
Chapter 61 Additional Reward

It was impossible to escape the Juggernaut\'s clutches, and Xavier felt a sharp and great pain in his arm, as he struggled to pull it out from under the behemoth he had taken down.

And after managing to do so, Xavier gently pulled up the sleeve on his arm that was throbbing in pain, and could see that his wrist had clearly been broken.

He could see a small bone protruding slightly and his wrist was awkwardly bent, with it causing him extreme pain when he tried to move it.

But thankfully, other than the marks left by the Juggernaut\'s grip and the soreness, his forearm seemed mostly unharmed and the two bones that made it up didn\'t seem to be broken, which would be a tough injury to recover from.

Letting out a sigh of relief despite the pain he was in and the injury he endured, he was glad that the damage his arm sustained didn\'t appear to be too severe.

He had only hurt his left wrist, and although he fought with both arms and they were very similar in power and technique, he still preferred his right arm since that was the one he wrote with.

And against most opponents, his kicks were usually his most lethal weapon.


Holding his wrist as he walked out of the cage, medics rushed into the cage to check on the Juggernaut\'s condition, and they needed 5 large men to be able to carry him out of there, and even then, they were struggling.

Meanwhile, Xavier was also led into an infirmary like room, and surprisingly, it was very clean and very similar to what one would expect in a hospital, which was unexpected considering that he was in an underground fight club.

A middle-aged man in a doctor\'s uniform checked on Xavier\'s left arm, and just like he had gathered, his left wrist had been broken, but his forearm was thankfully mostly fine.

However, his forearm bones were on the verge of being cracked due to the impact of the Juggernaut falling on his arm, and the doctor said that he would need to rest and not strike with his left arm for at least a few weeks.

While his wrist would need to be in a cast for at least a month for it to recover properly.

Or so he hypothesised based on his observations that were yet to be confirmed.

And yet Xavier didn\'t seem fazed by his diagnosis, and the doctor was surprised by how calm he was despite the intense pain he was surely in.

"Sorry, doctor, but I can\'t wait that long. I have two more fights scheduled tonight, and I\'m planning on fighting them both," Xavier stated simply.

"Are you crazy?! If you do that, and cause even more damage to your left wrist, it may be impossible for it to recover to how it once was!"

Xavier shrugged, and although he made it seem as though he didn\'t care, of course, he did.

​ But he believed in the system and trusted that it could help him recover, after experiencing the effects of the Rapid Recovery that it had previously provided him with.

However, when he thought about the Rapid Recovery and remembered what his digestion was like over the week that he had it, immediately a chill ran down his spine.

[If you truly do manage to win two more battles, the Rapid Recovery will be issued as an additional reward. Just like before, it will last for a week, but the system recommends the host to at least wear a cast to protect your left arm for the next two fights]

\'It\'s as if you can read my mind\' he said to himself sarcastically with a slight smile, before jumping after experiencing a jolting pain.

The doctor who was checking out just how bad the break in his wrist was had turned his arm slightly, testing the damage to the joint, which startled Xavier.

Glaring at him, he asked, "What\'s the final verdict, doctor?"

"Well, I still need to give you an X-Ray after getting permission from the boss. Then I can be sure. But from what I\'ve seen, you\'re are very lucky, and it appears to be a stable fracture."


"Meaning, you won\'t need surgery, and your wrist simply needs to be immobilised with a cast for at least a month, and most likely 6 weeks, then it should be all good. With some medication and a lot of rest, you should be as a good as new. As for your forearm, there isn\'t any clear damage. But those scars..."

"Mind your own business," Xavier warned him sternly, and his gaze appeared to intimidate the doctor, who avoided looking him in the eye.

"Sorry, sorry. I was just surprised by them... But I must say, you have some sturdy bones and are stronger than you look. Considering that the Juggernaut had fallen onto your arm, I was expecting the damage to be much worse," the doctor apologised before moving on.

"What can I say? I drink a lot of milk," Xavier responded, before pulling his arm away from the doctor, who was still inspecting it.

"Now then, I don\'t have all day and am going to fight two more fights tonight. So, put a cast on my arm for me, one that will protect my wrist and forearm for the meantime," Xavier instructed sternly.

"I can\'t do that. I need to do an X-Ray to be sure, and even then, you can\'t fight with a broken wrist. If you use it in combat and cause it even more damage, it may not even recover to how it once was. And I\'m not even sure if your forearm is totally fine," the doctor refuted.

"That\'s not your problem. Just do as you\'re told, and put a cast on for me."


"No buts. Do as he said," a hoarse voice chimed in, and upon seeing who the voice belonged to, the doctor\'s heart sunk.

The doctor was visibly shaking as he lowered his gaze and nodded his head, "Yes, sir. I will begin right away," he said before scurrying to make preparations for a cast to be placed on Xavier\'s arm.

The man who spoke and entered the medical room was the one-eyed demon, and of course was with his same entourage of 5 elite guards that were all armed and had a deadly presence.

But additionally, Achara was also with them, after, rushing over as soon as Xavier\'s battle had ended, and meeting them along the way.

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