
Chapter 332 - I Want My Money Back

Under the shadow of darkness, the only vast plain within this mountainous area was dead silent with not even a single critter chirping or twittering. Occasionally there were some rustling sounds in the bushes but apart from that, the beautiful forest was tranquil free from human interference.

That is until whoosh sounds followed by heavy breathing flashed by breaking the serene environment. Two seconds later another figure flashed by scattering the dry leaves fallen from the cold. The atmosphere between them seemed tense. Not the \'I am going to fight you\' kind of tension but the type that would have people asking, "Should we leave the room?"

The predator seemed to be toying with his prey speeding up but just as he reached the target he would slow down. Ji Yao knew Rui Fei was toying with him and that if the annoying cub really wanted to catch him he would have done so a long time ago but he couldn\'t help being competitive.

He sped up trying to create some distance between them that he didn\'t notice that he was slowly approaching a waterfall. His mind was so absorbed in winning that he behaved impulsively which was rare for someone with his kind of personality. If his father was there he would have suspected that his son had been replaced by someone else.

Seeing that Rui Fei was a great distance away from him he grinned victoriously as his robe fluttered with the wind. The wind resistance blowing against his robes happened to loosen his belt Rui Fei had tugged on earlier.

His lapel opened up a little revealing a bit of his enticing collarbone but he didn\'t notice as he continued running. The feeling of the cold wind blowing through his hair made him feel free, free of worry, free of responsibilities hence carefree.

This feeling was rare and precious to him because ever since birth it was as though he was born to be an adult and for his father to go back to being a child. This is why he treasured this moment where he could run through the forest with no care.

As they got closer and closer to the roaring waters, Rui Fei picked up the pace trying to catch up. He didn\'t know if Ji Yao knew there was a waterfall ahead but if he didn\'t then wouldn\'t that mean he might end up taking an icy cold bath in the middle of a cold night.

Not willing for his boyfriend to be frozen into a popsicle he decided to engage his aether instead and jumped ahead of Ji Yao to stop him which was probably a violation of the rules of this game.

Since Ji Yao had been running without engaging his aether he also followed suit but now that there was potential danger he had to break the rules and stop Ji Yao from taking an ice bath.

As Ji Yao approached the edge he suddenly noticed the gushing waters but it was already too late to stop. For the second time tonight, he leapt over another cliff only this time Rui Fei appeared mid-air and embraced him.

No matter how fast he was the two still plunged into the water with a loud splash and washed down the river. Rui Fei who had been separated from Ji Yao the moment they hit the water engaged his core. Having gathered the right amount of force he swept the water to one side with the swing of his hand.

A huge tidal wave came crashing down at the forest causing irreprehensible damage like land ridden by seasonal floods. As some of the water flowed back to the river bed Rui Fei walked over with a wet head of hair. He looked like a husky that had been playing with the sprinklers outside.

The silvery strands were plastered to his face, his clothes and boots drenched but he didn\'t care. His focus was on the culprit who behaved carelessly which was absolutely unlike the Ji Yao he knew.

Thinking of settling scores with him he strode over but the moment he saw Ji Yao his plans were immediately thrown out of the window. Ji Yao was lazily floating on top of the water surface chuckling like he found something amusing.

His hands and feet were spread out like a starfish as he laughed while gazing into the sky. His jet black strands were spread out in the water like pond algae.

Coupled with the hypnotic eyes shimmering under the moonlight and partially exposed chest with water droplets caressing the skin, it painted a seductive picture that could sell well at the market square for self-help services.

Rui Fei stood next to the top of Ji Yao\'s head as he leaned down to meet Ji Yao\'s line of sight. Ji Yao tilted his head back and mouthed something with a mischievous smile.

Being called a wuss twice tonight didn\'t settle well with him. Of course, he knew this was Ji Yao\'s way of getting his attention but he didn\'t care.

He gladly obliged him. Without thinking twice he pressed Ji Yao down intending to prove how brave he was but unfortunately, Ji Yao wouldn\'t let him have his way. "Take it back," said Rui Fei but instead of coaxing laogong with some nonsensical sweet talk, this wangfei flipped him over marking the beginning of some senseless tussling like a bunch of high school students on the sports field.

The once calm forest was filled with sounds of splashing water and occasional swearing. That is to say, it was easy for the crew to find them and when they did there were a lot of regrets.

"Ha! I didn\'t think this is the type of fight we were betting on," said Big Hei with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Speak for yourself, this is exactly what I had in mind," said Rui Li shaking her boots that got wet from the damp soil, "it\'s called sex fighting minus the sex of course."

"Fuck...," swore Rui Yewan shutting her mouth, "will you stop saying weird shit?"

Rui Li who had been stopped from speaking glared daggers at her brother as she let out inaudible sounds.

"Damn it, I want my money back," said Xunshi Zhe but the bookie Zhang Li who was holding all the funds said,

"Nah uh, this also counts as a fight. The bets are still on." As he said this he stepped backwards preventing Xunshi Zhe from getting his dirty paws on the money.

"But it\'s not even a serious fight. Look at how Rui Fei is grinning while trapped in a headlock. Aren\'t you afraid you will lose money?" replied Xunshi Zhe unwilling to lose his fortune over this.

This flashed a major disagreement among the crew.. They were too absorbed in their argument over money that they failed to realise something was wrong with that boy they had picked up from the village. 

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