
Chapter 286 Inherited Ambition (Part 2)

"The people of a whole world had the ambitious goal of creating a god for the sake of the continuation of their world and the entire human race. Their ambitions and goals are too immense for us to comprehend at this moment," Samuen explained, sitting down on the ground and feeling the weight of his fatigue.

"Even if they ultimately faced destruction, they undeniably succeeded," Samuen continued, lifting his head and making eye contact with each person present. Mental exhaustion and confusion were reflected in their eyes.

\'\'He is someone who was created through the sacrifice of an entire world. And also the legacy that was left to us from that long-lost world. Do you understand what I mean? \'\' The expression on Samuen\'s face conveyed a gravity and resolve that had not been seen before.

"So you\'re asking us to take on their unfinished mission?" Cael\'s voice was filled with gravity as he expressed his concerns. "This task, which led to the destruction of an entire world, is far beyond the capabilities of our small family."

\'\'Indeed, it\'s not a simple task. It is clear that his presence will create significant problems for our family and even for our world in the future. But great passions come at great costs,\'\' Samuen replied with a smile on his tired face.

"We may not be his family, but we can become a guardian family," Samuen declared. "From this moment onward, our family\'s priorities take a back seat. Our primary responsibility is to nurture and protect him, ensuring his well-being and growth. Even though I can\'t say for certain whether or not it will result in destruction or prosperity in the future, the one thing that is certain is the action that needs to be taken right now. \'\' 

Samuen\'s body began to regain its strength, and he slowly stood up, fixing his gaze on the broken gate as the presence pounded against him like unrelenting waves. 

\'\'We will shoulder this difficult task and, for our world... no, for all of humanity, we will humbly serve, bearing witness to the rise of the future human god,\'\' he proclaimed.

Cael and the others were deeply moved by Samuen\'s resolute and powerful words, and it didn\'t take long for them to fully embrace his decision.

After all, Raydon wasn\'t the sole legacy this fallen world had bestowed upon them—they had also inherited boundless ambition.

\'Doesn\'t this woman have any other summons she can use to transport us? \' Raydon wondered, casting a sidelong glance at Diam as she continued to guide him with grace.

They had been walking for nearly half an hour in the underground tunnel, a journey that had taken only a few seconds for Raydon thanks to Zephyr\'s skill, and they still seemed far from their destination.

Of course, Diam possessed other movement-type skills and summons she could utilize, but they had to traverse the entire distance on foot since the centipede she usually rode as a mount was stored within Samuen\'s dimensional storage. Moreover, lacking a movement-type skill like Zephyr\'s, she was unable to carry someone with her.

\'Finally,\' Raydon sighed with relief as he caught sight of daylight behind Diam after she opened the last door at the end of the underground corridor.

"Huh?" As Raydon and Diam strolled along the long corridors of the mansion, Raydon was taken aback by the sight of the first maid they came across.

Raydon was taken aback not because the maid was a battle maid or anything else of the sort; rather, she was just one of the ordinary maids who worked in the mansion. However, the thing that took him by surprise was the fact that the moment she laid eyes on him, she immediately dropped to her knees.

Raydon\'s gaze remained fixed on the bowing maid, her face pressed to the ground, as he heard Diam\'s voice offering an explanation for her reaction.

"Your presence is too overwhelming for ordinary people to bear," Diam explained.

"Ah, I see," Raydon uttered, a sudden realization dawning upon him.

Since his reawakening and transformation into a high being, only Samuen and the others have been exposed to his presence. And because even the weakest among them possessed enough strength to withstand it, Raydon hadn\'t been aware of the impact his presence had until he witnessed this maid\'s reaction.

\'This could be a problem, \' Raydon muttered, continuing to walk as employees who had previously ignored him now instinctively dropped to their knees upon catching sight of him.

As Raydon continued to walk, he watched how every worker who caught sight of him immediately dropped to their knees. This prompted him to start thinking about the implications of such a reaction in his day-to-day life and how it might affect him. The idea that people would treat him in such a manner on the streets only added to the annoyance he was already feeling, to the point where it exceeded the behavior of Sami and the other people.

Raydon\'s temples throbbed as he pondered a solution to his predicament. \'I need to find a way to deal with this headache,\' he muttered to himself, massaging his temples.

\'Perhaps the aura technique can help me conceal my presence,\' Raydon thought. Recalling how he had successfully hidden his power from Cael and the others using the aura technique to create his domain, he decided to give it another try, hoping it would also help him mask his presence.

\'Is he trying to take control of his presence?\' Diam cast a sideways glance in his direction out of the corner of her eye and felt for a split second the presence she sensed emanating from Raydon ripple.

\'I think this won\'t work. \' Raydon thought.

Even though Raydon was successful in concealing his power through the use of the aura technique, he was still unable to suppress his presence.

\'Wait... Maybe I can use this,\' Raydon muttered to himself. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind, prompting him to swiftly open the title panel and inspect one of his sub-skills.

- Presence Aura (sub-skill): Projects the user\'s commanding presence, imbuing allies with fighting spirit or instilling fear and subjugation in targets within a 2000-meter radius.

\'What if I combine my aura technique with this sub-skill? \' Raydon pondered earnestly, and with conviction, he decided to give it a try.

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