
Chapter 285

Colin put his hands on the arms Mykael had placed around his body and he said honestly to him : “So far he is doing great, the first pill will be the longest and hardest for his body to absorb but after that it should be faster, I’ll help him speed up the absorption if I see we’re running out of time.”

Mykael sighed and he said to tease him: “Damn, I was really looking forward to our first night together.”

Colin chuckled and told him: “It’s okay Mykael, tonight, tomorrow or only in few days, it doesn’t really matter, we’re immortal after all and we will have all the time we want to enjoy it.”

Mykael smirked and he took his chin to turn his head towards him: “You’re right, we’ll have plenty of time to enjoy it.”

He then crushed his lips on his and after having shown him how impatient he was, he tighten his embrace around him and sighed again which aroused Colin’s curiosity who then asked him : “I know very well that it is not because we can’t spend the night together that you are sighing so what is it?”

Mykael chuckled and he then confessed to him putting his cheek against his: “The phoenix is ​​about to hatch and while I’ve barely had time to get used to the idea that I have a son, they already want to make me a grandfather.”

He added because it also annoyed him : “And while I thought I could spend more time with you, as soon as we arrived in this world we had to part.”

Colin felt his heart quicken and he asked him: “Did you really want to spend more time with me.”

Mykael kissed him on the cheek and he said to him : “I need you here as one of my soldiers but yes I was also hoping to spend more time with the man and not just the soldier.”

Colin turned his head and he smiled at him before saying: “Don’t worry, I promise you that both the man and the soldier are crazy about you and I’m looking forward to spending more time with you too, but now is not the right time.”

He then said to him : “Mykael, you should spend some time with them tonight, they will be happy to share this moment of happiness with you, you have a family now, go take care of them, I will contact you to keep you updated with the situation here.”

Mykael then said to him before disappearing : “Don’t forget that you are part of this family now.”


Meanwhile, in the pavilion number 8, Kevin was crafting potions while waiting for their baby phoenix to hach, and Axel was training using his chakra and he was trying to concentrate it in his hands until it become visible.

Kevin told him about what Yelena and Ashton had done and he was really eager to try this technique. But before that he had to increase his control over his chakra and Kevin had to reach the 1 000 Soul force points to be able to use the particles that were in the spiritual energy at will.

He had found out that he had better control of his chakra when he was using the bloodline of his mother and he was really starting to make significant progress when he felt a sudden wave of energy coming from the egg that they had placed on the coffee table in their living room.

Kevin also dropped the potion he was making and they both looked at each other with eyes shining with excitement.

They sat down side by side at the coffee table to welcome their new family member and red and gold cracks began to appear on the egg. Then there was a blinding light and they heard a beautiful melody that gave them a sense of fulfillment they had never felt before.

When the light and melody stopped they heard cooing and when they looked back to the coffee table they saw a tiny phoenix that could fit in the palm of their hands.

His body had red fur, and his wing and tail feathers were also red, only their tips were orange, and there were also golden patterns on them.

His eyes were red with golden pupils and when Axel put his hands in front of him so that he would come on his own, their baby phoenix first rubbed his head on them as if he wanted to be caressed, then with an uncertain step he managed to settle in his hands and then he curled up looking at both of them with his eyes that seemed to observe them which showed that he already possessed a certain form of intelligence.

Kevin then looked at Axel who seemed hypnotized by this sublime creature and he thought that he should introduce them to their baby phoenix because if he was born with the knowledge of his ancestors, and if he already had access to all that knowledge, he was probably already able to communicate with them somehow, at least that was what he assumed.

So he cleared his throat, which drew the attention of the baby phoenix and Axel to him, and he said to Axel first: “Maybe we should introduce ourselves to him, maybe he can already use some form of communication, it doesn’t hurt to try.”

Axel nodded and Kevin continued looking in the eye of their baby phoenix : “I’m Kevin and this is my husband Axel, you were given to us by the God of Destruction who happens to be Axel’s father. He told us that your world had been destroyed and that he had saved you so that the knowledge acquired by your clan would not disappear with it.

Axel and I, we will be very happy to become your family, of course if when you grow up and are strong enough to defend yourself and fight on your own you want to leave to live your own life you will be free to do what you want, but in the meantime let us protect you and be your adoptive parents. This world is not very safe right now, but we’ll make it a wonderful place to live, trust us…”

Kevin looked at Axel because he didn’t really know what to add anymore and Axel who had caught his gaze then asked the baby phoenix who was still looking at them without taking his eyes off them for a single second: “Can you already communicate with us somehow, do we need to find a name for you or do you already have one?”

The baby phoenix then rubbed his head against Axel’s palm again and Axel gasped when he heard a young girl’s voice in his head, ‘I’m Willow, and right now I can only communicate with you through physical contact, but soon I’ll be able to create a permanent telepathic link with the both of you.’

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