
Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Vol. 2 – Episode 29

“An ex...extra...no, master Sungjin...won...or should I say it was a glorious victory?”

One of the heroes started to talk nonsense, but other heroes around him understood: no one there was able to believe what they had just seen.

“Oh, Master Sungjin’s intelligence made the forbidden evil powerless,” said another hero, pretending that he never cheered for Seyzo II. They were smart enough to understand which king they had to follow. Sungjin had just conquered all four kingdoms; they had to be friendly with him.

Hope no one will tell Sungjin what I’ve just said.

Next to the confused heroes, Sir Todam smiled and told Mr. Gunan.

“I’m glad I decided not to say anything until I found out what happened. Haha. They were stupid to rush.”

“You are a man of wisdom.”

Your decision? I told you to do that!

Mr. Gunan smiled while telling Sir Todam the opposite of what he was thinking.

Other extras were excited as well. They were about to give up everything, but at the last moment, Sungjin changed it; so, their excitement multiplied.

To make the watermelon taste sweeter, it was better to put salt on it rather than sugar.


“He won!”


Chapter 21

Eustasia was also deeply impressed.

... yes. He didn’t have any more skills left.

Sungjin still had his left hand, the turret.

Did he consider that possibility and keep his left arm, using his right arm as bait? That’s impossible.

Eustasia thought it was impossible. There was no such thing as ‘maybe’ in Sungjin’s plan. Sungjin surely considered the maximum power of the forbidden evil and planned to use every last power they had with one-hundred percent of their force to fight against Seyzo II.

If I commanded his team, I would have done the same until the first half but would have ended up losing due to the endless power of the forbidden evil.

To bring out the best of the limited force would be the small difference between her and Sungjin that she couldn’t overcome.

It was the difference between a smart general who used the perfectly-formed rules of engagement and a genius who used them while thinking one step ahead.

I’m impressed; I will congratulate your victory for now.

The massacre by Eustasia’s father, the mad king, was stopped.

You’re really strong.

The level didn’t matter. The winner was the strong one.

Since he defeated everyone and took over all four kingdoms, Sungjin was qualified to become a king of the unified kingdoms. What he could do with the Holy Nation and the Golden Nation would be a matter for later; now, he had proved himself qualified to be a king. Eustasia could argue with nothing.

As a loser, she was praising the winner.

Bye. I will leave before I see you.

It would be awkward to face Sungjin because she knew that it was for everyone, and he just finished her father. She couldn’t congratulate him for finishing her father.

Unlike the excitement from Sungjin’s team, the waiting room of the three kings was in heavy air.

“We are really...defeated...?” King Ilkandi murmured in disbelief.

“No way! This can’t be true!” King Leoric was also in denial.

The countries belonged to them; there was no way Sungjin had just won, taking away the country and power from them.

It was just impossible that a mere extra had taken their countries away from them.

“You’re right. An extra can’t become a king. We can’t let that happen.”

Despite the fact that he was the loser of the battle, Seyzo II was not in despair. His eyes were glaring with even more anger and madness.

“But...now...we have no other way.”

King Ilkandi sat down in despair.

They had just lost all their lands, and now they were prisoners.

The status was not the biggest concern; without Sungjin’s mercy, they couldn’t even survive. Denying it wouldn’t change their reality.

“There’s still a way!” Seyzo II shouted out.

“What do you...”

“Whatever people say, I can’t let an extra become a king! I will punish him! I believe you two would happily sacrifice yourselves for the bigger cause!”

“What are you talking about... What?!”

While they were trying to understand, Seyzo II raised the ring and shouted:

“I sacrifice myself!”

A dark stream filled up the waiting room, and before they realized it, King Ilkandi and King Leoric were swept into the stream.

Sungjin and his team heard the sound of an explosion from the temple before they even finished celebrating their victory.

“What’s going on?” Ereka asked nervously.

“Everyone out.” Sungjin went out hoping the sound was not what he thought it was, but the worst case scenario was waiting for him outside.

The waiting room of the purple team was gone, and a dark ocean was rapidly expanding the territory from the disappeared room. In the middle of the ocean, Seyzo II was laughing with absolute madness.

“An extra takes my kingdom away? Not going to happen! Come! My sealed evil monster, let’s destroy this world!”

A black piece of meat coiled around him, as if protecting him, and the black ocean kept expanding.

“What’s going on?”

“What is that?”

While trying to understand the situation, the heroes and the extras felt a bad omen.

There was a hole in the sky. From this dark hole, someone came down, connecting the dark hole in the sky to the black ocean on the ground.

The body slowly landed on the ground.

It was huge, truly gigantic.

The body didn’t have a real form but looked like a globe with a diameter of a few hundred meters; it had countless mouths, and they gave the body a bizarre wavy movement.

There was an endless number of snakes coming out from the body. The snake-shaped things had mouths all over their bodies, and it was hard to tell which part was the head and which part was the tail or body. They looked more like tentacles.

This was a strange-shaped monster that didn’t exist in this world. There were no such huge creatures, either on land or under the sea, and no such savageness or evilness could exist in this world.

While everyone tried to comprehend the situation, the evil monster started eating up things, and Sungjin quickly started to command.

“Everyone get ready! Wizards and archers attack it from the distance! Knights, warriors, and assassins find your formation! Supports, get ready behind! Low levels, get into your formation, and high levels, replace the missing positions!”

His charismatic voice caught everyone’s attention right away.

“Take the wounded to the back. As soon as healed, come back to the position!”

The heroes didn’t know what to do, so they followed Sungjin’s command. This was also an order from the man who has all the territory of the four kingdoms.

“The extras, evacuate! Evacuate cities and towns nearby!”

With Sungjin’s endless commands, the battle against the transcendent evil monster had started.

Count Satirus was watching and left with a big smile on his face.

Hahaha. Seyzo II has finally gone crazy enough to make his final move, all thanks to the stupid extra.

Sungjin did a great job to corner Seyzo II, and that only brought the catastrophe.

Sungjin’s victory was an ideal plot. The king’s madness didn’t stop with managing or feeding the monster. Seyzo II sacrificed two kings’ lives and his own soul to bring the body to this world.

It was impossible to manage the body, since it was a next-level evil monster, even among the outer beings.

When Seyzo II’s existence is exhausted, it will disappear as well, but that will give enough time to destroy a lot of things.

The ally of the four kingdoms would be destroyed, maybe even disappear from the map.

I hope only the half would disappear.

So that his master would have something to conquer.

But if everything is destroyed that also means I followed his order.

Sungjin invited every hero from all four kingdoms to prepare for this situation. Since it was a fight against an evil monster outside of the battlefield, there was no limit to how many heroes could participate in the fight.

I was prepared, but I really hope this wouldn’t happen.

He wished Seyzo II’s forbidden evil was not something like this.

He was a genius but didn’t have all the information of this world. There were a lot of things that he didn’t know.

So Sungjin tried to plan for different possibilities. Although he didn’t want this to happen, he was still prepared.

That was in his nature.


Thor’s hammer was activated.

Thunder roared, and its power heated up the air; the ground recovered the normal flow of the power.

Jenna’s skill was the best from Sungjin’s team for a wide-range destructive power, and she was not alone; other wizards started to activate their skills.

Phoenix flew, and chunks of ice dropped.

The ground cracked, and a strong wind started to swirl.

Other heroes were also activating their skills and made their swords shine and their spears roar.


It was useless.

Although most of them were low level, a lot of heroes were there, and some had their ultimate skills. But still, nothing worked.

Every attack worked as it was supposed to, but the monster had abnormal regenerative power. It was not regenerating; it was something beyond words.

Gulp. Gulp.

The damaged shape of the evil recovered in a heartbeat. The dark body grew without stopping. A new mouth with sharp teeth regenerated. The speed of its regeneration was beyond the rule of nature.

Before heroes could reactivate their skills, the body was fully recovered.

When they cut one head off, two heads spurted back. When they cut two heads, four heads spurted back. Every attack was valid, but the regenerating power of the monster canceled every attack.

The fear started to overrule everyone.

Sungjin had to admit that it was a risky situation.

So this is my final challenge: to unify the four kingdoms.

It wasn’t that Sungjin hadn’t thought of this possibility, the problem was that although prepared, the fight was not going well.

Looking at Seyzo II’s power, it was expected some evil monster like this would appear if the mad king decided to go crazy.

He was a level-seven hero, not an awakened hero of level seven. Sungjin knew there was a clear limit to the power that Seyzo II could bring.

That was the rule of this world and with that calculation, Sungjin defeated him on the battlefield.

But now, it was a fight outside of the battlefield, and he had brought all the heroes there to get ready.

Sunjin was using all his intelligence, but he was facing an absolute power that he couldn’t fight against.

So, how should I manage this risk?

In this desperately dangerous situation, Sungjin’s brain started to work in full capacity.

With madness, Seyzo II’s voice came from the monster:

“Ah hahaha. Hahaha. The throne is mine. I will kill all the traitors! I invited this creature to punish you!”

His obsession and power on the throne had already overruled him with madness, and his desire was endless, just like the evil monster endlessly regenerating itself and eating up everything around it.

That’s why the name of the evil was Infinite Greed.

“Now, Infinite Greed! Punish them!”


Even a hero who was a son of the god of wine couldn’t kill it, so the evil monster had to be sealed. It was an evil monster that regenerated its head endlessly. When a hero cut a head, two heads spurted back; when a hero cut two heads, four heads spurted back.

The mythology says it had nine heads. Nine was the biggest number among single digit numbers, so it was not an actual number but a way to express the infinity.

It was an embodiment of the desire.

It would keep killing, eating, and swallowing, but the hunger wouldn’t stop.

The endless desire would go crazy without no end.

“It’s all mine! If you stand against me, I will kill you all! Eat you all!”

Seyzo II, who brought the forbidden power to the world, became one with Hydra and murmured.

* * *

The army against the evil monster struggled.

Considering the evil monster was not actually one thing but an endless army regenerating itself, maybe Sungjin’s army was doing well.

Is this the power of the forbidden evil?

There was no way they could win; Sungjin was able to calculate that.

No way to win, not with any combination of possibilities, and he knew that if they dragged on like this, they would be the first to be exhausted.

But he didn’t step back.

So other heroes couldn’t retreat.

He could...run away now...

Sungjin had a portal stone, and if he didn’t want to look like he was retrieving, he could simply pretend that he wasn’t by saying, “Keep fighting; I will command you from behind,” and run away. If he did that, the heroes could run away as well.

And then that would happen over time.

The evil monster that Seyzo II brought into this world was a self-destructive type. After time, the evil monster that didn’t belong here would disappear; although, before disappearing, the evil monster would destroy countless towns and cities.

A lot of the extras would die, but the remaining land and people would still belong to Sungjin. With heroes alive, the military force would still be there.

He would lose a bit of wealth, but the gods already granted the crest of lands to him. But why was he trying to stop it with his life? Until when?

Sunjing already knew what other heroes could calculate, but that didn’t stop him from fighting.

The black tentacles attacked him, and he cut the tentacles with his shining holy sword.

But, corrosive saliva splattered and burned his skin. Other heroes would have protected themselves, but Sungjin couldn’t.

His body was covered with wounds, while his clothes became messy.

Fighting on the frontline, he was in the greatest danger but didn’t order to retreat or to try to save himself.

Maybe he was not the strongest, but his presence was.

He was the pillar of this instantly-formed army and kept them together to fight against the monster.

But there was a limit to that as well.

The army couldn’t fight against the monster any longer.

The winner was already decided, even before they started in a fight between an infinite evil monster and mortal human army.

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