It would be only temporary!! But, it doesn’t matter!! Sarona! I will give you a taste of despair!!!] (Gazuna)

Saying that, Gazuna took out a black ball from the robe.

[And this will fulfill my desire!

“O gospel of the great darkness, grant me with my wish”] (Gazuna)

Reacted to Gazuna words, a black light released from the ball and filled my field of vision but soon disappeared into its source in the blink of an eye. Although a black light from earlier has disappeared, the black ball on Gazuna hand was proved that it was reality. Sarona-san closed and opened her hand to confirm whether there was an abnormality in her body.

[What was that? What are you trying to do?] (Sarona)

*- - - - - dokkun! - - - - -*

I wonder what? Just now, I heard something such as heartbeat. . . but everyone around just acting normally, didn’t you hear that? Umm. . . it’s just my imagination, I’m sure. . . hmm? Somehow the ground is shaking, isn’t it?

*dododo dododo dododo !!!!!*

Something akin to a large crowds footstep was heard from the distance, heading over here at full speed. . . . .

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