
Chapter 613 - The Carnage Begins

Chapter 613: The Carnage Begins

Such terrifying skills and a vicious personality—this man was the grim reaper incarnate!

Suzuki Ikuo could not stop trembling at the sight of the bodies littered on the floor of the facility. His entire world view changed instantly after witnessing what had taken place here on this night. Whoever said that even the strong and powerful feared bullets? This man was not afraid of such things at all. He had just sent an entire squad of fully armed security guards packing to hell in no more than a minute.

“Good God! If this is all just a bad dream, please let me wake up now!”

Suzuki Ikuo prayed fervently, in desperation and despair. He swore that he would leave the yakuza if he ever made it out of here alive. He would be a law-abiding and upright citizen and would never want to endure such torment ever again, even if it meant he had to sell roasted meat on the streets.

“There are hazmat suits in the closet there. The three of you, put it on now.”

Xiao Luo issued a command before he bounded toward the metal cell farthest in.

The door to the cell was heavy and secured by an electronic lock system accessed using a keypad interface. Xiao Luo smashed a hole into the interface with his fist, and the metal door immediately opened. Suddenly the jarring sound of an alarm rang out through the underground facility. And with that, his infiltration was no longer a secret.

But, to Xiao Luo, this was not an issue. Now that he had found Fu Yiren, there was no more need to act discreetly. He had long since decided to wipe out everyone who worked here in this facility, and now, there was no more need to hide.


With two well-aimed kicks, he cracked open the apparatus that held Fu Yiren. She was still in a comatose state, and so she fell immediately into his arms. There was a sweet fragrance that emanated from Fu Yiren, but this was also a form of toxin. Xiao Luo’s Yi JinJing worked quickly to break down the toxic gas.

“Fu Yiren, Fu Yiren...”

Xiao Luo tried to wake her by calling her name, but she did not respond. The woman sagged in his hold as if she had no bones. Her skin was pale and her lashes long, and she looked as peaceful as sleeping beauty.

He pulled out the needle stuck into her and then took his clothes off to cover her, carrying her out of the metal cell.

“What do we do, Mr. Xiao Han? It looks like we’ve been spotted!”

Suzuki Ikuo and his two henchmen had by then already put on their hazmat suits, and the alarm that went off in the underground hall was sending them into a panic.

“What should we do?”

Xiao Luo huffed in contempt. “Even the mute and deaf guys know to pick up a gun, but you’re just standing there empty-handed?” he scorned.

Suzuki Ikuo looked left and right, and he saw that the mute and deaf guys had already picked up assault rifles for themselves, while he had done nothing but put on the hazmat suit.


“Enough! Take care of her!” Xiao Luo dumped Fu Yiren into his grasp, letting him hold her.

“Wow, what a pretty lady!”

Suzuki Ikuo eyed Fu Yiren with admiration and was instantly bedazzled by her beauty.

Xiao Luo felt the urge to kick him and make that lecherous expression on his face disappear, but he had a better idea, and instead, he said, “If she’s alive, you’re alive. If she’s not alive, then there’s no need for you to be, either. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

Suzuki Ikuo instantly shivered in fear, and he nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking rice. “Yes, yes!”

“Follow me.”

Xiao Luo forced open all the metal cells with brute force, only to find out that every one of them, except for Lady Poison Fu Yiren and Xie Wenchang’s wife and son, were test subjects and had already been injected with the genetic agents.

Some of them were no more than bloodied corpses who looked like they had been skinned alive and were barely clinging on to life. Some had vivisection performed on them and bore long sutured wounds that extended from the chest to the groin; they were subjected to such immense pain that they were better off dead. Meanwhile, another had grown gills and looked like an ugly mermaid, only this mermaid had a rotting body completely covered with foul-looking abscesses.

These were all test subjects—or rather, they were all the results of failed experiments!

Even if he could successfully rescue them, they probably did not have long to live. Xiao Luo waved his hand, and the mute man ended their miserable lives with the assault rifle.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure those who caused you this pain will be buried six feet under!”

Xiao Luo had never seen himself as a saint, but even so, at this moment, his head was filled with nothing but the desire to kill. Every time he brimmed with bloodlust, the bloodthirsty beast that dwelt within him would rear its ugly head, and his blood would start rushing to his head with excitement.

The mother–son pair they rescued recognized him immediately.


The little boy raised his head, staring at Xiao Luo with a pair of large eyes that resembled black jewels. His adorable face made him look like a porcelain doll, and he gave Xiao Luo a huge smile. Perhaps he thought that Xiao Luo had forgotten him, so he raised his little arm up high and saluted Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo patted his head, and then he noticed that the little boy’s left eye was completely white and his pupil was missing. It was evident that this little boy had been injected with the genetic agent, and his body was undergoing unusual changes. When Xiao Luo saw the woman choking on her sobs with tears streaming down her face, he sadly accepted that the boy had been infected with the genetic agent.

The woman suddenly kneeled before Xiao Luo and the men. She looked dispirited and immediately kowtowed to Xiao Luo. “Please, I’m begging you, save my husband. Please, I’m begging on my knees!”

“Get up. I’ll do my absolute best to rescue him.”

Xiao Luo frowned. From what he had heard from Nakamura Miko, it was unlikely that he’d be able to rescue Xie Wenchang. There was nothing else he could do but to assure and console her.

The woman was distressed but far from having a complete breakdown, for her son was her biggest source of strength. Women may be frail, but mothers were certainly not when it came to their offspring. Despite her fatigued condition, she lifted her little boy and held him tightly in her embrace and then followed closely behind Xiao Luo.

They were currently four floors below ground. Suddenly, the blinking lights of the elevator caught their attention. The indicator light on the plate started descending.

The mute and deaf guys brandished their assault rifles, got in position, and prepared to open fire. Beads of sweat were streaming down their foreheads, showing how nervous they were.

Suzuki Ikuo wondered, “How the f*ck can these two idiots be braver than I am? Have I been taking things too easy these few years? Have I lost my edge?” He was ashamed of himself. He was the boss of the inagawa-kai, and yet he was put to shame by a mute man and deaf man. This was a slight to his reputation and an embarrassment.




The elevator finally reached their level and the heavy metal door slid open. Dozen of soldiers in black uniforms and helmets rushed out.

Instantly, the mute man and deaf man squeezed their triggers simultaneously, firing manically in a sweeping pattern across the entrance of the elevator.

The gunfire was furious, sending a hail of bullets like a thunderstorm. It resembled hellfire, tearing viciously into the soldiers exiting the elevator.


The soldiers were caught in the deadly volley, and blood splattered around like sprays of paint. Shell casings spat from the bolt and dropped to the floor as rounds left the chamber rapidly, and the soldiers fell, one after the other.

But these were properly trained personnel, and despite the sustained fire from the mute and deaf henchmen to keep the soldiers at bay, the survivors quickly regrouped and retaliated with a counterattack.


The bullets were like sheets of rain and surged toward the defenders viciously.

The mute and deaf henchmen fell back, taking cover behind two metal cells.

Then, Xiao Luo, who had attached himself to the ceiling like a bat, flashed his palm toward the armed soldiers.


With a resounding roar, Xiao Luo unleashed a terrifying force through his palm that surged toward the soldiers like the angry waves of a turbulent ocean.

The soldiers felt as if they were suddenly in a vacuum, and their bodies blew up. Blood burst out of their bodies like broken pipes and sprayed into the air. Broken limbs flew in all directions as they howled pathetically, soaked in their own blood and experiencing a pain worse than death.

The thick, pungent scent of blood permeated the air.

Suzuki Ikuo, the mute man, the deaf man, and Xie Wenchang’s wife and son stood watching in stunned silence, wide-eyed, and dumbstruck. This man had taken no more than a few seconds to turn this entire area into a scene of carnage. It was a terrifying sight!

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