
Chapter 464 You Are Not A Monster


After making sure that her son remained peacefully asleep, Esther left his side and moved to stand by the window of his room, staring at the departing carriage of her husband with an expressionless face. She was immersed in her thoughts until someone knocked on the door.

"It\'s Tyra, Your Majesty. May I enter?"

Lady Tyra hurried to visit the Second Prince after she heard what had happened to him from his nanny. When she learned that the Queen was with the little prince, she put two and two together that the earlier earthquake was caused by Drayce.

After the door was closed behind her, Lady Tyra bowed to her but her attention was already on the unconscious boy. "How is His Highness?"

Esther watched Lady Tyra go towards Drayce like a worried elder. "You have nothing to worry about. Dray is just shocked."

"Shocked? What do you mean by that, Your Eminence?" the older woman asked, switching titles as they were alone inside the prince\'s room.

Esther explained, "To be more precise, his body is shocked. He was not hurt, but the sudden outburst of strong power was shocking for his small body."

Lady Tyra nodded as she gently stroked Drayce\'s head, taking note that his cheeks were ruddy and his breathing was indeed normal. Even for someone like her who had served the royal family for three generations, it was difficult to not adore this kid.

The Devil\'s son was so small, yet he could already shake the entire palace with his powers. Such a feat was impossible for Lady Tyra, even if she was at her peak.

"Time truly is unforgiving. Less than one year left till His Highness becomes five years old," Lady Tyra said, a fact that reminded both of them about something.

"I wish I had the power to stop time," Esther said in a sad tone.

Lady Tyra said nothing until she approached the Queen. There was reluctance on her face, but in the end, she voiced out her question.

"Is it necessary for you to leave, Your Eminence?"

Esther continued to look out the window even though King Theron\'s carriage was long out of sight.

"I have broken the rules, and you know it." A faint sigh escaped her lips. "If I won\'t sacrifice then those I cherish will have to pay in my stead. I don\'t wish anything to happen to Theron and Drayce. These two are my everything."

"But this will hurt them," Lady Tyra said.

"Better than letting them pay for my sins," she countered.

Lady Tyra lowered her gaze, thus she didn\'t see the trembling of Esther\'s shoulders as the young woman continued to speak.

"You know I would have left after that night. I really wanted to but… but I had to keep Drayce here to fulfil his destiny. I would have originally left as soon as he was born, but that night before leaving, \'He\' asked me to pay for what I owed him for saving Theron\'s life once. In exchange for that debt, he asked me to raise his child for a while, to at least leave some memories of myself…".

At this point, Lady Tyra wasn\'t sure whether Esther was speaking to her or just talking to herself. Still, she continued to listen quietly.

"I stayed. I stayed not because I owed him, but because I am a mother. When I saw that newborn in my arms, I knew then and there I would give up anything for that child. I realized that I am a mother who loves her child and despite knowing it is selfish, I desire to watch my child grow up at all costs. But I cannot ignore reality anymore. I spent four happy years with my son, and now, I have to leave before it becomes hard for Drayce to forget me. I am worried though, that his memories of me will bring him unhappiness when he\'s older."

"Your Eminence, you still have a year left. Please do not speak as if you are saying your farewells at this very moment."

"Yes, I am tempted to leave even right now, but as I said, I am a selfish mother. I want to live with him as long as I can. During this last year, I have to teach him all I can. I must teach him to control his powers. Once I am gone, I am sure you and Mother will take care of him. Especially you." Esther looked at Lady Tyra. "You have to look after him well as only you can understand his powers and what he will suffer in the future."

Drayce continued to sleep for hours. When he woke up, he found himself wrapped in his mother\'s warm embrace. His mother had the kindest, sweetest face in the world, and he looked at her closed eyes with a sleepy yet happy smile. He snuggled closer to her, using her arm as a pillow.

Sensing his movement, Esther opened her eyes and smiled at her adorable son.

"Mother? I am sorry I woke you up," he said, but he even snuggled closer, trying to find the most comfortable position in her embrace. Using his small hand, he tried to pull her closer to him, using her other arm as a blanket before burying himself entirely in his mother\'s sweet warmth.

She caressed his head, leisurely using her fingers to move away those shoulder-length black hair strands from his face. "Dray, how are you feeling now?"

He shook his head as if not willing to speak and continued holding onto his mother.

She knew why he was like that and said, "I know you must be shocked by what happened today, but it\'s not your fault so you don\'t need to hide yourself from me. Mother is not disappointed in you. Mother loves you so much to be upset with you. I am merely asking because I am curious why you used your powers. Won\'t my Dray satisfy his mother\'s curiosity? Hmm?"

Hearing her assuring words, he reluctantly looked up with a pout. "Mother, you promise you won\'t be upset?"

"I promise."

Drayce squirmed in her arms. "Those boys…they said bad things about you…"

"So you got angry?"

Drayce nodded, before closing his eyes, as if scared that she would scold him.

Esther offered him a gentle smile and caressed his soft chubby cheek, causing him to look up. "It\'s normal to get angry, but what you need to learn is to never let your anger and powers hurt others."

"Apologies, Mother."

"As long as you don\'t repeat it, you will remain a good boy."

"Am I really a good boy, Mother?" The innocent eyes of a four-year-old child were seeking answers. "If I am good, why don\'t others like me? Why do they think I am a monster?"

"You are not a monster, Dray. You are a mother\'s sweet child. Everyone is different, and you are slightly more different than the rest. Being different doesn\'t make you a monster, though."

"But no one has red eyes like mine. They say only monsters have red eyes. Even in the bedtime story books—"

"Who said you are the only one who has red eyes?" she asked.

It puzzled him for a moment but the smart Drayce picked up those words and said, "So is there someone else as well just like me who had red eyes as well?" He was excited to know it.

She nodded. "There are others, but well, there is someone. Not only does he have red eyes, but he also has powers too. People also once thought he was a monster, but he proved them wrong."

Drayce listened with wide eyes. "Ooh, what did he do?"

"He showed everyone he is a good man," Esther answered. "He used his powers to protect those weaker than him. Back in the old days, humans used to fear and hate people who they don\'t understand and he is someone who protects everyone who is hated."

"People who they don\'t understand? You mean people with powers like ours?"

"That\'s right. My Dray is so smart."

Drayce giggled at the praise.

Esther continued, "Humans refer to us as \'supernatural beings\' in general, though among ourselves, we think of everyone as just \'people\' of this continent. This continent has many races dwelling in it, and many of them were saved by my him alone."

"Who is your he?" Drayce asked excitedly. "Is he a hero like Father? I want to see him. I want to see how red eyes look on someone else. When I look at myself in the mirror, I don\'t find my eyes scary."

Esther smiled at her adorable son who would not stop talking when he was curious. "His name is Draven Aramis. He is the King of Agartha."

"Oh! A hero and a king, just like Father!"

Esther just laughed at how her son was reacting. Her heart felt a twinge of guilt every time she heard her son show idol worship for his \'father\', Theron, which was something normal and expected given his young age.

"Yes, just like your father, he is a hero and a king. That is why he is not a monster but a protector of all kinds of supernatural beings."

"Can I meet him? Can we invite him to the palace?"

Esther pretended to think. "I am not sure. Perhaps if you remain a good boy…"

"I promise to be a good boy!" he said with a determined expression.

She laughed but she no longer teased him. "He is a king, and you know how kings are busy, right?"

"So I cannot meet him?" he said sadly.

"At least not now. If it\'s in your destiny, one day you will meet him for sure," she said, "but the reason I told you about him is to tell you that regardless of what others say, never think you are a monster. You are just a little different from them. Your actions decide what you are and not a few words said by others. Always be kind to others and help the ones who are in need. Understood?" she asked.

"Yes, Mother." Little Drayce nodded like an obedient child.

"What did you understand?" she asked.

"That I am not a monster but just a little different from others."

"My Dray is really smart," Esther smiled, causing the boy in her arms to giggle happily.

Whatever his mother said was right for him, and these words, Little Drayce planned to keep them in his heart.

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