
Chapter 19 Oldest Trick In The Book

"Ahh, you must be Christopher Swarts." a tall man said softly and stood up from his seat after seeing Chris entering the waiting room along with the security guard.

"And you must be Mr. Gerald," Chris replied politely while observing the tall real-estate agent who was doing the same with Chris.

Gerald was younger than Chris expected, seemingly in his late twenties. Dressed in a elegant long brown coat and semi formal shirt with trousers, he had a certain air of confidence and experience around him.

Even though being one of the youngest, Gerald can be easily considered as one of the best real-estate broker in whole Glorr city! If Chris wasn\'t visiting one of the costliest properties in city, he could only dream about getting Gerald as his broker.

"Nice meeting you Young master and mistress." Gerald politely shook hands with Chris and Cathy while greeting.

"Likewise," Chris nodded politely.

"So, which apartment would you like to visit first? There is currently a 3 BHK apartment and Penthouse vacant for rent."

"Penthouse intrigued me more than the apartment." Chris smiled slightly and gave an indirect answer to Gerald\'s question.

"Haha, good choice," pleased with Chris\'s selection, Gerald laughed and gestured the siblings to follow him into the elevator.


As the glass doors of the elevator opened on the ground floor with a ding, Chris and his sibling stepped in, feeling a rush of excitement as the sleek and modern elevator began to ascend upwards, smoothly and noiselessly.

The walls of the elevator were made entirely of transparent glass, providing them an unobstructed view of the bustling city below. As they rose higher and higher, the distance between them and the ground widened, and Chris couldn\'t help but marvel at the breathtaking sight before him.

The sun was shining bright and strong, casting a warm glow over everything in sight. The clouds that used to be out of reach now seemed to hang lower, almost within reach.

The Glorr city that was like hell for Chris now looked much more beautiful and magnificent, the buildings stretched out as far as the eye could see, sparkling in the sunlight.

The streets below were teeming with activity, cars zipping along like little toys, and people milling about like ants.

With each passing floor, the view from the elevator grew more and more stunning, and Chris felt a sense of wonder and awe at the sheer scale and beauty of it all.

This was Glorr city, in all its glory... the glory he never noticed and lived on the opposite side of it.

The poor riffraff from slums was now standing above every other human in this city... this was a very proud and monumental moment in Chris\'s life, the moment he will remember all his life.


Elevator stopped on the 41st floor with a sight jerk and opened its doors. Gerald was first to walk out while Chris and Cathy followed him.

"Well, I will do my job now," Gerald said with a chuckle and continued, "As you know that this skyscraper known as Oracle Heights is the biggest building in our small city."

"It have only 4 Penthouse in the whole 41 floored building! Because they get sold fast, you are lucky that this one is still available." Gerald tempted using an oldest trick in the book, the \'lucky\' trick.

He was showing that Chris and Cathy were very lucky that this penthouse was still available and they shouldn\'t even think twice before buying it!

Of course, his trick was unable to trap Chris who was well-versed with such cheap techniques, but, the poor Cathy was caught in the trap and her eyes sparkled brightly.

"Indeed, we are very lucky." Chris smiled, showing fake praise over Gerald\'s introduction.

"Ahem, so, this is the penthouse that is currently vacant," Gerald cleared his throat after seeing that Chris caught his over selling and quickly opened the door to a penthouse near the elevator.

The door to the penthouse swung open, revealing a spacious and welcoming hall adorned with gleaming white marble tiles.

The decor of the space was tasteful and refined, with a magnificent U-shaped sofa taking center stage in the living area. An enormous 85-inch LCD television sat atop a sleek entertainment console, inviting one to just kick back and relax in comfort.

The regal wooden dining table was also an awe-inspiring sight, exuding an air of sophistication and refinement.

It was evident that no detail had been overlooked in crafting this 3-BHK penthouse, and the elegant ambiance it exuded was truly awe-inspiring.

Chris\'s eyes roamed across the house, awed by such a piece of art. Cathy however completely lost it, her eyes were basically twinkling like a teenage girl standing in front of her favourite idol!

"All the rooms are well furnished and the penthouse itself is ready to move in." Gerald informed as he walked in the house after hanging his long coat on a hanger by the door.

"This is the hall, furnished by top class products imported from high grade cities."

Chris didn\'t doubt this statement as this kind of regal and sophisticated touch was nigh impossible with low quality goods of smaller cities like Glorr city.

Gerald walked into the three rooms and kitchen one by one giving a brief explanation about them to Chris and Cathy, and Chris must admit, this penthouse really was a charmer.

Even just one room from this penthouse was bigger than Chris\'s last apartment!

Apart from one room that was used as the storage room by the previous owners, all the rooms were well equipped with all necessities and premium decors.

"Chris! There is a bathtub in master bedroom!" Cathy came shouting excitedly and interjected in the chat between Chris and Gerald.

"I am sorry, she is bit of a crackhead," Chris rolled his eyes and ignored Cathy\'s excited looks.

"Haha," Gerald gave a short laugh and ignored the cheerful Cathy aswell.

"Hmph," Cathy pouted in frustration and stormed off to the last unexplored door of the apartment, she caught the handle of the wide sliding door and gently pushed it open.


A cold refreshing breeze blew into the apartment from the small opening, enveloping Cathy in its gentle embrace.

She felt comfort and relaxation wash over her as she basked in the cool embrace of the wind, intoxicated by the comforting sensation, Cathy pushed the door all the way and stepped into the balcony.

Chris was also left speechless as the sliding door opened to reveal a breathtaking sight. The expansive balcony stretched out before him, its floor covered in near perfect artificial grass.

Four luxurious beach chairs with plush cushions beckoned invitingly, positioned perfectly to face the magnificent edge.

A sleek, low-height glass railing encircled the perimeter of the balcony, offering an unobstructed view of the bustling cityscape below.

At a dizzying height of 40 floors above the ground, it was a rare treat to see the occasional wispy cloud drift past the building, almost close enough to touch. The sheer awe-inspiring beauty of the scene left a deep impression in Chris\'s mind.

"Whoa..." Chris breathed a impressed sigh as the cold comforting breeze embraced his body aswell...

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