
Chapter 617 - Paying with Blood

Chapter 617: Paying with Blood

Xiao Luo was weighed down with grief as he watched Xie Wenchang die. If he could, he would have helped to save his life, but the system’s healing effect only applied to him alone. It was remorseful, for Xie Wenchang was the head of this family of three, and sadly, he had been killed, while the little boy was already beyond help. The genetic drug was corrupting his body from within, and the coma it induced was a permanent effect. The boy was destined to stay in this state until he eventually died.

“Let’s go, let’s get out of here as fast as possible!”

Suzuki Ikuo told the woman in rusty Chinese. He was also feeling heavy-hearted, and he simply hated to spend another minute in this research facility. Not only it had broken up a loving family but taken the lives of father and son. He now felt hatred for the Ri nation people who were involved in this research.

“I am not leaving, my child and I, we are not leaving...”

The woman looked at Xie Wenchang’s body affectionately as she murmured, and tears welled up in her eyes. She caressed Xie Wenchang’s coarse face and wept. “I am where my man is. Our family will always be together, and we’ll never be separated again!”

“Why are you doing this to yourself? I know this is a painful memory for you, but once you have gotten over it, you can live a new life. Time will heal everything.” Suzuki Ikuo was losing his composure and he looked over to Xiao Luo, hinting for him to persuade this woman.

Xiao Luo looked at him indifferently and remained silent.

“I don’t want a new life! I want my husband! I want my child!” The woman was hysterical, and in her eyes, there was nothing but the wish to die. The two most important people in her life had left her, and she no longer had a purpose to live.

“You’re still young, you’re...”

Suzuki Ikuo stopped abruptly, and he was completely shocked. That woman had impaled herself with Xie Wenchang’s sharp claw without any hesitation. The claw pierced through her stomach like a sword, draining away her life force rapidly.

“Ah... Ah...”

Mute grunted hysterically as he recalled memories of his late wife and daughter, and his eyes turned red immediately.

Bright red blood started to slowly ooze out from her wound and the pain caused her to sweat profusely. Then she quivered uncontrollably, and the blood spurted out of her mouth.

“Idiot! Idiot!”

Suzuki Ikuo was devastated and lost his composure. He did not act like a yakuza now, instead expressed sorrow and empathy for this family. An extreme hatred formed in his mind toward those involved in this inhumane experimental project.

Xiao Luo remained silent as he strode toward the exit. He was so silent that it was beginning to feel a little strange, like the calm before a storm, and that wasn’t a good thing.

Suzuki Ikuo carried Lady Poison, still unconscious, and followed him. However, he could not help but look back in regret.

Both Mute and Deaf also regained their composure and trailed behind them.

“...Under the bridge, ducks are swimming, come count them all, two, four, six, eight, ten...So many of them, too many of them...Grandpa with the ducks, his beards white as their feathers, singing the old song, telling the same joke...”

As they were heading toward the exit door, that woman started humming a lullaby to the boy, as if trying to put him to sleep. Her voice was gasping and sorrowful, and it pierced everyone’s soul as she sang tearfully. As they walked away, it gradually became weaker and weaker until it finally stopped.

It was truly a heartbreaking lullaby.

Xiao Luo turned back and saw that the family of three all cuddled up together in the blood, and it was a depressing sight.

“Ah... Ah... Ah...” Mute cried.

Suzuki Ikuo also shed tears, and he cursed while trying to wipe it dry, “Idiot...”

Xiao Luo smiled. It was a cruel smile, a smile that could only be seen on a madman’s face.



At the perimeter of the base, the horse-faced Ri nation sergeant was in command with a squad of men, and they had their weapons pointed at the thick bullet-proof steel gate. His palms were sweating as he was unclear of the situation inside, but he knew that it was not going well.


A resounding clang echoed from the steel gate, and its surface suddenly bulged out. It looked like it was a hard kick from the inside that caused the door to dent. Then, the part of the wall that the gate attached to started crumbling. Something was trying to get out.


The horse-faced sergeant gave the order for everyone to prepare to fire. The squad kept their eyes nervously at the gate.

Everyone was anxious, for this reinforced steel gate was designed to withstand a direct hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, yet all it took was a kick from the inside to dent it. Could it possibly have been done by a human? It was more likely a raving mad bio-warrior!


Another resounding bang and the steel gate suddenly collapsed. It created a swirl of dust that blocked everyone’s vision, and the squad could not get a look beyond the gate.


The horse-faced sergeant knew that whoever emerged from the base could only be the enemy, so he did not bother to identify whoever was there and gave the order to fire.


The nervous soldiers started shooting indiscriminately at the entrance. They saw a figure dashing out like a lightning bolt, but couldn’t make it out exactly what it was. It looked like a mirage, and the squad continued to fire away, using up all their rounds.

Suddenly, something flashed over their heads!

In the haze, the horse-faced sergeant realized that the gunfire was getting less intense, and he started hearing the faint cries of the surrounding men. He was terrified as he looked around and saw all his comrades collapsing to the ground. Their throats were slit open and blood was spurting out profusely. His men were struggling in pain in their death throes.

What was going on?

What the hell was going on?

He looked around but saw no sign of the enemy. Who then could have killed these people? A ghost?

Suddenly, he had sensed a sudden chill coming from his back. It felt like a demon breathing down his neck and about to take his life. That chill was unnerving, and it made his soul shivered.

He took a deep breath and clenched his teeth. He swung around to shoot, but it was too late. All he could feel was a sudden tingling sensation around his neck, followed by the sensation of a cold breeze rushing through his throat, as warm blood gushed out like an exploding pump.

He dropped his gun and clasped his throat with his hands. Everything was spinning in his head now, and he found it difficult to even stand up. Then he collapsed in a heap, still trying to apply pressure to the wound on his neck, but he could not stop the bleeding. The blood wouldn’t stop flowing and spurted out of his mouth.

When death finally arrived, all he saw was a blood-soaked hand hanging over him. Blood was dripping slowly between his index finger and thumb.

He opened his eyes wide in horror and realized that it was this hand that sliced through his throat.

Xiao Luo stared at the corpses lying around him, but the bloodlust within him was only getting more intense.

At that point, Xiao Luo did not care about morals or any potential consequences he might face. There was only one thing in his head—everyone involved in this research facility base and the experiments will pay for their crimes with their lives! Nobody would be spared or allowed to escape!

“A carnage is on the way. Brace yourself, Dongjing!”

Suzuki Ikuo looked at Xiao Luo from behind and broke out in a cold sweat. He was a being that existed beyond the law of nature, and he was very sure that the death of that family had provoked him. Certain people would have to pay the price with their blood.

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