
Chapter 283: Changing a spell

Chapter 283: Changing a spell

Now what? Eldrian wondered as he looked at the unique module that was the Magic Inspection spell. With the others he could try and change the way mana flowed in the pathways. Or he could try and change the nodes from input to output; along with a change in mana flow for the corresponding pathways to make the node change possible.

With there being no mana flowing through the spell Eldrian had no idea what to do. The only thing he could think of was to actually modify the spell module itself. However, this was easier said than done. He had yet to actually succeed in doing so. Sure he had managed with some spells before, but the result was random and quite useless.

In fact, the only reason it kind of worked, was that he used the magic abyss to force it. He hadn\'t been able to recast Nidia, or any other spell he had altered, as he had altered them. The only way he could cast them with the addition was through adding the addition in the magic abyss.

What is going to be faster?? Eldrian wondered as he studied the module before him. It was a circle within a circle, with eight lines going from the midpoint of both circles to the outer circle. Cutting both into eight pieces. However, the lines did not connect normally at the center.

Moving closer Eldrain found this, realizing that what he had thought was a single node was actually five, with eight more pathways. Wait, how is that possible. I didn\'t envision the center like that, so how can it be here like this.? Eldrian pondered, leaving the magic abyss after a few seconds and trying to cast the spell as he had seen it.

It took him a few hours to get a hang of the new spell module. The added nodes bringing the total up to 21 from 16, and the added pathways bringing that total up to 40, from 32. It didn\'t sound like much, but Eldrian had to envision them all correctly, and this spell module was already one of the most complex ones he had learned.

The addition brought it close to the number of nodes and pathways one would expect from a Tier 3 spell, in fact some Tier 3 spells had even less than that. As the sun started rising and the cold was chased away, Eldrian finally succeeded in casting the spell again.

He barely managed to keep it active for a few seconds before losing focus. After another half an hour, the sun now fully risen and the cold replaced by pleasant warmth, he managed to keep his focus together.

Eldrian could feel his mind being strained by this. A headache forming after only twenty seconds of keeping the spell active.

In those twenty seconds, Eldrian had quickly looked at his limbs and even his stomach and chest, though the latter had a less clear view. He was happy to find that actually envisioning the additional nodes and pathways seemed to have changed something. His vision on his mana was far clearer.

Where before it was like he could see a mist moving inside of him, now it was like he was looking at a light. Still, this improvement did little for him. The center must be where the magic happens.? Eldrian pondered, letting go of the image he kept in his mind to keep the spell alive.

Not needing to focus on it his headache soon left, along with a feeling of drunkenness that had begun forming. The spell was far more strenuous than he had thought it would be. Causing him to wonder if the addition actually brought it up to a Tier 3 spell.

Considering again how the pathways met at the center, Eldrian wondered if he could possibly change them. It would be far easier than trying to add another pathway and the corresponding nodes. Which he would have to also keep in his mind.

Removing pathways and nodes wasn\'t an option since that would most certainly break the spell. While addition would do the same, the spell might just malfunction; instead of completely stopping to work.

The problem with this though, and why most people couldn\'t do this, was that a spell had to be complete to be cast. Else nothing would happen, or in worst cases, they could get a backlash from trying to force an incomplete spell.

Trying to change a spell-like this was similar to when people first learned it, but kept envisioning the module incorrectly. Sure, you could push through until you succeeded. But in most cases you would be left unconscious before you made any progress. You can even cripple yourself if the spell you were experimenting with was something really complex, or violent.

Luckily Eldrian had access to the magic abyss, which was the only way to experiment without knowing the answers. Even so, most mages needed to know what change would cause what effect, to reduce the possible risks. But Eldrian could just try things out to see what happened.

Even if he received backlash, it shouldn\'t be too bad since he could resurrect. He would prefer no backlash, as the pain was often not capped by the system in such cases. As he had painfully learned in the past. Still he knew he wouldn\'t die, at least this was what his past experiences also told him.

Sitting down on the dirt road, Eldrian pulled one of the spike-like rocks he had formed while practicing Vrachos. Using it as a pen he drew the original spell module, then the one he had just used.

Focusing on the center he drew it next to both spell modules. He also drew it as he had first learned the spell. The original had a single node where all eight lines(pathways) met. The new one instead had the diagonal lines moved up a bit. With them stopping on the horizontal lines, forming a cross with the verticle.

This resulted in a diamond shape being formed where he thought a single node was. "So, how can I manipulate this?" Eldrian mumbled and started drawing random manipulations. He started simple, moving just one of the diagonals.

For now he decided on three variations he could try, knowing that testing each would take him probably an hour or more. The first basic ones were to move some number of the diagonals back to their original location as he had first learned the spell.

The other was trying to really cast the spell as he had first learned. Stopping the diamond shape from even forming. The last was to move the diagonals downward, so that those from the top met the bottom verticle, instead of the top one they currently did.

As Eldrian suspected it took him an hour to succeed with the simplest change. This with him manipulating the spell inside the magic abyss and then trying to leave with it still existing.

This was quite hard, as generally when leaving the magic abyss he would lose focus and his grip over his spells. With normal spells this didn\'t matter much, since they could sustain themselves for a while. Magic Inspection was different, and hence each time he let the image in his mind slip, he had to start over.

He also quickly found a problem with the first approach. It seemed to make the spell unstable. Each time he left he would have a throbbing headache, his nose even started bleeding when he tried moving two pathways to the center.

As such he gave up in trying to move them all there. While it should have been fine, as it was how he had envisioned the spell at first, the pain he felt told him that it was not.

So he ignored his second plan, having found that if he simply tried to cast it like that the spell would actually form correctly. And trying to force the point through the magic abyss seemed to lead to a backlash.

He also realized, after casting it as he first learned it again, that the center wasn\'t as well-formed in this case. He didn\'t quite understand how it even succeeded if he learned it wrongly, but he felt that it was close enough somehow. Which was why it wasn\'t well-formed, compared to when he actually envisioned the diamond shape in the center.

With just one idea left Eldrian turned to that one. Entering the magic abyss again, this time he didn\'t just move the diagonal to the center, but instead pushed it past to the bottom vertical pathway.

Doing this put extreme strain on his mind, but no headache. So he pushed on, not wishing to test it with just one change as it was most certainly unstable in this form.

Moving the other pathways Eldrian felt the strain on his mind continuing to grow. In the end, he had to give up while moving the third pathway. However he didn\'t give up, but he did decide that it was time for a break. His back was wet with sweat, and his stomach was growling. He had been practicing for over six hours already.

Heading back into the town Eldrian entered the first restaurant he found, quickly ordering himself something to drink and eat. After enjoying a really expensive meal, twenty coppers, for some type of magical beast Eldrian didn\'t know, he left feeling refreshed and full of energy. As the description on the menu had stated he would feel.

Feeling ready to tackle the problem again Eldrian headed back out of the town. This time heading to one of the grass patches and finding himself a tree to sit under. Enjoying the shade and slight breeze moving through the place he focused and cast the spell again.

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