
Chapter 192 192. Kevin Vs Drake 4.

Chapter 192 192. Kevin Vs Drake 4.

Drake completed his full transformation which was similar to a gorilla, but he couldn\'t swim out of the swampy water, causing him to revert to his human form as more water flowed into his mouth and nostrils.

But with the click of Kevin\'s finger, Drake once again found himself in Kevin\'s room as he coughed out the water he had taken in.

Kevin grabbed and pulled Drake up by his collar before flying out the window with Drake in his grip.

He flew a long distance to prevent anyone from seeing them. When they arrived at a place that was far enough, Kevin grabbed Drake\'s head and slammed it into the ground.

Drake, who was still trying to get the swamp water out of his system, couldn\'t react in time as his head was smashed on the ground, causing his skull to crack from the impact he made on the ground.

Kevin flew up to the sky and activated his cubic fabricated reality skill to make Drake drown once again, but this time around, ten huge swordfish circled him before each of them impaled Drake with their long, flat-pointed bill.

But Kevin wasn\'t done with him yet.

Two sharks materialized before Drake, biting his limbs and tearing off his flesh as well.

And within the next thirty seconds, Drake\'s blood was polluting the swamp.

However, Kevin still wasn\'t done yet. The sharks and swordfishes continued to inflict damage on Drake and his initial scream for help soon stopped after taking too much water into his lungs.

A few minutes later, Drake became unconscious and Kevin clicked his finger once again, allowing Drake to fall from a high altitude and onto the ground.

Drake coughed out the water he had taken in and slowly crawled away from Kevin after hearing Kevin\'s approaching footsteps behind him.

But with every movement Drake made, he writhed in agony as the cool wind blew against his wet body.

His clothes had been torn into pieces and he had several shark bites on his arms and legs as he continued to bleed uncontrollably.

He was losing a lot of blood really fast and it was only a matter of time before he collapsed from excessive blood loss and possibly died.

Still, Drake dragged his limp and tattered body away from Kevin.

He regretted it, but he acknowledged that he had underestimated Kevin.

He never imagined that Kevin would possess a skill that was capable of altering the Earth\'s topography into whatever he desired.

Kevin\'s skill couldn\'t even be placed in the same category as that of an SSS rank awakened.

His abilities exceeded that of an awakened.

Drake finally approached a tree before slowly raising his body to rest against the huge tree behind him.

Breathing heavily, Drake slowly lifted his head to take a glance at Kevin, who was walking towards him.

One of Drake\'s eyes had been prodded by a swordfish, and now, blood was flowing out of it while his other eye was swollen.

Some parts of his legs had been chewed away just like his arms.

Kevin finally stopped in front of Drake and squatted before him while holding a healing potion in his hand.

"So, how do you feel now? Are you happy after accomplishing your revenge?" Drake asked with a mocking voice, but he coughed out a huge chunk of blood after speaking.

His vision became blurry and he slowly began to lose focus of Kevin, who was still squatted in front of him.

Kevin stretched his hand forward and held the healing potion between them before opening his mouth to speak.

"Although it will hurt me a lot to give this to you, if you\'re able to answer my questions, I might consider letting you have this."

Kevin shook the healing potion in front of him, to show Drake that there was really something in it.

However, Kevin was lying. He had no desire to let Drake have the healing potion.

Of course, Kevin had told Drake that he would give him the potion once Drake told him everything he needed to know. However, Kevin had no desire to let him have the healing potion.

Kevin still had a bunch of questions in his head that needed answering.

Questions like who was the last man in the video.

And who instigated the plan as well.

All these were the few questions Kevin wanted to ask, but Drake\'s next word caught him by surprise.

"I don\'t need your potion."

"Keep the potion to yourself. Believe me, you\'ll need it a lot more than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Trust me, the less you know the better for you."

"I understand you possess some skills capable of rivaling that of an SSS rank awakened but there are some things better left unsaid."

"There are some things you are just not meant to know."

"I\'m certain you have a lot of questions as well."

"Indeed," Kevin nodded and opened his mouth to ask a few of the questions he had in mind.

"I have a ton of questions that\'ll need some answers and the first one is–"

"Don\'t even bother," Drake interjected, preventing Kevin from saying anything more before he coughed out some more blood.

"My time has come," Drake said with a sigh before lifting his gaze to the sky and adding.

"There are things I\'ve done and I\'m not proud of them, but I do not regret taking action or joining the devil just so I could make my dreams come true."

"You do not understand what it was like growing up in the slums."

"There were so many things I wanted to do, but I couldn\'t act on them because of my financial situation."

"You were born into a rich family, so you can never understand what it was like to live in the slums."

"I lost my parents at a young age and was forced to take care of myself and my sister on my own."

"With everything that has been said and done, if I had the chance to do it all again, I would gladly do it in a heartbeat."

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