
Chapter 1 - A New Chance

When he was twelve, he ran away from the orphanage, where he was beaten since he was very young, to live on the streets.

He also stopped going to school so they couldn\'t find him anymore, and from here a new life was waiting for him.

He was agile and fast and he quickly made a name for himself in the streets, he could steal anything from anybody and he never got caught.

He learned at a young age that there were two very different worlds, the world where normal people lived and where those with money and power were ruling, and the shadow world.

The shadow world was his world, where those who had talents and those who were willing to do anything for money could become more powerful than those who were ruling the world.

By eighteen, he had become one of the five best assassins in the shadow world, and he had become richer than he could ever have imagined it.

By twenty-five he had become the best assassin and created a small empire for himself.

By twenty-eight he had grown too powerful and he was therefore a threat to those who were ruling the world, he had become the man to kill.

Whether it was politicians, military, even those in the shadow world, they all wanted his head.

Thanks to his network he managed to escape them for five long years, but every time he thought he was safe, they were always finding him.

And one day, what had to happen when everyone was in league against you, finally happened. He was assassinated, him, the best assassin of all time.

As life was slipping out of him, he vowed that if he could have another chance he would become even more powerful.

He would become so powerful that no one could ever reach him again, and that he would never live the life of a fugitive again.

He had changed his identity so much over the past twenty years that he couldn\'t even remember his real name.

If another chance was given to him, he would cherish this new identity and not change it no matter what, but that was just a wishful thinking for a person who would soon be dead.

As his last fight was over and he had just killed some fifty elite soldiers, his body was riddled with bullets and his vision gradually darkened.

The man who was responsible to hunting him down then approached him and crushed his chest with his foot, this sudden pain have given him back a rush of adrenaline.

This man had a satisfied smile on his face and he saw him move his lips. He couldn\'t hear anything though, there was only hissing in his ears and despite being taught very young to read lips, he didn\'t understand this language.

He smirked as well, that searing pain in his chest had given him back enough energy to kill this asshole before he died.

He said to him : "Do you know why I was the best assassin ? Because I was able to kill anyone with only one hit."

That man was probably curious and wanted to mock him because he then leaned forward. He had to think that with so many bullets in his body he was now harmless, this was his last mistake.

He grabbed one of his wrists and pulled that man towards him with all his might, with his other hand he then used his blade which he had always tied in the crook of his wrist, and he thrust the blade into the man chin.

The blade was long enough to cause instant death, \'game over mother fucker \', that was actually his last thought just before he died too.


When he woke up, excruciating pain was tearing his head apart. One, the man who this body belong to had just died from that blow to his head, and two he was now absorbing all the memories of that person, and it hurt like hell.

His name was Kevin, and like him this young man was an orphan. He had just been kicked out of the orphanage as he had just turned eighteen and was heading to the main square to try to get recruited by the Sun Sect.

But on the way, he had bumped into someone in a moment of inattention, that man was a big bully who saw that he was alone and seemed weak despite his tall size, so that man had taken the opportunity to lead him into an alley and brutalize him to strip him of all his meager possessions.

So there he was, Kevin\'s skull had just hit one of the walls in that alley and his attacker was complaining about his loot.

Well, it was time for him to take matters into his own hands, he got up and wiped the dust off his clothes, he checked his wound on his head, and it seemed that the bleeding was over.

He said to his attacker : "Give me back my magic bag and give me yours, if you kindly obey I will maybe spare your life … maybe though, I don\'t promise you anything, I had a rough day and I\'m really not in a good mood right now."

His attacker wondered where the crybaby who was in front of him a few seconds ago had gone but he didn\'t think too much about it.

He took him by the collar of his shirt and said full of anger : "Who do you think you are, you filthy brat ? I will make you pay for your insolence."

Kevin smirked and said : "Good luck then !"

He immediately gave him exactly two blows. With his right hand he hit him in the throat preventing him from breathing and screaming, and with his other hand he hit him close to the heart which caused cardiac arrest and his almost instant death.

Kevin was a little upset to find himself in such a weak body, he was going to have to work on it, there was no way he was going to be at the mercy of anyone.

Luckily for him that body was tall and slender, all he needed to do was to have a better nutrition and a hard training.

He retrieved his magic bag and took his attacker\'s, he also searched on his corpse and took the jewelry he was wearing and that he could resell to make some money.

According to Kevin\'s memory, the magic bags were really very useful, it was like a room where you could store your belongings and that you could always carry with you, really too cool.

He quickly looked at what was in his attacker\'s magic bag and found there, 150 gold coins, a sword and two daggers, a change of clothes and some food.

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