
Chapter 111 111: The First Ring IV

Cole shifted his weight a bit, but he was not able to get enough traction to get the roots binding him to swing, in fact it didn\'t seem as if the roots themselves had any sort of prehensile ability as it was stuck solidly in place. He really didn\'t want to have to do this, but it seems he was left without much of a choice. [Shadow Dance]

His body vanished from the roots as he appeared in the corner, crashing down to the cold hard earth as a sharp headache lanced through his skull and his body seized up. If Cole didn\'t know any better he would say that at the moment he was having a seizure…. Then the shaking and convulsions started, and then he knew perhaps he did know better. He had absolutely no control over his body as it thrashed on the ground, alone surrounded by the dark damp earth of what he was most definitely sure was a dungeon.

He gritted his teeth, he could only hope that the little bit of energy he had left would be enough to see him through this disaster. He hoped it was enough, and it was, but just barely. Five minute later after causing himself a seizure from over drafting his energy and using a skill that frankly speaking already caused still not healed damage to his body, Cole sat up with a grown.

The roots that had held him bound looked ominously over his sword. Cole shook his head and pushed himself to a standing position, swaying to the side as an intense feeling of vertigo seemed to rush through his body. He took deep steady breaths in order to keep himself under control. He hobbled forwards until his hand wrapped around the hilt of Black Malakai, then he pled out the sheathe of the sword and stuck the blade in it, at the moment it would serve him better as a blunt instrument aka a walking stick than a weapon.

He looked at the only opening to the circular chamber that he had been kept in. Seems there was only one way in or out into the place he was kept, which meant he was pretty much stuck having no other choice but to go up against whatever might be coming down his direction. Cole shrugged, well there was nothing to it, right now he actually sincerely hoped that there would be someone or something willing to come down, he was in desperate need of a little pick me up.

"I sound like a drug addict." Cole chuckled to himself as he made his way outside. He noticed immediately that he was in a tunnel that had to have been dug out by either giant ants or the chitterlings and Ursalings as that darkling woman had said. There could be more perhaps be more types of darklings around. And he was not stupid, the darklings looked patterned after animals, he shuddered as he imagined what a snake darkling might look like.

He hobbled his way down the tunnel, keeping his focus as these darklings had the home field advantage. And while his ability to see in the dark used to be one of his most valuable tool, against these things that literally lived in the dark he would have to rely on his almost preternatural senses to deal with what ever was coming, unless of course said thing just decided to fall on top of your head after burrowing down into the tunnel you were currently walking down on.

Cole barely shifted to the side, his sword flicking out in a [iaido] technique. The katana, yup katana slashed through what couldn\'t only be describe as a giant fleshy darkling earth worm with too many tentacles. It let out a keening wail as it died almost immediately and Cole cursed softly before turning to Look at Black Malakai as it slowly reverted back to its traditional meter long longsword form.

If his eyebrows went any higher they would probably disappear into his hair. He had no idea that Black Malakai could change forms. It made him feel like a fool, be Used perhaps if he knew this earlier he would have had some really epic battles….he meant efficient solutions would have been found to different situations he found himself in.

Cole turned and picked up speed, his energy had regenerated a bit, though it was mostly funneled into healing what ever fucked up shit he had done to his body. And without an healing capsule available to him, he pretty much had no way to speed the process up unless he used [Sin Eater] and [Sin Reaper] on one of these darklings, preferably one that he could see coming and not kill by mistake after being spooked by it\'s appearance.

This also brought a problem for Cole as he realized that his awareness could only work on open spaces. As long as he was not enclosure, but in an end loser space like this, his senses would not go through earth or concrete. It was how the Darkling earthworm centipede from before had gotten a drop on him. And it was also how it\'s meaner older brother got the drop on Cole by literally dropping on top of him.


Cole yelled out in pain as it\'s massive bulk squished him to the ground, but beyond that he felt a drain that was similar to what the female darkling had done to him. It freaked him out but it was weaker, like a hundred steps weaker. But even if that were the case, Cope barely had anything left in the tank, so even for something as weak as this, he could and would be snuffed out quite easily. So in the end he did the only thing that he could do in this situation.

[Sin Eater]

It was as if someone had taken a big hot air balloon and filled it with water until it would almost burst. Then you poke a hulk sized hope into that air balloon and a deluge of water or in this case energy just dumped itself right on top of you after trekking through a desert for 200 days! An exaggeration no doubt, but for Cole it meant that he was back in the game.

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